Friday, February 27, 2009

How Would We Measure Up Today?

Jeremiah 22:3-5 (New International Version)

3 This is what the LORD says:

- Do what is just and right.

- Rescue from the hand of his oppressor the one who has been robbed.

- Do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherless or the widow,

- and do not shed innocent blood in this place.

4 For if you are careful to carry out these commands, then kings who sit on David's throne will come through the gates of this palace, riding in chariots and on horses, accompanied by their officials and their people.

5 But if you do not obey these commands, declares the LORD, I swear by myself that this palace will become a ruin.' "

These are the words of the Lord, given to the prophet Jeremiah, to speak in the palace of the King of Judah. They are instructions on how the God ordained government system should function, and specifies the result for either obedience or disobedience.

Our country was founded on the principle that we were subject to God as the higher authority and the bible was the source of determining how we viewed right and wrong. Our government was established to serve the people in a manner consistent with God's value system.

You can determine for yourself how we are living up to this principle today. I, however, would like to correlate these commands to another God ordained social institution, the family.

If we were to view the family as designed by God in the same manner as the government, with God at the head, parents subject to God, and children subject to the parents, then we could very well apply these commands to the family. So, I have a few questions to ask in the hopes of generating thoughtful reflection of how we are living up to these commands within our family situations.

1. Who is our highest authority? Who's rule do we ultimately fall under in our households? Who's will do we seek in our comings and goings? Who do we place our trust in? Who do we answer to?

2. Do we have a biblical understanding of what is just and right? Do we seek God's wisdom is our decision making? Do we understand the difference between ethical and moral? Do we fall to the culture or stand firm to biblical principles even when unpopular?

3. Are we protecting and caring for our children? Do we place their needs above our own? Do we faithfully, consistently, and unselfishly give of ourselves to them? Do we desire to raise them up in the knowledge and love of the Lord? Are we staying active and present in their everyday lives? Are we staying in our marriages? Are we caring for our parents? Are we accepting our responsibilities?

4. Are we being kind and mild mannered to our family members? Are we speaking words of love, encouragement, compassion, and acceptance to those we love? Are we seeking to serve, rather than to be served? Are we forgiving and flexible?

5. Are we protecting the rights of the weak, poor, young, and elderly in our families, city, state, country, world? Are we speaking up for those that cannot speak for themselves? Are we shedding light on problems and inexcusable actions against humanity, as to be heard and invoke change?

This morning when I read this verses, I couldn't help but think that this applied not only to the government, but also to families, and, secondly, both the American family and the American government are failing in these areas. We are no better than the people of Judah from this story in Jeremiah. I am convinced that just as God was angered at the people of Judah, He is angry at us today for the same exact reasons.

Yes, we have the grace of Jesus Christ to cover us, but we should be ashamed, and we should be begging for forgiveness! We deserve punishment just as they did, and it may be coming, unless we humble ourselves before God. The theme of Jeremiah seems to be Remember, Return, Repent.

May we realign our hearts, putting ourselves once again under God's authority, so that we may live a God pleasing life and live in peace. May God show us where we need to repent, and may we turn away from those actions, returning to the will of God. May God bless our efforts and our humility.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Great Commandments - Benevolence Toward the Interest of His Kingdom

In continuing the understanding of how to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, today I am going to look at the part of the definition of love from Webster's 1828 dictionary that says. . . Benevolence toward the interest of His Kingdom.

What are the interest of God's Kingdom?

God created the entire universe, man, all of the laws of nature, and all of our social institutions. He created us in His image and to be in relationship with Him. He has shared with us that the best way to live out our lives is in obedience to him. We find this blueprint for living in both creation (an example), the Bible (his words), and in the life of Jesus (another example).

I would say the interest of his kingdom is first and foremost that all people would know Him as Creator and as Lord and Savior. This is realizing a saving faith that will bring you into an eternal relationship with the Father and is only available through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. The very fact that Jesus-God himself-humbled himself to become man, and take our punishment for us, shows the extent in which God will go to further the interest of His Kingdom.

Secondly, that we would all live in obedience to His rule and under his Lordship here on earth. We are the safest, happiest, and most at peace when we are living in His will for our lives. He has given us examples all around us in nature to show us how perfect we can be when we live the way we designed to live. Just as a flower that shoots up from the ground and eventually blooms in perfect harmony with God's plan for it, we, too, can spring forth and bloom when we live as God intended for us. Imagine if a flower, thinking it knew better, went off on it's own and tried to become a monkey. The flower would fail miserably in its quest and destroy itself, never reaching it's full potential. We, too fail miserably and destroy ourselves when we think we know better than God. God created us perfectly and beautifully and with great unique capabilities. He knows what is best for us and we are the most complete when we live out that reality.

Thirdly, I would say God sees his masterpiece world ruined and cursed by sin and He grieves with compassion for His people. I believe He wants to use those of us that have already embraced Him as Lord, to touch the lives of those all around us who still struggle and hurt under the oppression of living apart from Him. He wants to further His Kingdom here on earth by using us to tell others about Him, to love all of His creations, and to implement His laws here on earth (at the very least in the hearts of families). There are many opportunities to match our God given talents and abilities in creatively meeting the needs of the world.

We love God because He first loved us and has been executing a purposeful plan since the beginning. He has covered our shortcomings with the blood of Jesus. He has given us rules to live by that are in our best interest. He gives us work to do so that we can be not only a part of His family but part of the very important job of furthering the Kingdom. We have heavenly responsibilities!

We love God because He has included us in His plan for His Kingdom and guaranteed us a place in the eternal heavens right beside Him, as heirs to the Kingdom!

Will You SEE?

I get the sense that a lot of people are discovering things about America that until just recently, they didn't know existed in the fabric of our people, and they have no clue how we got here. Nevertheless, things just seem to go from bad to worse when they really dig into the state of our union.

I know the financial state is the foremost on every one's minds these days. However, maybe the bad economy is designed to break our greed and consumption state of mind, so we can open our minds to really see where we have ALLOWED our country to drift. These 'sudden awakenings' have in truth been brewing for a long time but we have been to 'fat and happy' to care.

Now, that we have to redefine happiness because we can no longer find it in the mindless spending of the past , we don't like what we see happening around us.

The real question is: What will Americans do about it?

Will you 'see', but forget you saw?

Will you 'see', and do nothing?

Will you 'see', and buy into the program yourself?


Will you 'see', and take action to change it?

As a christian, will you SEE abortion, the gay rights movement, the socialist agenda, the Darwinism teaching, the moving away from God in our lives as something you will forget, allow to continue, support wholeheartedly, or take action against? What will it be?

God is trying to show us so much right now.

Will you SEE?
Will you SEE things His way?
Will you SEEK His will in these things?
Will you STEP UP for His kingdom?
Will you SEE?

May we all be willing to SEE all the things God wants to show us and may we all take the time to understand what it is He wants us to do about it. May we seek to aid His Kingdom and be His agents here on earth in the furthering that Kingdom!

Friday, February 20, 2009

CNBC Video

CNBC's Rick Santelli and the traders on the floor of the CBOE express outrage over the notion they may have to pay their neighbor's mortgage, particularly if they bought far more house than they could actually afford, with Jason Roney, Sharmac Capital.

From a liberal station no less!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Associated Press: Pope tells Nancy Pelosi life must be protected

The Associated Press: Pope tells Nancy Pelosi life must be protected

I have been praying since the inauguration that our leaders in government have a heart transformation that changes their position or thinking on issues such as abortion. I was encouraged by this article. Although, I did not hear anything from Nancy Pelosi herself in regard to what the Pope instructed her on in regards to right to life issues, I am encouraged that the most important teacher to the Catholic faith had the opportunity to counsel her.

As a Catholic, I would think anyone who had the privilege of conversation with the Pope would take his teaching very seriously and weigh his words carefully. So, I am in great hope that his words will echo in her mind these next few years, and along with the prayers of the Christians of the United States, Mrs. Pelosi will have a change of heart on how she views abortion and that those changed views will translate into policy.

Join me in praying for the administration and our leaders in this way! Prayer does work and God does hear.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Great Commandments- Complacency in God's Attributes

(Number 10 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

I've been studying what it means to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. In the 1828 Webster's dictionary, one part of the definition of love is. . . the Christian loves God with the love of complacency in his attributes.

It took me a little bit to understand what Noah Webster was trying to say with this because the word 'complacency' in the definition threw me off. However, I believe he was trying to tell us we love God because he does not change- he remains the same throughout eternity.

"I the LORD do not change." Malachi 3:6a

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Knowing that God does not change is important to the faith and trust we place in Him. We trust that what God said and did in the past is still true today. We trust He hasn't changed His mind on His plan for humanity. We trust that He is still a God who keeps His promises.

Have you ever fallen in love with someone based on who you thought that person was, only to find out later that it was all a facade, and the person was nothing like you originally thought?

Or, maybe you became friends with someone who seemed to have similar interests as you. Then, you found out the person was playing a part because they were to afraid to be their true self around you but, nevertheless, they were not the person you thought them to be.

It can be devastating when you begin to trust in someone and make commitments based on who you perceive someone to be, only to find out they are not at all like you thought. It's hard to trust anyone again after being deceived.

Satan works like this. Deceiving us into thinking he has our best interest at heart, that he is good for us, and he gets us to go along with him. Then, he turns out to be this hopeless, disgusting, evil beast that we greatly misjudged. We are left empty, broken, and alone.

However, we don't have to worry about that with God because He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. There is no deceit or sin in Him. He is perfect and unchanging, and because of that we can have complete trust and faith in Him. He is worthy of our total surrender! He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life! We can trust in His Word as Truth, and so we have another reason why He should have our total devotion and love.

May you really see the unchanging qualities of our Lord and completely trust in Him in total surrender. Oh, what sweet bliss to rest in Him!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jeremiah 18:5-10

If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and
if that nation I warned repents of its evil,
then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.


if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, and
if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me,
then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.

Jeremiah 18:5-10

Jeremiah is full of If, If, Then statements and these can serve as warnings to us today, too!

I took note of the word 'announce' in these verses. God just has to say something and it comes into existence, just like when He created the universe. God said, Let there be light. . .

I found comfort in these passages first because I can see how God is involved in what is going on in the world. Nothing slips His gaze or is hidden from Him. He has the power to raise us up or tear us down. He has the power to rise up a brand new nation - just like that - for His own purposes.

Secondly, I found comfort because God is patient and ultimately wants to bless us, not destroy us. He will destroy us if we don't heed His warning but He gives us plenty of warning and time to see the error of our ways. If we repent and obey then He will relent.

Friends, we are seeing God's warning shots all around us. Will we take heed? Will we examine our hearts and see how far we have strayed away from His will for our lives? Will we search out our sins and humbly repent, as individuals and as a nation? Will we turn our hearts back to God and make Him first in our lives again? Our nation was founded on biblical foundations and we must return God to His rightful place as our King.

May we all see the connection between how we live our lives and the blessings/curses of our nation. May we remember, repent, and return!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Desire, Part 7

(Number 9 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Another part of the definition of 'pleasure' is: the expectation of good.

We love what we derive pleasure from and we derive pleasure from the expectation of good. But what does this mean? Well, I think it is referring to HOPE. As Christians, what do we hope for most? We hope that what we believe about Jesus is true! Our faith is really a trust and hope that God's Word is truth!

John 3:16 says, 'God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life'. Eternal life with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is our expectation of good, our faithful hope! God first loved us. God first pursued us. We love God in return for what He has already given but we also love God for what He has promised to give us, eternal life.

Eternal life will be lived out with God in heaven. We've been given glimpses of heaven in bible. Human words cannot even begin to describe what heaven will be like for us. However, we know heaven will be beautiful, brilliant, and filled with God's glory. There will be no more earthly curse. We will be given new bodies. Revelations 21:: says, He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away. In a world that is dying, a world filled with pain and suffering and evil, we place hope (expectation of good to come) in the promise that we will live in heaven with Jesus without the cursed things and trappings of this world.

We expect a better future than our present. As Christians, we believe we are not of this world, our home is elsewhere. So, we expect to go HOME! That is our good expectation! To be home in our Father's arms, happy and safe, loved and adored, forever worshipping our Lord who made it all possible.

May you love your Lord because you have great expectations of coming home someday because He made it possible. May your faith, hope, and trust be in the truth of God's Word and keep you all the days of your life!

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Desire, Part 6

(Number 8 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

Another part of the definition of 'pleasure' is: excitement, relish, or happiness produced by enjoyment.


1. Reading
2. Studying
3. Writing
4. Resting
5. Eating
6. Snuggling
7. Basketball
8. Cooking
9. Spending time with Family/Friends
10. Traveling

There are plenty of things I enjoy doing in this lifetime but I limited my list to only 10 for now. However, let's just think about these 10 for a minute. These 10 sometimes engage my body or heart, but all 10 engage my mind.

Where did our ability to think, dream, create, learn, absorb and process information, memorize, relate and connect with others, make decisions, plan and strategize, command our bodies to function, calculate, organize thoughts, invent, and communicate come from?

ANSWER: God the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth!

We cannot help but love the One from whom our life springs forth when we ponder all that He has given us? We cannot help but love the One who holds the blueprints for all of life and who controls and commands the universe, when we considered all that He has made. But we must ponder and consider first.

When we connect all that is, and all we are, with the Divine Creator, we see His power, majesty, love, and relational desire for us, and that love draws us in. When we really see how far His love for us has gone, all the way to the cross; we fall in love with our Maker BECAUSE of what He has done for us and BECAUSE of his love for us.

When we really grasp that love, sacrifice, and all-mighty power we are left breathless, humbled, and forever dependent. My heart wants to put Him first, to love Him above all else, to be forever in His good graces and, yet, I know I will struggle to do this. But just as He has provided for everything else in life, He has also provided the fail safe, in Jesus, to cover what I cannot do.

I am starting to see more completely WHY I should love my Lord more than anything else, and I desire to do so. Nevertheless, I also see my inability to consistently do so and I have to rely on Him for help, even in this task.

May your mind connect your heart to the Creator and to all of His work, so that you will forever want to pursue God that way He pursues you!

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Delight, Part 5

(Number 7 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6)

Another part of the definition of pleasure that I will explore is 'agreeable sensations and emotions'.

I am struggling where to start with this discussion. Let's look at a baby first and understand what a baby might describe as agreeable sensations and emotions.


This is getting easier now as I just progress in my mind into the teen years, adulthood, and elderly.


The list could go on for a long time. There are so many emotions and sensations we can feel inside of ourselves and we can cause them to flow external from us, to share with others. What a beautiful gift it is to FEEL. I know sometimes the feelings are not agreeable but we could not fully appreciate the good sensations without an understanding of the bad.

When we experience the good feelings, do we ever thank God for not only the experience that led to the feeling, but also for the ability to feel it? How beautifully made we are inside and out! So many parts to us, some that can't even be seen but only described. How can this be attributed to anything else other than 'Intelligent Design' by a Creator?

May you appreciate all that you ARE and in who's image you were made. May you always remember the beautiful gifts given to you by God and be thankful for them and use them in praise and honor to Him!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Delight, Part 4

(Number 6 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3,4,5)

The last of the five senses to explore for pleasure are SMELL and TOUCH.


  1. Salt Air: I love being by the ocean for a lot of reason but one of them is the smell of the salty air.
  2. Fresh Baked Bread: Bread is a comfort food and so I guess the smell of bread makes me feel comforted.
  3. My Husband's Scent: Whether it is his cologne, deodorant, or his own natural scent, I love the way my husband smells. He doesn't understand why, but his best smell for me is when he has just finished up some very strenuous work and he's hot and sweaty. There's something very masculine and attractive about a man who works hard.
  4. Campfire: Campfires represent people gathered around for fun and fellowship. When I smell a campfire I connect people talking, laughing, eating, drinking, and story telling. It's fun in the making.
  5. Cut hay/grass: I love the smell a fresh cut hay field or a freshly mowed lawn. It reminds me it's not winter!!


  1. Wind: You can't see it. You can't grab it and hang on to it and go along for the ride. It has a mind of it's own and can't be told what to do. You can't capture it. It's unbridled, free! But, it can be a like a soft whisper that gently brushes past you, fussing just enough to let you know it passed by. Or, it can be forceful, knocking you down, as it rushes past you in a hurry to get somewhere. The wind can be quiet, gentle, and peaceful as you swing gently in a hammock. Or, it can be loud and roaring, silencing the rest of the world as you walk along the beach. Regardless of the way the wind represents itself, it does always remind you that you are not alone. It's a reminder to me that there are things we can't see, just beyond our grasp, like God. It's gentleness and power represent God's attributes.
  2. Warm Sunshine: Soaking up the sun is a favorite past time, not for the tanning purposes, but for the penetrating warmth it provides. When you live in Wisconsin, the sun and it's warmth are appreciated. The best is on a crisp Fall day but with bright sunshine that seems to penetrate down to your bones to warm you from the chilly air.
  3. Hugs: Who doesn't love to get entangled with another human being? Nothing shows you more that you matter and not alone in this world, than a hug from someone. It doesn't even have to be from someone you know. Sometimes the hug of a stranger is exactly what you needed. Nevertheless, a hug from your spouse or child is a great gift. We were anatomically created perfectly to hug each other. It's amazing!
  4. Making Love to your Spouse: I won't go into details but you and I both know this is one of the greatest gifts given to a man and wife for intimacy and expression of love.
  5. Snuggling with your kids: My favorite part of the day is bed time because I get to rock my littlest one and then snuggle with the older ones a bit, before tucking them in for the night. Connecting with your family is so important for all involved.

As I went through the exercise to discover what gratifies my senses, I became acutely aware of how (I would argue everyone of them) were created or given by God! It's been a long time since I showed appreciation to God for these things. I may have taken them for granted and definitely forgot where they came from. In a society so busy and rushed to get somewhere we fail to take the time to appreciate the sights and sounds along the way. There is beauty and wonder in even the smallest things and we could be enjoying life so much more if we took the time to look, listen, taste, smell, and touch more.

Our Creator has blessed us with so much! I know I pray a lot for God to give me 'such and such'. There always seems to be something else I think I need, BUT have I forgotten what He has already given me and I really want for nothing in this life!

Imagine a life without the things that brings pleasure to our senses. Imagine what a dark, dull, lonely world that would be.

Our Creator has given us everything we need to be happy and this is one reason why we should love our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Can you see how much he first loved us? He put so much thought and planning and foresight into providing the things we would need and enjoy in this life. He gave his all to us in his creation. We have to give him credit and appreciation back, thanking him all the days of our lives!

May you truly appreciate your Creator's love and devotion to you, and return it back to him in thanksgiving, dependence, and love of Him above all else!

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Delight, Part 3

(Number 5 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3,4)

Continuing on with the definition of pleasure being the gratification of the senses and the mind, we will explore my SOUND and TASTE pleasures today.


  1. Water/Waves: The strong, rhythmic beating sound of the ocean can lull your soul into a peaceful calm. A streaming brook flowing over rocks can do the same thing. It's peaceful!
  2. Music: Nothing can get your heart pumping, your body moving quite like music. From the soothing sounds of classical and jazz, to the disco and hip hop dance beats, to the country twangs, to the island sounds, and to the tribal drums; music can transport your soul. It can serve as a reminder to a past situation or person. It can make you feel light- hearted and carefree. It can make you feel strong. It can reduce you to tears. It touches our emotions and our heart. There's also the music of nature - birds chirping, grasses blowing in the wind, frogs in the marshes.
  3. Giggles: I don't know about you but when my daughters giggle it is infectious. You cannot help but giggle yourself. Giggling releases stress, lightens your mood, makes you forget everything else but the relish of being in the moment. Giggles are beautiful sounds at any age!
  4. Compliments: Who doesn't love to hear a compliment or a kind word from someone?
  5. Tick/Tock Clocks: Some people may be annoyed by this but when a room is so quiet that the only thing you can hear is the faint sound of the clock ticking, I am completely happy. Most days I have kids running around or lots of distractions going on, but if I can slip away for a minute, just a minute, to a quiet spot, then I can regroup and re-energerize.
  6. Church Bells ringing: My husband and I stayed at a bed and breakfast last year for our anniversary. We stayed in a upstairs bedroom and slept with the window open. At 7 AM sharp, we were awakened by the ringing of the church bells from the Catholic church two buildings down from our inn. We were sleeping in a large, canopy, Victorian style bed with old fashioned quilts. The combination of the bed, room, church bells, and curtains gently blowing in the breeze made for such a peaceful, pleasant transition from sleep to awake. It is a memory I think of often.


  1. Chocolate: Honestly, what woman would not put this on her list!
  2. Garlic: A meal containing garlic is one made with love and I'm not even Italian!
  3. Cheesecake: Need I say more?
  4. Grilled Steak: Now, I wish spring were here and the grill was ready to fire up!
  5. Watermelon: The refreshing cool and juiciness of watermelon on a hot summer day can't be beat!

What would be on your list? I hope you're taking the time to create one. It's been so much fun.

I have also been able to appreciate the gifts of God again. I told my husband that when creating my list, I sometimes had to go back to my childhood to find the things that bring me pleasure. I realized that many of my preferences were formed as a child and many are from nature. This made me think that we spend too much time indoors and not enough time in nature. Our kids, too, spend too much time indoors. I fear that when we are inside we only see the things man created - houses, TV programs, etc. and we are neglecting to connect our children (and ourselves) with God's creations. No wonder we are so egotistical and self absorbed people. We need to get outside, experience nature, connect nature with our creator, appreciate the gifts he has given us, and praise him for that creative, imagination that far surpasses anything man could come up with.

I love my Lord for the sounds and taste he has provided through His creation for my pleasure and serenity! He knows all our needs and provides for them all!

May you rediscover the outdoors and the pleasure and serenity it can provide to your soul and may you give thanks to the creator for meeting your needs in this way!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Delight, Part 2

(Number 4 in a series, see numbers 1,2,3)

OK, I've been examining what it means to 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all mind and with all your strength. So far, we have defined the word love, and in the verb definition it states 'we love whatever gives us pleasure and delight'. So, we also looked up the definition of pleasure and delight.

Today I'd like to examine the part of the definition of 'pleasure' that states: The gratification of the senses or of the mind.

What are our five senses?


Last night I tried to examine how God might gratify these five senses in me. My first thoughts were God is unseen. He's just beyond my senses. I cannot see him, hear him, taste him, smell him, or touch him. In fact, how many people have you heard say, 'How can I believe in a God that I can't see, hear, or touch'?
I was struggling with how I would define this until I tried to break it down. I took out a piece of paper and wrote five headings across the top of the page.

Sight Sound Taste Smell Touch

I, then, began to think about the things in each category that bring me pleasure. This was a very interesting exercise (I recommend you making your own list). In this entry, I'll share what I came up with for Sight and then I'll share the others in another blog entry.

  1. Color: Have you ever really appreciated all the different shades and hues of color and the impact each can have on your psyche?
  2. Sunrises/Sunsets: These are my most favorite optical pleasures. The color, the depth, the artistic expression of a sunrise or sunset draws me in like nothing else can. Every time I see the beauty of the sun rising or setting over the horizon, I think about how creative and artistically expressive our God is.
  3. Sunshine: Nothing motivates me more than a sunny day. I get my best work done when the sun shines bright in the sky. My mood is also way better!
  4. Eyes: The gateway to the soul. I love to gaze into the eyes of my husband or my children. It can connect you to another like nothing else can.
  5. Storms/Rainbows: I remember standing on the hill in the backyard or in the safety of our garage with my dad as a kid, watching the storms roll in. In fact, this probably engaged all of my senses. We'd watch the clouds form, the lightening splatter across the dark sky, the rain come down in sheets, and then search for the rainbow in the sky. Do you remember the excitement of seeing the rainbow in the sky and trying to find the pot of gold? If you were really lucky, maybe a double rainbow!
  6. Snowflakes: I remember learning as a kid that no two snowflakes were exactly the same, and I spent a lot of time trying to disprove that idea. I remember being memorized by snowflakes stuck to a window, trying to see the slight difference between them, but instead being completely amazed by their delicacy and uniqueness.
  7. Mountains/Valleys: The first time we drove through the mountains of Tennessee and South Carolina, I was completely breathless. The beauty and massiveness of the peaks and valleys really put you in perspective. The world is huge and you are so tiny compared to it. We flew over the Washington State mountains when we landed in Seattle and the view from above is just as breathtaking. I can't imagine what a huge mountain like the Himalayas looks like.
  8. Redwood Trees: I've never seen one in person, but when you see them in pictures, you can't help but be impressed by their size. I love the pictures of a person sitting at the foot of a redwood and seeing this massive width of tree spanning behind them. What an example of strength.
  9. Oceans: One of my most favorite places to be is near the ocean. We've been to the shores of both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and this is another area that stirs all of my senses. The vast water that seems to join with the sky on the horizon and go on forever is so beautiful. If you combine a sunrise, sunset, or a storm rolling in, then I'm pretty much in heaven right there. It doesn't get any better than that for me.

I can see already how the things that bring me pleasure, just under the heading of sight, connect back to God.

Who made these things?

God made everyone of them!

He uniquely crafted, designed, created, and gave life to each of the things on my list. The imagination of God is incredible. He made all of these things for us to enjoy, to gratify our senses, to bring us joy. When I look at these things that bring me pleasure with purpose, as I did in this exercise, I see my Lord! God's imprint is everywhere! All of creation testifies to God!

I love God because of the pleasure He brings to my sight! A pleasure that no one else is able to duplicate or create. These are only from God - there is no one greater than He!

I can't wait to get on to Sound next.

May you take the time to make your own pleasurable SIGHT list and give thanks and glory to God for the wonderful gifts he has blessed us with in the universe!

The Great Commandments - Pleasure & Delight, Part 1

(Number 3 in a series, see number 1 and 2)

Pleasure and Delight

Do I derive pleasure and delight from my relationship with God? Before I can answer, I first need to look up the words pleasure and delight to fully understand them. Again, definitions come from Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

PLEASURE, n. plezh'ur.
1. The gratification of the senses or of the mind; agreeable sensations or emotions; the excitement, relish or happiness produced by enjoyment or the expectation of good; opposed to pain. We receive pleasure from the indulgence of appetite; from the view of a beautiful landscape; from the harmony of sounds; from agreeable society; from the expectation of seeing an absent friend; from the prospect of gain or success of any kind. Pleasure, bodily and mental, carnal and spiritual, constitutes the whole of positive happiness, as pain constitutes the whole of misery.

1. A high degree of pleasure, or satisfaction of mind; joy.
His delight is in the law of the Lord. Psa 1.
2. That which gives great pleasure; that which affords delight.
Titus was the delight of human kind.
I was daily his delight. Prov 8.
Delight is a more permanent pleasure than joy, and not dependent on sudden excitement.

1. To affect with great pleasure; to please highly; to give or afford high satisfaction or joy; as, a beautiful landscape delights the eye; harmony delights the ear; the good conduct of children, and especially their piety, delights their parents.
I will delight myself in thy statutes. Psa 119.
2. To receive great pleasure in.
I delight to do thy will. Psa 40:8.
DELIGHT, v.i. To have or take great pleasure; to be greatly pleased or rejoiced; followed by in.
I delight in the law of God after the inward man. Rom 7.

The Great Commandments - Definiton of Love

(Number 2 in a series, see number 1)

Love the Lord your God . . .

According to, Webster's 1828 English Dictionary, love is both a verb and a noun. I've included the definitions below.

LOVE, v.t.luv. [L. libeo, lubeo. See Lief. The sense is probably to be prompt, free, willing, from leaning, advancing, or drawing forward.]

1. In a general sense to be pleased with; to regard with affection, on account of some qualities which excite pleasing sensations or desire of gratification. We love a friend, on account of some qualities which give us pleasure in his society. We love a man who has done us a favor; in which case, gratitude enters into the composition of our affection. We love our parents and our children, on account of their connection with us, and on account of many qualities which please us. We love to retire to a cool shade in summer. We love a warm room in winter. we love to hear an eloquent advocate. The christian loves his Bible. In short, we love whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether animal or intellectual; and if our hearts are right, we love God above all things, as the sum of all excellence and all the attributes which can communicate happiness to intelligent beings. In other words, the christian loves God with the love of complacency in his attributes, the love of benevolence towards the interest of his kingdom, and the love of gratitude for favors received. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind - Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Mat 22.

LOVE, n.

1. An affection of the mind excited by beauty and worth of any kind, or by the qualities of an object which communicate pleasure, sensual or intellectual. It is opposed to hatred. Love between the sexes, is a compound affection, consisting of esteem, benevolence, and animal desire. Love is excited by pleasing qualities of any kind, as by kindness, benevolence, charity, and by the qualities which render social intercourse agreeable. In the latter case, love is ardent friendship, or a strong attachment springing from good will and esteem, and the pleasure derived from the company, civilities and kindness of others.
Between certain natural relatives, love seems to be in some cases instinctive. Such is the love of a mother for her child, which manifests itself toward an infant, before any particular qualities in the child are unfolded. This affection is apparently as strong in irrational animals as in human beings.
We speak of the love of amusements, the love of books, the love of money, and the love of whatever contributes to our pleasure or supposed profit.
The love of God is the first duty of man, and this springs from just views of his attributes or excellencies of character, which afford the highest delight to the sanctified heart. Esteem and reverence constitute ingredients in this affection, and a fear of offending him is its inseparable effect.

The Great Commandments - Introduction

Matthew 12:30-31

30Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
31The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these."

The two greatest commandments, words of instruction given to us directly from our Master's lips, and yet do we really understand the charge that goes along with these words?

What does it mean to 'love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength'?

What does it mean to 'love your neighbor as yourself'?

I'd like to explore this a little more through a series of posts, more for my benefit, but for yours as well. I'll be learning as I go, and if anyone has any insight they'd like to share along the way, I'd invite your comments. We can learn together about what it is we are being called to do.

Look for future 'The Great Commandment' entries.


Are followers of Jesus sufficiently gripped by the gospel to behave as He would wish us to behave?
- Oz Guinness

Mark 3:12-19
13Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. 14He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach 15and to have authority to drive out demons. 16These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter 17 James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder); 18Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot 19and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

Crowds of people followed Jesus when he began his earthly ministry. Some were specifically asked by Jesus to follow him, some came out of curiosity, some came because they heard he could do great miracles, or taught with authority on spiritual matters, and wanted to see for themselves. Some followed for a while and then returned to their homes, others stayed and went every where Jesus went.

Imagine hearing the rumors of this great man, Jesus of Nazareth, circulating around your hometown. The excitement surrounding him is so great so you decide to go check him out for yourself. You find where he's at and travel a great distance to get there. On your very first day of being in his vicinity, you see him perform miracles, instantly healing diseases that have been long standing issues for these people, casting out demons, and positively changing peoples lives by touching their greatest needs. In addition, he's teaching and speaking on spiritual matters with such authority and authenticity that he stands out from anyone you ever heard speak or teach on these subjects before.

You decide to stick around and see what else takes place and before you know it, you are so swept up in the 'way of Jesus', that you find he has captured your heart, emotions, thoughts, and soul. All the other things of life begin to fade from importance - work, duty, family, leisure-as you just want to be in the presence of Jesus. You are caught up in the aura of Jesus and you just want to bask in it, not wanting to be away from him even for a moment.

So, when Jesus moves to another location, you follow. When he is teaching you are actively listening and learning, making mental notes. Your heart is beginning to soften and warm towards others. You begin to see the great need others have deep within their soul that only he can satisfy. You see your own great need. You begin to look at life differently, seeing it from his perspective and priority. You begin to understand you cannot go back to your old way of life because you are no longer the same person. You have been transformed in mind, body, and soul. Everything is different. Every priority rearranged.

Then, Jesus calls you out of the crowd. He ask you to be with him always. He asks you to follow him and his teachings forever. He asks you if he can send you to teach others about him and his way. He ask if you will trust him to give you authority over demons and to extend forgiveness to others. He ask if you will help to bring others to him.

What a privilege the 12 apostles from the bible text received! Despite the fears and reservations they may have had, they all said yes, we will follow you and do your will. They had no idea what this would all entail and where it would lead. All they had was a great love for this man and a desire to be like him. They took a leap of faith to continue to be near the man that forever changed their lives and to grow to be more like him. They considered it a great privilege and honor to serve him all the days of their lives (except for Judas, which we know did not end well for him).

What a great story!

However, this isn't just a story from long ago.

It's a reality today, for you and for me.

Jesus lives!

Jesus calls, even today, for followers and doers. For students and teachers of his way. He calls for servants and leaders. He wants us to get to know him, his character, his love, his way. He wants us to fall so in love with him, that we will want to follow him forever and want to lead others to him too.

Are you sufficiently gripped by Jesus and the gospel that you will answer his call?

May you be entirely transformed by, and in love with, the person of Jesus Christ so sufficiently that you will answer his call and walk with him all the days of your life, bringing other to walk along side of you!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Who is Your Audience?

We live in front of an audience - an audience of One!

I heard Oz Guinness say this on a radio program he was a guest on recently. I wonder how often we give this any thought, if ever.

However, we can begin today to train our minds to focus on who our audience is, and whom we are trying to please. Then, we can choose more wisely on how to respond to life on a daily basis.

We don't have to try and please everybody or the world for that matter. We have a heavenly audience with eternal implications. From there our reward and ovation shall come! From there our glory and praise should go!

On the flip side, we will also know then, when we disappoint or fail to live up to the standard. Without the example of Jesus as the standard, we have nothing to measure ourselves against. The more we get to know Jesus and learn to act like him from the heart, the more our Father, our audience of one, will be pleased with us.

May your days be filled with both standing ovations and humble critiques as you journey to perfection in Jesus Christ!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Did God Create the World in 6 Days?

Good Points:

He believes. . .
God created the universe and gives Him credit for it, and
there is a moral weight to life that should be considered.

Talking Points:

We cannot try to understand the Bible on our own. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to speak to us and to help us understand it. On our own, we cannot understand how God created all that is in the universe in six days, so we assume six days means something different. When we make these assumptions, we are relying on our own understanding to comprehend the historical events. We revise what God has told us about what He has done in creation to fit what makes sense in our own mind.

This is historical revisionism!

This is living by man's understanding and not in a trust in God and His Word, in which He revealed himself and his power to us.

This is putting man in the center, instead of God.

This is liberal theology not biblical theology.

This is living by man's ideas, not living in a FAITH and TRUST in God!

When we get these types of things wrong, we get everything else wrong, too! Like abortion. When we base our stance of right or wrong on what our own EVIL hearts tell us, we get it wrong every time. However, if we take God at His word, and align our stance with His, we get it right every time.

President Obama is a classic representation of the general Christian population, engaged in a man centered theology that serves itself, versus a God centered theology that serves God!

How God must grieve at our stubborn humanness and lack of faith!

From Where Shall Our Help Come?

Jeremiah 17:5
This is what the LORD says:
"Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
who depends on flesh for his strength
and whose heart turns away from the LORD

I've heard some say that Americans have looked to President Obama as our Savior, as the one who will save us from the mess we ourselves have made of our country. I dare say, this is a dangerous assumption based on the verse above. Man is nothing compared to God! It doesn't matter how well someone speaks, or how much schooling they have had, or how decisive they seem to be in making decisions. Man is not the answer to our earthly problems. What does God say will happen to those that put their trust and dependence in man and thus reject God's authority and provision? CURSED!!

Jeremiah 17:7
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD,
whose confidence is in him.

Where should our trust be placed? In our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who truly saves. In the Father who created the entire universe. In the One that knows every hair on our head and knows what we need in every circumstance. In the Holy Spirit who guides us and protects us in our distress. What is the outcome of the man that trust in the Lord for help? BLESSED!!

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers." - President Obama in his inauguration speech.

I am afraid the country as a whole does not put its' faith in the God that truly saves. In fact, I wonder how many Americans actually profess a saving faith in Jesus Christ -even from the Christian communities. This is important because we cannot expect God's favor, provision, and blessing as a nation, if our nation does not even recognize Him as our King!

What can we, as Christians, do for our country? We can . . .


We must repent of our own sins against our rejection of God as our final authority and as King in our own lives.

We must pray that God forgives us as a nation, and that He shows us through the Holy Spirit how to be obedient and dependent on Him fully in the future.

We must serve in the areas where God calls us to be His ambassadors, whether that is in our homes, workplace, communities, or in government. When we execute our responsibilities and duties based on a ethical standard received from the creator of all, we bring glory and honor to our Father in heaven.

We must see the world President Obama sees, (Muslims, Hindus, Jews, non-believers) as children of God who are lost and are away from their Father. If we see them as lost to hell's eternity, we become more concerned about their afterlife, then about their present life. We must evangelize the Good News of Jesus love and sacrifice.

If our nation truly became Christ followers in word and deed, just imagine the glory that will point back to God for all the world to see! Just imagine the blessings he will bestow on His children who walk in obedience to Him and under His authority! It is good for us to rest in the Lord!

May you know that their is one we can turn to for help in our time of need! One that knows exactly what we need and wants to bless us with all that He has to offer. May you recognize that One as Christ, the only giver of eternal life!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Eternal Destination

Every 10 seconds 8 people enter eternity!

Do you ever wonder where they go?

They have gone to one of two places: HEAVEN or HELL

The destination for your eternity depends on if you know Christ as your Savior. The same is true for everyone in the world. Those that knew Christ and obeyed Him will enter eternity in Heaven. Those that never knew Christ, or rejected Him as their Lord, will enter eternity in Hell.

This reality hit me hard today in church as our Pastor spoke these words. We all know people who don't know Christ; family, friends, neighbors. We know in our hearts they don't know Christ, but what do we do to change that?

My challenge for us today as fellow Christians is:

Will you take a look at the people around you and wonder where they will spend eternity?

If you wonder,

if you give it thought,

if you really understand the impact,

then, maybe you will love them enough

to show them Christ,

and change their eternal destination!

When we can realize the love Jesus first showed us, and share that love with others, we are impacting their eternity! This is the greatest expression of love we can demonstrate toward someone. A love that was first demonstrated to us by Jesus Christ.

May you have the desire to touch someone's soul for eternity's sake!

There is a difference between liberal and biblical theology.

Liberal theology always puts man in the center.

Biblical theology always puts God in the center.

Liam Goligher, The Jesus Gospel -
Recovering The Lost Message
(Milton Keyes:Authentic, 2006)

Friday, February 6, 2009


I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.

This verse stood out to me this morning because just this week I experienced that same sensation. I had been feverishly praying for some friends who were wrestling with a big decision. I fell asleep with their prayers on my lips. In the middle of the night I awoke to use the bathroom and I felt as if I had been praying in my sleep. It honestly felt like I was wore out from praying. This is the first time I ever experienced this before.

In the morning, I did see their situation in a new light. I shared with them how my advice for them, from yesterday, had changed since the Holy Spirit showed it to me in a different way.

Prayer does work and it is very powerful! The Holy Spirit does really work inside of us, speaking to God on our behalf.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Psalm 86:11-13

Teach me your way, O Lord,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.

I will praise you, O Lord my God,
with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.

For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the
depths of the grave.

There is so much I don't understand about God and how to be the kind of follower He wants me to be.

I want to please Him, but I don't always know how. I want to do what's right in every situation, but I don't always know what that is. I want to love Him above all else, but I don't always know what that really means. I want to confess all of my sins, and yet I don't even know all of what I do that offends Him.

It weighs heavy on my heart when I see others twist and distort His Word, but I know that at times I do it, too. I am angered when leaders in the church falsely teach others, but I have to admit I have done the same in my own home through the years. I am frustrated that our corporate churches do not agree on doctrine, and as a result it hinders the unity of the body of Christ, but I know I am human and want to further my own agenda and beliefs far too often, too.

When I measure myself against our Lord, I always fall short. I cannot imagine a love so big that He searches me out, accepts me as I am, works in me patiently as He teaches me His ways, and remains even when I disobey or ignore Him. He sent His only Son to suffer and die for me, so that I might be restored to Him. When I contemplate that act alone, I am so shamed in who I am and how undeserving I am of that honor. I can never live up to the worthiness that such an unselfish act demands, even on my best day.

My heart wants to serve you alone, O Lord! Even in this desire, I need you to instill it in me, to keep me focused, to teach me how to do just that. My prayer today is the words of this Psalm, so beautifully written from the heart. Let it be my prayer all of my days!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Highest Calling

Yesterday, I received my monthly newsletter from Focus on the Family. Dr. Dobson's topic was refuting claims made in the Dec. 15, 2008 Newsweek cover story titled "The Religious Case for Gay Marriage", written by Lisa Miller.

Lisa Miller has said "the Apostle Paul was 'tough on homosexuality' but that 'progressive scholars' have found a way to re-interpret the Pauline passages to refer only to homosexual violence and promiscuity".

What she is actually trying to convey is the scholars of today are more informed, have more biblical knowledge, and have more insight than the scholars of Jesus day. She is saying we are smarter today than the Neanderthals of biblical times. She is telling us to buy into the theory's of today's scholars and throw out anything we believed in the past.

Miller writes, "A mature view of scriptural authority requires us, as we have in the past, to move beyond literalism. The Bible was written for a world so unlike our own, it's impossible to apply its rules, at face value, to ours".

My former Pastor spoke very similar words to me and to members in that congregation. I have been spending the last few months dismantling all the junk she had tried to teach us from her deceived perspective. The Lord gave us discernment and led us out of that church very quickly, but there are still so many who are buying into these deceptive thoughts and ideologies, and even more that promote and teach them.

Let me ask you this: Is it easier to believe the scholars of today, 2000 plus years after Christ walked the earth or, to believe the recorded, God-breathed, inspired accounts from those who actually walked with Jesus or wrote their gospels/letters only 25 years or so after Christ left the world?

I have alternated between anger at false teachers because of the destruction they are causing and the souls they are jeopardizing and feeling sorry for them, because they have bought into such deception and are held captive by it. I believe God calls us to try and deal gently with those held captive by the world, but at the same time to be angry at the results of deception and work hard to counter the lies with truth.

Parents, our call from God has always been to raise our children in the knowledge of the Lord. To teach them about who God is and how to obey Him. There has always been an attack on Christianity, this isn't new. However, I believe God's truth is under attack like never before, and we must step up our efforts to guard against and protect our children from these false teachings.

When I felt God prompting me to quit my career several years ago, I really didn't understand why at the time. Today, I can see quite clearly my need to be fully involved in the life of my children. The world is bombarding our children with so many lies. Satan is using the entertainment industry, governments, and even the church to further his deceptive agenda. I am especially grieved by the deception in the church because our children cannot even trust the religious institutions anymore.

When I was working full time, I was too preoccupied with other things to notice the subtle ways my children were under attack. It's always easy to see the 'big' attacks coming but it's the little, everyday cultural attacks that are the most damaging. I know without a doubt, my placement in the home is not restrictive, or an obscure, unrewarding calling. It is the highest calling, given to me by the Creator of the Universe.

Our children are really God's children. God the Father, gifts us with His children for a time in our lives. When He blesses us with them, He is entrusting us with their very souls. We are to teach them how to 'know and serve' their real Father in Heaven. This is our number one priority as parents.

We must stay in God's Word, in prayer, and in walking in obedience ourselves so that we may be strong, accurate teachers to our children. They will need God's Truth even more than our generation does, as the world seems to be increasingly more evil. I know God will bless our sincere efforts!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blogging for Truth!

OK, in my previous blog I commented on how I may cut back on using the computer after having an eye opening experience. However, I just can't do it and here's why.

I just read a blog entry from a dear sister in Christ, informing us of comments made by the Chairman of Britain’s Sustainable Development Commission encouraging citizens to recognize their moral responsibility by limiting their procreation to a maximum of two children per couple, must be at the heart of Britain’s global warming policies.

What stupidity! What arrogance! This is why I began blogging in the first place! To combat the lies of the world and to speak God's truth.

I cannot back down on this when so many souls are at stake. I have to continue to research and speak for the side of truth. I have to continue to try to impact and influence.

I've found many great christian women bloggers who also speak for the side of truth and we are building community through this tool. We are able to encourage, support, and inform each other. I can't put that on the back burner. So, I am staying full force in the game.

In the meantime, I have a message to women:

Do not let the world tell you that you are an undesirable or that your child will be an undesirable.

We have to stand strong in who we are - God's creation, God's children, heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven. We are royalty as believers in Jesus Christ. We can take this message to all women and transform their hearts to believe in their creator and share in the royalty claim!

God has not told us to limit the population. God has not told us to weed out the weak, poor, or ill. In fact, blessed are those that are weak, poor, and ill according to God.

The most beautiful singing voice in church on Sundays is that of a boy with Downs syndrome. My heart sings every time I hear him sing because I want to love God the way he does. There is beauty in the unique that we should celebrate, not try to snuff it out.

No Electronics!

Our neighbors across the street were experiencing some water/sewage problems over the weekend. The city water dept. came to our house informing us of some work they were going to have to do on Monday. They told us the work may cause a power surge so it was best for us to unplug all of our electronic equipment Monday morning to prevent any damage to our things.

This was probably fine for most people on my street because they all leave to go to work everyday. I'm a stay at home mom. This meant no Sesame Street for Ali and no computer for mom! What? No computer for mom! How will I survive?

Monday, the day with no computer, will go down in history as a eye opening experience. I never realized how much I use the computer or how much of a hold it had on me.

Simple things, like checking out a website I heard advertised on the radio, while taking my kids to school in the morning, had to wait until tomorrow. By then I would forget about it and possibly miss out on something good.

A recipe I was making for supper called for Chorizo. I had no idea what chorizo was, so I went to the computer to look it up, but was reminded by the plug laying on the floor instead of in the wall that I couldn't use the computer.

I have a wedding shower gift to order on-line. No can do. Now, that item on my to-do list will not be crossed off today, and will still be there tomorrow morning. I hate not getting my to-do list done!

I was closing out the month of January in our budget but I couldn't look up our checking/savings balances on-line. Another to-do item that will have to wait!

The kids chore list my husband revised for the new year hasn't really been working for me so I wanted to re-do it. No, it will have to wait until tomorrow.

My daughter wanted me to investigate if the local library had a book she needed for class. We can access the library on-line but not today!

I couldn't check my e-mail. Would my friends think I didn't care enough to respond back to them today?

I couldn't access my blog or the blogs of my friends. I find great release in writing but that was not going to happen via the computer today.

Throughout the day, I felt the pull to gravitate toward my computer and then I had to redirect myself. I even contemplated the chances of a power surge happening in the next 5 minutes, thinking I could maybe turn on the computer, check my email real quick, and then get back out before anything happened. The only thing that prevented me from doing that is the fear of my bad luck and the thought of not having a computer indefinitely. One day without was better than months without.

My lesson learned: Too much of a good thing can be a problem! Or, as my husband put it, an addiction. I wouldn't go that far but I did see the effect it has on my time and energy. So, I will be making an effort to lessen the pull this little box and screen has on my day. If more time lapses between my blog entries, it might be a sign of progress on my part.
