Friday, October 17, 2008

Moving Mountains

"Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. Matthew 17:20-21

Jesus said these words to His disciples after they failed to drive a demon out of a young boy and they asked Jesus why they couldn't do it. You see they had been able to do this on multiple occasions and now they seemed to have hit a snag. My study Bible has a side note that says the disciples failed to make God-rather than their own gifts-the object of their confidence. This is why they failed.

Stormie Omartian said in her book, The Power Of A Praying Wife, "we have authority in the name of Jesus to stop evil and permit good." Our confidence comes from Jesus. As christians do we believe that?

A few years ago, after losing a baby to an ectopic pregnancy, the doctors told my husband and I, we would not be able to conceive a viable pregnancy on our own. They wanted us to proceed with invitro fertilization. Due to my staunch position on Right To Life, I felt this process left the possibility open for decisions about what to do with extra embryos and I just did not want to be in that position. So we told our doctor that we would put our faith in God and if it was His will we would have a child. I'm sure our doctor thought he would never see us again after that day considering I was 40 years old and all of their tests told them it would not happen.

My husband and I began to pray. I studied births in the Bible and saw very clearly that God decided when to open a woman's womb and when not to. I knew we rightly placed our faith in God because He indeed had the power to change our situation. We prayed for a year and had just started to come to the realization that maybe it was not in God's will for us to have a child. We were not defeated by this realization though because we had become much closer to God in this whole process and we took comfort in knowing we were being obedient and that if this was not meant to be there was a reason for it.

However, God did see it in His heart for us to have a baby and exactly one year from losing our child we conceived another, and miraculously it was viable! Our doctor, needless to say, was surprised to see us back in his office. What a humbling experience this must have been for our doctor! God was glorified and raised up above man's efforts.

We have proof that if you put your faith in the One True God through prayer rather than putting your faith in yourself or another human being, miracles do happen. Our mountain moved! Today, our little one is 1 years old and is an absolute joy to all of us!

May your confidence come from God through prayer and may your mountains move as a result!

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