Monday, September 27, 2010

Spirit of Truth

As we continue to Seek Christ this year and for the rest of our lives, we’ll hear the voice of lies that says we were made to be happy. I’m not buying it y’all. I know that we were made to Glorify God and to make Him known. We need to Seek Christ first and then joy will come. He’s so worth it, and I pray that our youth will understand this and live it. May we at the end of our lives say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith!” – 2 Timothy 4:7

These words were part of an email my husband received this morning. The sender is the youth leader at our church where my husband is a small group leader for sixth grade boys. The email is to prepare the small group leaders for the material that will be taught this week.

I found it so ironic that this week's topic is about listening to the Voice of Truth and how the 'pursuit of Jesus' is better than the 'pursuit of happiness', considering my own personal struggle with this idea the past two weeks.

It goes to show none of us are immune to the lies or competing voices. We need to fill ourselves up with the Word of God, hear the Voice of Truth, so we can discern the lies from the truth ourselves.

Pursue Christ instead of earthly treasure and you will find pure joy and lasting happiness!

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