Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Worldy Acceptance VS Heavenly Importance

I read another blog titled A Wise Woman Builds Her Home. Recently, she wrote about women taking back their rightful positions in the home. I posted a comment on her blog about how I had abandoned my post in the home but have since claimed it back. The writer than posted another blog entry titled True Liberation which was sparked by my comments.

Comments are now being posted on her sight asking how one might respond to the world about one's decision to stay home. I can relate to those questions because I do go through the same things.

In January, I wrote the following piece for my Church and it was posted in our church bulletin. We have a writers and storytellers group that shares, in written form, the stories of fellow Christians, in the hopes of bringing inspiration and support to others. Our individual stories are a ministry in themselves. So here's my entry. Hope it helps anyone who might struggle with how they see themselves in the world when they choose to stay at home.

In 2006, I quit my job to be a full-time mother and wife. At the time, all of my children were already in school and many could not understand my decision.

I soon realized that the world has a very narrow view on what constitutes someone as ‘important’ and motherhood does not always fit the bill. My old title and position in business had made me someone important to the world, and in the first few months without the security of those things, I really struggled. I found myself making up titles for myself like Residential CEO or Legacy Builder, so I could sound more important when someone asked me what I did. I even considered having business cards made to add to the illusion. People still want to know if I am ready to go back to work yet.

I had felt God’s gentle nudge to make this lifestyle change and He is where I turned to for help in adjusting to my new situation and in finding the worth in it all. Over time, I noticed I started filling my days with praying, bible reading, listening to Christian radio, and reading Christian books. I began to see my place in the world differently. My desire to please the world became less, as I embraced the heavenly importance of what God had called me to do.

My availability to my husband and children is so crucial in the nurturing of who they will be in Christ. Our home atmosphere has changed so drastically. Instead of constant chaos and hurry, we have order and time. Time to pursue the ‘things’ of God. Time to mentor our daughters and their friends. Time to combat the worldly views our children are bombarded with on a daily basis. Time to allow God to influence and shape us so that we can influence and shape them. We have all grown in our faith and knowledge of God as a result.

Could I have done all these things while pursuing my own career? For me the answer was no. I was so scared to give up the security of what I had worked so hard to achieve but God showed me that when He ordains something, He also provides the grace to do it. He held me up when I struggled to redefine my role in the world. Following His will for my life has filled me up in ways I never could have imagined. The heavenly importance of what I do today, and its benefits, far exceed any form of acceptance this world can offer. Last year, God blessed us with another child, and so my days take on another new dimension in this journey of life. I cannot wait to see the outcome of it all!

1 comment:

The Seaman's said...

thanks for sharing that! I struggle to quit my job as well. but right now, I can't. We are trying to pay all our debt before I can do that. However, if I am blessed with another child, credit card debt or not, i have to stay home. I am very fearful of losing my identity for some reason. but i like what you say that you were able to find structure and order in your home by just staying home is a plus! God bless -sandra.
