Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Angry Before Bed

Last night my husband asked me a question and then cut me off in the middle of my answer. I naturally got mad and snapped back at him. Turning away from him, I added,"Don't ask me again if you're not going to let me speak!" (I'm sure you can just see how this played out.)

We both went back to what we were doing, reading in bed at the end of the day. He was reading the Bible and I was reading Billy Graham's book, Storm Warning.

As I looked at the words of my page, to angry to actually read them,I couldn't help but wonder how two people in the middle of gaining a deeper understanding of God could end up in an arguement!

I was content to go to bed mad and let the problem work itself out in the morning but God was tugging at my heart. I tried to read my book. However, the words of the pages were being crowded out by God's whispers in my head. I could feel my heart begin to soften. I felt the tears, hot on my cheeks from the shame of my own actions, and the anger toward my husband for his actions began to subside. God said to me, you can carry this into the night or you can release it now.

I first told God I was sorry and He helped break down my pride (which takes quite a while). Then, God helped me remember how much I love and cherish my husband and prodded me to not let a wedge get in between us.

After a long, long silence between us, I finally turned to my husband and said I was sorry for how I reacted and explained that I was hurt by his actions and I didn't handle that hurt constructively. He said he too was sorry for cutting me off and not allowing me to finish my thoughts. We embraced and restored our relationship.

Only through God's grace and spirit are we able to live peacefully among one another. Our relationships only have a fighting chance of surviving if the Lord Jesus Christ lives in us.

May you live in peace because of the work Jesus has done in your heart!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great thing to share. Many people lose site of the fact that the length of our life is an unknown. You made peace with the problem before it had time to grow into something more difficult to handle. How heavy would ones heart be if they had the chance to repair a relationship, let that go undone and that person left your life not knowing how much you loved them......Join hands and PRAY!!!
