Friday, January 22, 2010

God Has Come To Help His People

Luke 7: 11-17

Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry."

Then he went up and touched the coffin, and those carrying it stood still. He said, "Young man, I say to you, get up!" The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.

They were all filled with awe and praised God. "A great prophet has appeared among us," they said. "God has come to help his people." This news about Jesus spread throughout Judea[a] and the surrounding country.

I've been struggling since last week Tuesday with the devastation in Haiti. My heart goes out to all the people of Haiti but especially the children and the elderly. I keep wondering what I might do to help and then I am overwhelmed by the amount of help that is needed.

I remember Nehemiah and how when he heard of the destruction in Jerusalem he wept and mourned over it. I feel like Nehemiah, weeping and mourning over a city whose problems seem enormous. God eventually gave Nehemiah a vision of what could be done, and I trust that in due time God will show me what I can do, as well .

In the meantime, I still struggle with making sense of this devastation. Not knowing what to do but knowing God's Word would eventually lead me, I sat down to do my daily bible study. As God would have it, my study led me to Luke chapter 7 verses 11-17 seen noted above. God is so good! He gives peace when it is needed. He gave my troubled soul peace through these words and this reminder.

The scene in these verses could very well be a similar depiction of a scene happening in Haiti right now. A widow - I am sure there are many widows in a grossly poor country - who's only son has now also died. A funeral possession. Weeping. Mourning. Wondering what more could be taken from me? Loss beyond measure. Trouble understanding the cruel world we live in that takes and takes. I'm sure this scene is playing out in Haiti in a million different ways.

Verse 13 says that when the Lord saw her his heart went out to her and he said, "Don't cry." Many of us, probably all of us, would feel and want to respond the same way Jesus did here. However, Jesus is the ONLY one with the power to actually do anything about it. He has authority over EVERYTHING, even death! He has the power to give life to the dead!

It is the great compassion of God, and of his Son, that orchestrated the ultimate sacrifice for the human condition - Jesus on the cross - dead, buried, risen again - our sacrifice for sin!

The raising of this man's life in the text shows that he has the power to conquer even death and gives testimony to the power he has to raise all believers to life - eternal life.

God has come to help his people! We cannot escape the first death, we all will face this somehow. However, all believers in Jesus Christ who believe in his power and in his ability to save, will escape the second death and live forever in heaven with Jesus. This is our hope as Christ followers.

God knew sin would bring death and destruction to our fallen world. Unimaginable things will happen here because of Satan's deception and evil grip on this world. But we need not despair because there is one more powerful. One who has the ability to raise the dead and reunite them with their loved ones in heaven someday. He has compassion for his people and he came to help!

This is the hope we have to offer others. We can reassure believers that God cares deeply and has already done what was necessary to save and we can lead non-believers to the power of the cross.

So, the real focus isn't about what can I do to help. Rather, it's about what God has already done through his son Jesus that will make the real difference in a hurting and dying world. This is the hope for Haiti and the rest of the world.

God Will Provide!

The company my husband works for donated an ambulance to Haiti last year to be used as a mobile health clinic. Per a correspondence with a partner in Haiti, it is being utilized by the UN in Port-Au-Prince as a Emergency Rescue Vehicle / Ambulance, the only one of it's kind now in Haiti. It is saving more lives each and every day than we could have ever dreamed.

Isn't is amazing how God works to move others to provide for such a time as this without even realizing the full impact it will have.?

The partner in Haiti also forwarded this video about the Mercy and Sharing Orphanage in Port Au Prince. Copy it and paste it to your Internet homepage to view. (32 children missing from the abandoned child center - very sad)! They need our prayers!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Tonight there are many in the world who are hurting. All kinds of hurt, unimaginable pain, hardships and struggles, heavy hearts.

Tonight there are those who cry out to you for relief, for comfort, for rescue from their circumstances.

Tonight there are many who wish for sleep.

Tonight there are many who are alone, so alone, Lord. Many who just want to know that someone knows they exist.

Tonight there are many who went through their day numb and don't know want to wake up tomorrow to face another day with no meaning.

Tonight there are many who are anxious about money. Many who are just staying above water but are quickly going under.

Tonight there are many with hot tears of shame tracing down their faces because of what has happened to them. Innocence stolen.

Tonight there are many who search for you but so many more who don't know where to look. So many Lord who will run to other things and not to you.

Tonight there are many who work for you on earth as your hands and feet who are desperately trying to help others meet you by showing sacrificing love that is only learned from you.

Lord, tonight so many voices going up. Some intentionally to you, some just drifting into space with no destination. Lord, please hear them all. Meet their desperate needs whether big or small. Show your power and compassion to all who seek your peace and truth. Keep pursuing those who haven't looked to you yet.

Local Family in Haiti Says They're OK After Earthquake - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News:

Local Family in Haiti Says They're OK After Earthquake - WBAY-TV Green Bay-Fox Cities-Northeast Wisconsin News:

News article and video on a family from our church that is currently in Haiti during this time of natural disaster.

We sponsor a child through Compassion International from Haiti and are very concerned for him and his family. We believe they survived the initial damages. However, we are unsure of what this will mean for the stability of an already shaky government, and a very precarious food situation. Daily life is already filled with extreme poverty, hunger, and strife.

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and the second poorest country in the world. Unemployment is at 80%. We can't even begin to comprehend the struggle Haitians live day in and day out. Children are lucky if they live past 5 years old. Our compassion child just turned six - Thanks be to God.

Our Church has a planned medical trip in early February and will be needed more than ever.

Please take a moment out of your busy day and pray for the people of Haiti and for the workers who go to help. May the Haitian people find the true source of life in the great and compassionate Creator who loves them dearly. And may the Christian workers who are on the ground there, or who are going soon, understand the great priviledge they have to be the hands and feet of our Lord to these people who desperately need to meet Jesus.

Friday, January 8, 2010 | Community | Blog Archive | Proclaiming Christ on Fox News | Community | Blog Archive | Proclaiming Christ on Fox News

Here is a man who is willing to risk his career and public image to speak truth to millions of viewers BECAUSE of what Jesus Christ has done for him.

May we all be so affected by the Jesus of our Christian faith that truth will spill from our lips regardless of the consequences. May we all love with such abandon.

To Christ be the glory!
