Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Precious Time

Last night when I crawled into bed, my husband asked me this question. "Do you think we will know each other in heaven?"

I said, "I guess, we like to think that we will. People say things like, 'Mom has gone to be with Dad in heaven.' But I really don't know if we will."

Then he read me the passage in Matthew that had prompted his question. Matthew 22:30 For in the Resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.

My husband looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I thought I would know you in heaven, but now I'm not so sure I will." When I asked him why that made him sad, he replied, as big tear drops gently rolled from the corner of his eyes onto his cheeks, "Because I want to know you in heaven!"

Women, you know this is like a hallmark moment to us! To be loved so completely that your spouse wants to carry that love into eternity! What more could a woman ask for? Thank you God for that precious, precious gift!

Of course, that was the end of the conversation for him as he had already moved on. Yes, but I wanted to hold onto that moment, to savor it, to remember it forever! The process really led me to see how precious our time is here on earth. We only have a brief moment in time to live, to love, to reach the world.

We don't know for sure what heaven will be like and if we will know each other there, but it sounds like it will be different than life here. We won't enter into marriage. Children won't be born. People won't die. We won't have to evangelize. Those things are for this time, for this world! We will have other focuses in heaven.

Knowing this, I never want to spend another minute mad at my husband, or be upset with my children, or fail to witness to someone when the opportunity presents itself. These are the moments for this world! Don't waste them!

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