Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All I'm Saying Is . .

My husband and I were debating the 'birth control' topic last night because he is not sure he agrees with me. But I told him I haven't exactly chosen a side so I don't think he can agree or disagree with me yet.

What I am trying to do is open up the dialogue to really consider our options and choices from a biblical standpoint. Far too often we just take accepted practices at face value and blindly follow the culture. Birth control, along with many other topics, are just things we take as 'okay' because everyone else thinks it is.

Doesn't God call us to live in the world but not of the world? If that's the case, then we should be challenging the status quo and investigating for ourselves what God would want us to do.

Nothing in and of itself is wrong. It's how we use it or our motivation behind something that makes it wrong. I know I've heard our Pastor say money isn't bad - it's how we use it, or think about it, or our motivation with it that's wrong. The same principle applies here.

The question then needs to be asked. If Christian women, in a Christian marriages, use birth control for any of the following reasons, are we living God's plan for our lives or are we living of this world?

1. To control our circumstances
2. To be in charge of our own destiny
3. To make way to pursue our own career
4. To free up funds to pursue our own desires
5. To avoid undo responsibility of another human being

I just really wonder. I don't want to judge or be closed minded, but I do want us to really think about these things from a heavenly standpoint. I can really see and understand all of the arguments in the 'secular world' for the use of birth control. But we are not the secular world. We are God's chosen people! As God's chosen, we should be seeking our Creator's input in these matters. That's all I'm saying.

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