Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kept By the Spirit

My last blog post titled, Do the Lives of Others Look Good To You? was not really about who other people are or are not but had to do more with the state of my own heart at the time. I was being real about what I was struggling with at the moment.

For those of you who read my posts, this is what I want you to know about my last post:

My own heart was trying to deceive me and turn me from the path of God. My own heart was lying to me about what I need. My own heart was trying to destroy me. I was wrestling with my own heart.


I was kept by the Spirit!

The world under Satan's control lies to us all the time. But, do we realize that our own hearts do the same? Our natural self is evil because of sin. We naturally want the things opposite of God. So, we are in a constant spiritual battle between our will and God's will.

Sometimes we give in to our own wills and begin to turn our backs to God. If we turn completely away and begin walking in the opposite direction, we will soon find ourselves wandering in the far off land - lost.

Christians do turn once in awhile. I believe they even begin walking and sometimes do get lost in the far off land.

However, the Holy Spirit living in us, sends us warning signals, convicts us of the fact that we have chosen the wrong direction, and will steer us back on course if we cooperate.

Cooperation = heeding the warning, turning back, and asking for forgiveness.

If we choose to ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit and continue on our merry way, I am confident God will orchastrate a grand rescue to bring us back home. It says in the bible that not one of his can be snatched from his hand. So, whether it is Satan, the world, or our own hearts that lead us astray it is only temporary; God will prevail in the end because Jesus has paid the price for us and we are his treasured people.

So, I was turning.

The Holy Spirit used my husband's words to convict me.

I cooperated. I heeded the warning. I realized what I was walking towards was a lie, a fake substitute, a fleeting fulfillment. I had turned away from the truth, from the power to overcome, and from the only true source of peace and joy because I beleived a lie. I realized it only because of the power of the Holy Spirit to convict who lives in me.

I turned back to God. I repented of my sin and he restored me unto him.

I believe it's important for Christians to be real with other Christians. To be honest that we all struggle, that we're not perfect yet, and we all still need a Savior! It's even more important to point out the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us.

My bible verse for this blog is Psalm 66:16 Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.

I'm letting you know what he has done for me.

He has saved me from my own heart by his perfect truth. I have been kept by the Spirit!

Thank you Lord Jesus for your gift of salvation and for the gift of the Holy Spirit that continues to keep us until you return to gather us home!

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