Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blueberries or M&M's?

Have you ever noticed that foods that are naturally blue, red, and yellow are all good for you and encouraged to be a huge part of your daily diet but foods that are artificially colored blue, red, and yellow are usually very bad for you?

Compare blueberries and blue M&M's. One is a super food that improves your health and increases your energy. The other is a deceiving calorie packed, energy depleting snack that looks pretty but isn't at all good for us.

This reminds me that sometimes as Christians we settle for worldly things that appear to be life affirming but turn out to disappoint us in the end and are actually not good for us at all, instead of choosing the things of God which can be trusted to be exactly what we need, every time.

Don't be deceived by the shiny package of lies that the world uses to lure us away from God and his true life affirming gifts.

1 comment:

The Seaman's said...

uhmm...Squash is yellow = good food.
