Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Will You SEE?

I get the sense that a lot of people are discovering things about America that until just recently, they didn't know existed in the fabric of our people, and they have no clue how we got here. Nevertheless, things just seem to go from bad to worse when they really dig into the state of our union.

I know the financial state is the foremost on every one's minds these days. However, maybe the bad economy is designed to break our greed and consumption state of mind, so we can open our minds to really see where we have ALLOWED our country to drift. These 'sudden awakenings' have in truth been brewing for a long time but we have been to 'fat and happy' to care.

Now, that we have to redefine happiness because we can no longer find it in the mindless spending of the past , we don't like what we see happening around us.

The real question is: What will Americans do about it?

Will you 'see', but forget you saw?

Will you 'see', and do nothing?

Will you 'see', and buy into the program yourself?


Will you 'see', and take action to change it?

As a christian, will you SEE abortion, the gay rights movement, the socialist agenda, the Darwinism teaching, the moving away from God in our lives as something you will forget, allow to continue, support wholeheartedly, or take action against? What will it be?

God is trying to show us so much right now.

Will you SEE?
Will you SEE things His way?
Will you SEEK His will in these things?
Will you STEP UP for His kingdom?
Will you SEE?

May we all be willing to SEE all the things God wants to show us and may we all take the time to understand what it is He wants us to do about it. May we seek to aid His Kingdom and be His agents here on earth in the furthering that Kingdom!

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