When you look around your neighborhood what do you see today that wasn't present a few years ago? A few new gas stations or restaurants? A new subdivision? A new store?
When you look around your family what do you see today that wasn't present a few years ago? A new child? A new son or daughter-in-law? A new wife or husband?
When you look inside of you what do you see today that wasn't present a few years ago? Maturity? Wisdom? Character?
I ask you first to look back and experience the wonder of what has happened-good or bad, in and around us, in the past few years. Then look forward. What is to come?
Our Pastor gave a message of HOPE yesterday in his sermon. He challenged us to envision what God may want to breathe into existence in us, in our families, in our city, in our state, in our nation, in our world in the upcoming year.
He challenged us to dream big because we worship a BIG God who is all powerful. A God who can create something from what we think is dead or create something from nothing. What an awesome thought!
As Creator of this universe, God knows what is needed, exactly at what point it is needed, and has the power to make it happen! He has a plan and He wants to accomplish that plan through us. He's inviting us to converse with Him on what those plans might be and let us in on how to go about accomplishing them. If we seek His heavenly perspective and ask to share in His dreams, just imagine what He can breathe into existence through us!
The world desperately needs His vision of Hope. Yes, our President-Elect talks about 'change and hope' but you will not find in him, or in his plans for our country, the kind of life transformation needed to set this world on fire. However, you will find it in the plans of our Almighty God.
Our greatest hope lies in the fact the Jesus is coming back! We have an eternal home that is being prepared for us by Him. However, in the meantime, there is much to do here. Will you spend your time in the upcoming year pursuing your own hopes and dreams? Or, will you ask to be aligned with the most perfect plan in the universe? We cannot even begin to phantom the possibilities God has in store for us!
May you dream an eternal dream in 2009 and may you be a part of changing the course of events in our world for the Glory of God!
Monday, January 5, 2009
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