Friday, February 13, 2009

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Delight, Part 4

(Number 6 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3,4,5)

The last of the five senses to explore for pleasure are SMELL and TOUCH.


  1. Salt Air: I love being by the ocean for a lot of reason but one of them is the smell of the salty air.
  2. Fresh Baked Bread: Bread is a comfort food and so I guess the smell of bread makes me feel comforted.
  3. My Husband's Scent: Whether it is his cologne, deodorant, or his own natural scent, I love the way my husband smells. He doesn't understand why, but his best smell for me is when he has just finished up some very strenuous work and he's hot and sweaty. There's something very masculine and attractive about a man who works hard.
  4. Campfire: Campfires represent people gathered around for fun and fellowship. When I smell a campfire I connect people talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and story telling. It's fun in the making.
  5. Cut hay/grass: I love the smell a fresh cut hay field or a freshly mowed lawn. It reminds me it's not winter!!


  1. Wind: You can't see it. You can't grab it and hang on to it and go along for the ride. It has a mind of it's own and can't be told what to do. You can't capture it. It's unbridled, free! But, it can be a like a soft whisper that gently brushes past you, fussing just enough to let you know it passed by. Or, it can be forceful, knocking you down, as it rushes past you in a hurry to get somewhere. The wind can be quiet, gentle, and peaceful as you swing gently in a hammock. Or, it can be loud and roaring, silencing the rest of the world as you walk along the beach. Regardless of the way the wind represents itself, it does always remind you that you are not alone. It's a reminder to me that there are things we can't see, just beyond our grasp, like God. It's gentleness and power represent God's attributes.
  2. Warm Sunshine: Soaking up the sun is a favorite past time, not for the tanning purposes, but for the penetrating warmth it provides. When you live in Wisconsin, the sun and it's warmth are appreciated. The best is on a crisp Fall day but with bright sunshine that seems to penetrate down to your bones to warm you from the chilly air.
  3. Hugs: Who doesn't love to get entangled with another human being? Nothing shows you more that you matter and not alone in this world, than a hug from someone. It doesn't even have to be from someone you know. Sometimes the hug of a stranger is exactly what you needed. Nevertheless, a hug from your spouse or child is a great gift. We were anatomically created perfectly to hug each other. It's amazing!
  4. Making Love to your Spouse: I won't go into details but you and I both know this is one of the greatest gifts given to a man and wife for intimacy and expression of love.
  5. Snuggling with your kids: My favorite part of the day is bed time because I get to rock my littlest one and then snuggle with the older ones a bit, before tucking them in for the night. Connecting with your family is so important for all involved.

As I went through the exercise to discover what gratifies my senses, I became acutely aware of how (I would argue everyone of them) were created or given by God! It's been a long time since I showed appreciation to God for these things. I may have taken them for granted and definitely forgot where they came from. In a society so busy and rushed to get somewhere we fail to take the time to appreciate the sights and sounds along the way. There is beauty and wonder in even the smallest things and we could be enjoying life so much more if we took the time to look, listen, taste, smell, and touch more.

Our Creator has blessed us with so much! I know I pray a lot for God to give me 'such and such'. There always seems to be something else I think I need, BUT have I forgotten what He has already given me and I really want for nothing in this life!

Imagine a life without the things that brings pleasure to our senses. Imagine what a dark, dull, lonely world that would be.

Our Creator has given us everything we need to be happy and this is one reason why we should love our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Can you see how much he first loved us? He put so much thought and planning and foresight into providing the things we would need and enjoy in this life. He gave his all to us in his creation. We have to give him credit and appreciation back, thanking him all the days of our lives!

May you truly appreciate your Creator's love and devotion to you, and return it back to him in thanksgiving, dependence, and love of Him above all else!

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