Thursday, January 15, 2009

Believe in Truth

At one time the people of the world thought the world was flat until someone went out and actually discovered for themselves that it was round. Upon discovering the truth, it was taught to the world so that they would be informed and no longer continue to believe and teach something that wasn't true.

I believe the same is true for Christians. Once we discover Truth, we can no longer believe the lies of the world. We should feel compelled to tell others so they too can be informed and no longer cling to a lie.

However, not everyone wants to buy into this truth as readily as the world bought into the new concept of a round earth. They call us intolerant, insensitive, or fundamentalist for telling the truth. As if names and labels can cover up the truth they don't want to see.

The people of Judah in the days of Jeremiah did not want to see the truth. In fact, God said they 'cling to deceit' and are 'deceivers' themselves!

"Their tongue is a deadly arrow; it speaks with deceit. With his mouth each speaks cordially to his neighbor, but in his heart he sets a trap for him." Jeremiah 9:8

What the world would like us to believe about who we are, who God is, and what God requires of us leads to death (deadly arrow). However, the truth will set you free and leads to eternal life.

Where do you find God's truth? In creation, in the Bible, in prayer to Him, in the quiet of your heart if you ask Him to enter. The Holy Spirit will teach you who God is and help you to understand His nature, His love for you, His promises for you, and His requirements of you. Trust in Him alone! He is worthy of your full trust.

May you embrace the trusted truth of Christ's redemptive love for you so that you no longer believe the lies of the world. May you come to understand and know Him completely!

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