Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Vacation, A Sick Mom, and as always - Questions

I have had the great fortune of having my husband and children home on vacation for two whole weeks over the holidays!

Unfortunately, I was sick most of the time (just the most terrible sinus cold ever, nothing serious) which kept us at home instead of out pursuing those activities we normally would have done to fill that time.

But that's where God's blessings were found for our family this year. In the quiet of our home, together as a family, gathered around the kitchen table playing board games and talking to each other. In time to read a book and expand our thoughts. In time to take a long, hot bath and converse with God. In time to reconnect with my husband and plan for the new year. In time to rediscover the really important things in life.

How blessed I am to have a husband and children to spend that time with. How blessed I am to have a friend who called me daily to check in on how my health was progressing. How blessed I am to be touched by my Creator who seeks to be with me! I am grateful for the heart to hearts we (God and I) have had the past few days.

I also had some deep thoughts during my wakefulness due to stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, and nose blowing bouts. Thoughts like - What did Adam and Eve do when they got kicked out of the Garden of Eden?

Seriously, what did they do to fill their days? They had no home to lounge around in or clean. They had no children yet to chase after. They had no cars to drive around or maintain. They had no restaurants to go to, or night clubs, movie theaters, or shopping malls. No TV, video games, stereos, or computers. No family to visit. No finances to budget or checkbooks to balance. No books, magazines, or newspapers to read. No grocery shopping to do. No library or movie store. No gym to work out in. No job to go to requiring a time clock to punch. No homework. No sporting events to attend or participate in. All they had was time and maybe some fig leaf clothing.

I assume they quickly established a home base (safe, secure, protected, somewhat sheltered from the elements). I assume they quickly discovered how to find food and water. I assume they quickly discovered a different form of fashion wear so they could ditch the fig leaves. I assume they relied on each other heavily for comfort, companionship, problem solving, creative ideas and expression, and conversation. I assume they desperately sought out the God they had become accustomed to communing with on a daily basis. (Imagine the loss you feel when a loved one dies and compare that now on a grander scale to the loss they felt at being separated from their Creator.) I assume they sought God's approval or advice when they had to make decisions. I assume they consulted with God on how to get along with each other. I assume they remembered how good they once had it and regretted the decision to put themselves above God and were careful to try, try not to let it become a habit with them.

As I compared the options I have to fill my days with the options Adam and Eve had, I wonder who was/is better off. They, had great loss, having tasted what a perfect walk with God was like and now having that stripped away from them but always wanting it back. We, have great distraction, that keeps us from walking as close as we possibly can with God this side of heaven but still always longing to fill that void even when we don't understand what we are seeking.

I am grateful to not have the challenges Adam and Eve had but saddened too that my life has the potential to be filled up with so many things that don't matter. Maybe this year, I'll be able to strip away some of that clutter that keeps me too busy to seek God and to be found by Him.

My 2009 wish for anyone who reads this blog is that you too may be able to set aside some of the distraction in your life and find time to connect with your Creator and be transformed by His vision for you! May God bless and keep you this year!

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