Monday, February 9, 2009

From Where Shall Our Help Come?

Jeremiah 17:5
This is what the LORD says:
"Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who depends on flesh for his strength
and whose heart turns away from the LORD

I've heard some say that Americans have looked to President Obama as our Savior, as the one who will save us from the mess we ourselves have made of our country. I dare say, this is a dangerous assumption based on the verse above. Man is nothing compared to God! It doesn't matter how well someone speaks, or how much schooling they have had, or how decisive they seem to be in making decisions. Man is not the answer to our earthly problems. What does God say will happen to those that put their trust and dependence in man and thus reject God's authority and provision? CURSED!!

Jeremiah 17:7
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.

Where should our trust be placed? In our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who truly saves. In the Father who created the entire universe. In the One that knows every hair on our head and knows what we need in every circumstance. In the Holy Spirit who guides us and protects us in our distress. What is the outcome of the man that trust in the Lord for help? BLESSED!!

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers." - President Obama in his inauguration speech.

I am afraid the country as a whole does not put its' faith in the God that truly saves. In fact, I wonder how many Americans actually profess a saving faith in Jesus Christ -even from the Christian communities. This is important because we cannot expect God's favor, provision, and blessing as a nation, if our nation does not even recognize Him as our King!

What can we, as Christians, do for our country? We can . . .


We must repent of our own sins against our rejection of God as our final authority and as King in our own lives.

We must pray that God forgives us as a nation, and that He shows us through the Holy Spirit how to be obedient and dependent on Him fully in the future.

We must serve in the areas where God calls us to be His ambassadors, whether that is in our homes, workplace, communities, or in government. When we execute our responsibilities and duties based on a ethical standard received from the creator of all, we bring glory and honor to our Father in heaven.

We must see the world President Obama sees, (Muslims, Hindus, Jews, non-believers) as children of God who are lost and are away from their Father. If we see them as lost to hell's eternity, we become more concerned about their afterlife, then about their present life. We must evangelize the Good News of Jesus love and sacrifice.

If our nation truly became Christ followers in word and deed, just imagine the glory that will point back to God for all the world to see! Just imagine the blessings he will bestow on His children who walk in obedience to Him and under His authority! It is good for us to rest in the Lord!

May you know that their is one we can turn to for help in our time of need! One that knows exactly what we need and wants to bless us with all that He has to offer. May you recognize that One as Christ, the only giver of eternal life!

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