Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Oh, the things that kids dream up!

My youngest is so making this up as she goes along!

Notice the pieces of yellow and black fabric on the couch? Those belong to her older sister who happens to come into the room at the end of the video. Ali tries to distract her from catching her with them by talking about snowmen. Good thinking!

Star Ornaments

A dear friend of mine, who also happens to be very creative and artistic, all things I am not, donated supplies to my daughter to make these Christmas star ornaments.

Hunter enjoyed making these wire and beaded stars so much there might not be any leftover supplies to return.

My friend took the time to explain to Hunter how to make them. I know she listened well, for two reasons. 1. She was able to make eight stars herself; and 2. She was able to instruct three other girls how to make them, too. (The girls were over for a Christmas party at our house that Hunter hosted, and they were able to leave with a homemade Christmas gift for their moms!)

In fact, Hunter instructed almost word for word what my friend had told her. In the same mannerism, tone, and detail; and sold it as if she had thought it all up herself and experienced all the trial and error lessons herself! Who says kids don't listen or pay attention. I was very proud of her! And very thankful for a friend willing to invest in my daughter with knowledge of a skill I wouldn't have been able to impart. She opened up a new pursuit for her.

I know my friend will just wave this off as nothing big, but this was a gift to my daughter, one she will cherish and remember always.

Blizzard Aiden

A picture of Blizzard Aiden from inside our home.

We are reading The Children's Blizzard right now.

How cool to go through an actual blizzard while reading a book about one from 1888!

Having an actual blizzard hit our area while we are reading this book, made it possible to more visually imagine what it was like for the people described in the book. The real life struggles they endured are amazing. How lucky we are today with how far we have come technically speaking, as well as, in terms of comfort and convenience!

The Children's Blizzard discusses the weather in detail, almost like a meteorology class. We've been tracking the weather daily just like they do in the book. We were able to log the weather indications both prior to the storm and post storm, and compare them to what was logged in the book. 'Cold Wave Warning' comes to mind. (You'd have to read the book to understand! Go ahead, it's an excellent read.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Shine A Light

I am so thankful for the sunshine today. The day just seems better when there is beautiful sunshine streaming through my windows.

However, the sunshine is also highlighting some not so appealing aspects in my home today. Dusty floors, dirty windows, splatter spots on the stove. All things I apparently didn't notice on the recent string of overcast days. Out of sight, out of mind.

I didn't see it before so it didn't bother me but today I am frantically cleaning up all those things that were brought to light. It seems a little overwhelming, trying to get it all done before the sunshine goes away again, and I won't be able to see it so readily.

As I am working away, I thought about how God's light shines into our hearts and reveals all those dusty, dirty, unappealing aspects to our sinful nature and bears to light that these present a problem for us.

Once revealed, we know they are there, we see them as unappealing, and we have an opportunity to accept God's help in cleaning these areas that were previously hidden from us.

Just like my household chores today, heart cleaning can seem like a never ending job. We clean up one area of our life and another spot is revealed.

We are definitely an undone people with much work to do. It takes a lifetime of walking in God's shining light and under his refining work to really get us all in order and cleaned up just right.

Holy! That's what they call it when God has removed all the dirt from our life and we are shiny clean - spotless!

This side of heaven we will always be undone, but less undone everyday, if we are allowing God to work in us, coming into full completeness as we cross from this life into eternal life in heaven.

Don't be discouraged at the amount of work left to do. Rather be thankful there is still daylight in which to work.

Be grateful the Lord of Lords has offered to come in and work in you for free!

Just like my home is a work in progress so is my heart.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


There was a time when
marriage was out of a
necessity to survive.

There was a time when
if a spouse died, the other, would
remarry within days or weeks.

There was time when
men depended on their wives
for their inner strength.

There was a time when
women depended on their husbands
for their outer strength.

There was a time when
the two really became one,
greater than the individuals.

There was a time when
children were a blessing
and a heritage from God.

There was a time when
a child was welcomed
despite the extreme hardships.

There was a time when
the children were expected
to pitch in and contribute.

There was a time when
hard work ruled the day,
not mindless entertainment and fun.

There was a time when
great risks were taken
to secure a better future.

There was a time when
people trusted God for
all of their daily provisions.

There was a time when
families raised children
to depend on and trust in God.

There was a time when
people understood they were
just passing through this life.

There was a time when
the cycle of life was
accepted and not feared.

There was a time when it wasn't always like this!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Menasha woman calls for help for Saharawi people facing violence in Sahara | | Appleton Post Crescent

Menasha woman calls for help for Saharawi people facing violence in Sahara | | Appleton Post Crescent

The Menasha woman referred to in this local article is the wife of our Pastor. She is currently in the Western Sahara refugee camps located in Algeria along with a team from our church. They are being the hands and feet of Jesus to a Muslim people oppressed for years and forgotten by the world. She has spoken on behalf of this people group to the United Nations on several occasions. (cut and paste in your browser to read her urgent plea to us back home.) tells their story.

What if something like this was going on in your town? Who would stand up for you? Who would be your voice or the voice of your child? Who would help you? Who would be willing to step in and intervene on your behalf?

God sees the evil that is being thrust upon these people. He loves this people group and he wants us to love them, too! Can we have compassion for their situation and see them through God's eyes and be moved to be an advocate for them.

Please pray for them. Please pray for our church leaders. Pray they have wisdom, courage, love, and comfort for these people. Pray that God comes down from heaven to avenge them and to rescue them so that they may know for sure who is the living God of the universe and so that they may worship and praise him all the days of their lives.

The gospel message is being shared in their circumstances and a miracle on their behalf may solidify a belief in the one true God. A entire people group may come to know Jesus as their personal Savior because he heard their cry and came to them in their time of need. Pray that this is so. Pray that justice is served and God is praised!

Please take the time to read the article from our local newspaper. If anyone who reads this has ties to important people that may be able to help get the word out about what is happening in Western Sahara this week, please forward to them.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wind Storm!

Wisconsin was hit with a wind storm yesterday which continues today. Sustained winds of 30-40 miles per hour with gusts as high as 60 miles per hour.

Yesterday, my husband and I were both gone in the morning and arrived home for lunch at the same time, only to find our front yard tree spilt completely in half, all the way down to the ground, and one half of the tree laying on top of our house and the neighbors fence.

We were not the only ones affected with downed trees. Many more had worse damage then we did.

The tough thing is because so many were in need at once, supply and demand pricing kicked in, so to have the tree removed and completely cleaned up cost - $1100.00!

My husband was so busy at work and couldn't get away but all day he wished he could just take off of work, buy a chain saw, and clean the mess up himself. But, it is what it is.

My daughters are distraught over losing the tree and by the fact we have to wait until spring to plant a new one. However, they did enjoy watching the men work at taking it down. I'm not sure the men enjoyed the audience but it was exciting stuff in our household yesterday.

The wind reminded me of a book my daughters and I just read about the snow storm that hit the northeast in 1888. I'd recommend it to anyone because it's a good story and it's well written. It's called Blizzard! by Jim Murphy.

The next book we will read together is about the same storm system but how it affected the newly settled homestead in the prairies of the Dakota's. It's called The Children's Blizzard by David Laskin. I can't wait.

Don't blow away today. Stay home and read a book!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Great Love

Psalm 86:13 For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave

Psalm 86 starts out with these words. . .

Hear, O LORD, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.

This is our condition in life - poor and needy.

Not poor in a financial sense, although there are those that are.

Not needy in a material sense, although there are those that are.

But, poor and needy, in an universal spiritual condition affecting the entire human race.

When sin entered the world through Adam and Eve, we all became poor and needy souls, in desperate need of rescue from our depraved state.

That depraved state brought down the death sentence for all of us by God's perfect judgment.

Thank God for a loving God, big enough to save us from the death sentence.

Thank God for His One and Only Son who obediently came down to this earth and took on all the sins, of all of humanity, on his shoulders in payment for us.

He redeemed us! He bought us back from Satan! He delivered us from the grave!

For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave!

A LOVE like that requires a response from us.

Zealousness for his Word, for a relationship with Him, for doing his Work.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Valley Rescue


Sadly, at times, these words could not be further from the truth for me.

Do you know I like an ordered house? I like an ordered family. I like the outside world to see me in control. But the reality is, at times, it is all a cover for the turmoil that goes on in my heart. Some may look at my life and see no worry. I have a great husband, five daughters, two and 1/2 grandchildren (one on the way), and a comfortable home. What more could a woman want?

But, I am a woman in want, sometimes.

I am a grown woman but in many ways I am still a wounded child deeply affected by people who said they loved me but their actions or their presence (or lack of it) spoke otherwise. I am still a little girl who never felt perfect enough for anyone to love me like other people were loved. I have always been a comparer and I always calculate myself as coming up short.

So, I've spent my life being a people pleaser, morphing into who I thought others wanted me to be, in the hopes of being loved and having someone stick around. As a result, I am not always authentic. I have always been the caretaker of others but the one easily discarded or ignored. I can't make decisions for fear of making the wrong one and making someone else unhappy. Unhappy people = abandonment in my mind.

My life turned a huge corner when I met my husband. No one in this world has ever loved me the way he loves me. In fact, it was his example of unconditional love, that actually allowed me to let the Christ I had always known, come into my heart. Up until that time, my spiritual life mirrored my personal life. If I am unlovable by the people closest to me, then, I am unlovable by my Creator, as well. I knew God to be a gracious and loving God for everyone else in the world but not for me.

For eight years, or so, God has been recreating me. He's helped me clean up my life. He showed me all my self destructive ways. It's amazing what one will allow when they have no self worth. He's given me new purpose and direction.

I quit my job to be a stay at home mom four years ago. I still get calls from my former employer to come back to work but I don't need to be successful in the marketplace to define my worth anymore.

I obediently followed when God said to homeschool. He gave me the backbone and the strength to stand up to the opposing voices that quickly came our way when we decided to pursue his will. Pretty amazing for a people pleaser! But, it's Him whom I want to please these days, not others.

He's given me a desire to be a teacher of his word to other women and he faithfully has brought many wonderful women into my life to mentor.

We have made great progress, He and I.

Any, yet, despite all this progress, I spent this week going deeper and deeper into a dark place. Imagine two mountains with a valley in the middle. I was on top of one of those mountains on Monday, but by Friday night, I was wandering around in the valley wondering how I would ever get out.

I felt myself begin to slip on Tuesday and instead of looking up for help, I allowed myself to look down, knowing full well where this would lead. I let doubt lead to inadequacy, and inadequacy lead to unlovable, and unlovable lead to my abandonment history, and my self worth just plummetted.

"God can't use me. In fact, God doesn't even love me. I'm fooling myself in thinking he ever did. I'm living in a pipe dream if I think God ever cared for me. Look at you, no one has ever loved you. You don't matter to anyone, never did. God created me just to be miserable."

These are the lies my mind tells me when I allow myself to slip off the mountain; when I go to the dark place outside of God's truthful light. I get lost in the valley of the shadows of death. My poor husband has to deal with my crying and self pity, my short temper, and my withdrawal to safety - alone. I go underground and I am of no help to anyone.

But, then, God sends the Great Shepherd to come and rescue me. He picks me up and gently reminds me that he loves me. He cradles me in his loving arms as he treks me back up the mountain, back into the full light of God's truth. He reminds me he has always loved me and has always been there for me. He reminds me of who I am in him and the plans he has for me. By Sunday morning, we are almost to the top again. I wake up thankful for all he has blessed me with in the later half of my life, ready to let it all go and move on.

During church this morning, I lay it all down at his feet. The years of hurt, the years of being alone, the years of measuring short, the years wasted. I ask forgiveness for not trusting, for not believing. I ask for help in staying on the mountaintop. I ask for the freedom to fly and soar, to have the weight removed from me so I am weightless and free to do his will without restriction and fear.

Then, He gives me this vision:

1. Stop trying to figure out why your life was what it was. Accept it as it is.

2. Stop trying to test everyone's love for you as authentic. Accept it as it is.

3. Stop trying to move up in the world and instead look down. Look at the world and see all the people in the world that feel the same way you do - unlovable/not worthy/abandoned. Use what you know about me to reach them with my love and hope.

4. Instead of trying to gain worldly love and acceptance, be filled up with the love I give, and let MY love pour out of you into others. Take the focus off yourself and focus instead on loving others in the way I have loved you.

5. Use ALL I have given you (even the bad) to my glory!

My battle with self worth is not over. Satan will wage that war against me my whole life but God has given me a battle plan to win the war. Extend past myself, take the weapons of war he provides, focus on winning the battle, trust in Him. He will keep me safe and bring me victoriously to the end.

And if on the day when he returns, I am standing there before him with many more who once thought themselves unworthy but stand there that day because of Christ love shown through me to them, I will have run the race well.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sons in the Kingdom

A man owned a business that was doing quite well. This man had three sons. He wanted them all to be a part of his business.

The first son had his own dreams. He wanted to pursue other things and wanted nothing to do with his Father's business. He went off on his own to build up his own work and name.

The second son wanted the benefits of his father's business. The status, the pay, the bonuses, the security. However, he had no real ambition to work hard. He just wanted to put his time in each day doing the bare minimum required of him. He was okay with the business outlook remaining just as it was and had no ambition to increase business and didn't get too concerned if sales began to drop.

The third son was very thankful to have been born into a family that had a business to run and that his father wanted him to be a part of it. This son wanted to be a part of this business and was willing to do whatever was asked of him. He took the time to learn from his Father. He figured out what his own gifts and talents were and found ways to use his uniqueness to compliment his father and to add to the business in new ways. He wanted the business to succeed and to do even more than they were today. He looked to the father as the leader of the business going to him for direction and then carrying out the tasks to the best of his ability. His heart and soul were invested in the business and he cared deeply for the work that needed to be done. He was concerned about the good name of the business, and of his father, and he was careful to represent them both properly and with esteem. He wanted the business to grow and prosper and by doing so they would be able to bring more workers in to help.

If the father in this story was God, and the business was the Kingdom of God, which son most resembles you?

Are you the son who wants nothing to do with God's Kingdom, instead wanting to pursue your own desires and forsaking the work God had for you in his Kingdom, as well, as the benefits?

Are you the son who wants the benefits of the Kingdom (eternal life) and are content to just get in and you really don't care if anyone else gets in? You really don't think twice about your testimony or if there is any more to do. You don't give a thought to knowing more about the Kingdom, how it operates, how you might help, and if you are representing the Kingdom properly. You are content to 'get in' and don't want to be asked to do anymore than the minimum (believe).

Are you the son who wants to get to know God and all that God is up to in the world? Do you desire to be a part of his work? Do you spend time in his word everyday learning about Father God and what his desires are and how he is calling you to help further his Kingdom? Do you want to put the time in working hard for him, careful to represent him accurately, and always trying to increase his Kingdom by bringing more into a knowledge and love of him? Are you trying to figure out your unique gifts and how God wants to use them? Do you care if the Kingdom is shrinking or stagnant? Do you desire it to grow beyond measure? Do you care if one in the Kingdom gets lost?

The first son has no part in the Kingdom of God because he has rejected God, his Kingdom, and exchanged them for his own desires.

The second son will receive the benefit of eternal life.

The third son will receive the benefit of eternal life and so much more. He stored up treasure for himself in heaven and his reward will be greater in heaven.

It's kind of like a retirement plan. One puts nothing away and is screwed when retirement comes. One puts the bare minimum away and has enough just to live and get by when retirement comes. One puts away the maximum he can and lives abundantly in his retirement.

Which son are you?

Which son do you want to be?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Global Christians

It's Missions Week at our church. All of the missionaries we support around the world are here for the week to visit with us and share what God is doing in their lives and in the countries they are serving in.

Last night, the church sponsored a mission night for the youth and their parents. We had time to visit with the missionaries and we had the opportunity to hear at least two country representatives speak. My husband and I attended the presentations on India and Haiti. Our children attended the presentations on the Sahara Desert and Haiti.

The India couple jointly spoke about their 'country of contrasts' where the very rich and the very poor reside.

One thing that stood out for me though was that regardless of one's economic position, baby girls were viewed as something bad.

The rich will find out what they are having and abort their baby girls and the poor will kill their child within the first week of life if it is a baby girl. India is one of the most threatening places on the planet for children, especially infant girls.

This missionary couple has rescued 22 baby girls from infanticide and is caring for them at their center. They also are rescuing girls from other terrible circumstances and sharing the gospel with them. These girls are being saved for God's glory.

Haiti is still in chaos since the earthquake last winter. According to the Pastor, rebuilding efforts have not even begun. There is much to do and they are following wherever God is leading. He said that is all you can do, follow God.

The Haitian Pastor talked about how he developed friendships with the voodoo community and the witch doctors over the course of six months or so. After these friendships developed, the witch doctors invited them to begin to bring bibles and pray with them.

They started a school for the voodoo community and twelve years later were allowed to start a church. The church is the love child of the school. He said when they first arrived there the voodoo flags of identification could be seen all over the community, today there are no more visible.

The Haitian children in this voodoo community have been learning about Jesus in the school and they are the ones bringing the gospel message to their parents. God is using the littlest to his glory!

It was so inspiring to see these people with such a love for God, and for people, that their entire lives are dedicated to the work of God. It was cool to see our local kids get a glimpse of the big things God is doing in the world and to know that even they can make a huge difference in the world, whether locally or globally.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Human Judges: What should Their Agenda Be?

It's election time!

I've heard so many people comment on how this upcoming election is the most important election they have ever been a part of in their lifetime. There are many reasons why it's important but what should we be looking for in our elected leaders at this critical time?

Psalm 82:3-4 gave me some insight.

Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.

Rescue the weak and needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Let's break those points down a little bit and see what, or who, might fall in each of these categories. This is just my quick glance. I'm sure you can connect the dots or add more of your own.


1. Unborn Babies
2. Children without Fathers
3. Children, in general
4. Single Moms or Single Dads
5. Young Adults (18-24 yrs. of age)
6. Elderly
7. Disabled/Sick
8. Workers
9. Victims
10. Widows
11. Aliens


1. Minorities
2. Unskilled/Uneducated
3. Disabled/Sick
4. Elderly
5. Uninsured
6. The people of other nations who live under oppressive governments, or are in war torn areas, or are living in severe situations like famines.


1. Alcoholics/Drug Abusers
2. Depression/Suicidal Persons
3. Identity or Sexual Orientation Issues
4. Pornography
5. Adultery/Infidelity
6. Prisoners
7. False Religions
8. Fame seekers
9. Greed
10. Pride

Jeremiah 22:15-17

15 "Does it make you a king
to have more and more cedar?
Did not your father have food and drink?
He did what was right and just,
so all went well with him.

16 He defended the cause of the poor and needy,
and so all went well.
Is that not what it means to know me?"
declares the LORD.

17 "But your eyes and your heart
are set only on dishonest gain,
on shedding innocent blood
and on oppression and extortion."

The men and women we should elect into office should have a heart for God!

Their constitution should be one of subject to a higher power, God in heaven; and their motives should be to carry out the heart and agenda of God, to the best of their ability.

So, as we examine the issues at hand; the economy, jobs, budgets, health care, immigration, definition and right to life, defining the family, parental rights, education, etc., how do the representatives you have to choose from in your area sit on these issues; and how does their stance line up with God's Word?

Do your own values and perspectives line up with God's Word?

We will never find a perfect person to fill the roles of our government here on earth but we serve society best by choosing imperfect men and women who understand their position under heavenly authority.

May God give us all wisdom to discern God's heart and may his will be played out in our own lives and in the earthly nation we temporarily reside in.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Lesson for Parents

1 Samuel 3:13 (NIV)

For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, and he failed to restrain them.

In 1 Samuel, Eli had two sons that were doing wrong. They were idolaters and immoral people although they were of a priestly family. The disobeyed God openly and Eli knew about it. According to the law at the time, Eli should have called for their deaths due to their sin but instead he only mildly rebuked them. The rebuke was not strong enough to turn them from their ways and they continued to do as they pleased. Eli became a party to the sin by failing to stop it and God deals harshly with them.

Eli's two sons are killed in battle, many more descendants were massacred at Nob, and the priesthood is later transferred from his family to the family of Zadok by Solomon (The Bible Reader's Companion).

Scary stuff, huh?

Parents are responsible for their children's behavior. We have a God given responsibility to teach them right and wrong. Right and wrong according to God's Word, not the ever-changing value system of the world.

This means, as parents, we need to first know what God's Word says about right and wrong. As situations arise, we need to search the scriptures for what to do or how to handle. It needs to be our moral compass, our guidebook in all things, the truth we hold up against the lies of the world.

We need to be in prayer, asking God to help us discern and navigate all the situations that arise, and to ask for faith, trust, and strength to adhere to biblical principles even when the rest of the world seems to be going a different direction.

I'm concerned that most of my peers would say that if their son or daughter wanted to have sex before marriage, they would advise them to use birth control. If the son or daughter is a minor, they might even take them to the doctor to help them procure birth control.

I've heard comments like "if you are going to do it, at least be smart about it", or "Don't ruin my life or yours by getting pregnant".

This is defeated parenting and does nothing to address to root of the sin.

However, the reason parents go this route is varied but includes: being too busy, succumbing to the pressures of society and it's ever-changing morals, not having a good grasp of God's Word on the matter, not wanting any sort of discomfort for themselves or their child, not wanting to give up a lifestyle or a reputation, or just a plain inability to deny their child anything, even if it's bad for them.

Do we as Christians acknowledge that sex outside of marriage is wrong according to the standard set by God? Do we acknowledge that God's standards are good and pure and meant for our own good, not as a means to limit us, or somehow deny us something good? Do we understand that sin left unchecked is very hazardous to our souls and can be life ending? Not just here but for eternity? Do we realize that when we look the other way, try to eliminate the consequence, or blatantly participate in allowing it to continue we become party to the sin and party to the destruction.

We need to take this seriously, parents! Not just in this scenario but in all things related to our children, to parenting, and to our own self discipline and character. You can apply this to anything.

If underage drinking is illegal, and we are called to obey the laws of the land and the leaders of the land, then it is wrong in God's eyes to permit your child to drink while he/she is underage. It is wrong for you to host an underage drinking party (even if you blindly think you are protecting them by having it in your home instead of somewhere else), and it is wrong to supply the alcohol for them.

We must tow the line ourselves and be a good example to follow. We must expect a higher behavior and character then the rest of society. We must teach God's Word and adhere to it ourselves.

Our children will make mistakes and we can love them through their consequences and continue to teach and hold them accountable without destroying them.

For it is in allowing sin to go unchecked that destroys, not the consequence. We must be willing to allow the consequence in the hopes of saving the soul. It is our duty to allow God to work in their lives. If we lead them to believe God doesn't care what they do, they will never see the need to turn to him for help, for repentance, or for salvation.

I pray we make time to do the necessary things to be the kind of parents God expects us to be. We can start today. We can make a commitment today to begin reading God's Word daily. We can begin praying for God to show us where we are failing or where we need to step it up. We can begin to spend more time with our kids so we can understand where they might be in trouble. We can talk openly with our kids about what God expects.

I am not perfect as a person or as a parent but I know One who is, and I trust in Him to the best of my ability to lead me.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Men Make Plans But God Directs The Steps

A four day business/vacation/anniversary trip my husband and I were to take was cancelled a mere 16 hours before our plane was scheduled to leave the ground.

A quality problem at work - a big one - requires my husband to stay in town and see the fix through. That what leaders do.

So, instead of seeing to last minute details before flying out we are unpacking suitcases, calling off the babysitter, etc.

Yes, it's disappointing. It's even harder on my husband because the problem at work is a big one and he will not be having fun the next several days.

Life keeps piling on.

There is a purpose - God knows - we wait to see what it is.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Spirit of Truth

As we continue to Seek Christ this year and for the rest of our lives, we’ll hear the voice of lies that says we were made to be happy. I’m not buying it y’all. I know that we were made to Glorify God and to make Him known. We need to Seek Christ first and then joy will come. He’s so worth it, and I pray that our youth will understand this and live it. May we at the end of our lives say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith!” – 2 Timothy 4:7

These words were part of an email my husband received this morning. The sender is the youth leader at our church where my husband is a small group leader for sixth grade boys. The email is to prepare the small group leaders for the material that will be taught this week.

I found it so ironic that this week's topic is about listening to the Voice of Truth and how the 'pursuit of Jesus' is better than the 'pursuit of happiness', considering my own personal struggle with this idea the past two weeks.

It goes to show none of us are immune to the lies or competing voices. We need to fill ourselves up with the Word of God, hear the Voice of Truth, so we can discern the lies from the truth ourselves.

Pursue Christ instead of earthly treasure and you will find pure joy and lasting happiness!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kept By the Spirit

My last blog post titled, Do the Lives of Others Look Good To You? was not really about who other people are or are not but had to do more with the state of my own heart at the time. I was being real about what I was struggling with at the moment.

For those of you who read my posts, this is what I want you to know about my last post:

My own heart was trying to deceive me and turn me from the path of God. My own heart was lying to me about what I need. My own heart was trying to destroy me. I was wrestling with my own heart.


I was kept by the Spirit!

The world under Satan's control lies to us all the time. But, do we realize that our own hearts do the same? Our natural self is evil because of sin. We naturally want the things opposite of God. So, we are in a constant spiritual battle between our will and God's will.

Sometimes we give in to our own wills and begin to turn our backs to God. If we turn completely away and begin walking in the opposite direction, we will soon find ourselves wandering in the far off land - lost.

Christians do turn once in awhile. I believe they even begin walking and sometimes do get lost in the far off land.

However, the Holy Spirit living in us, sends us warning signals, convicts us of the fact that we have chosen the wrong direction, and will steer us back on course if we cooperate.

Cooperation = heeding the warning, turning back, and asking for forgiveness.

If we choose to ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit and continue on our merry way, I am confident God will orchastrate a grand rescue to bring us back home. It says in the bible that not one of his can be snatched from his hand. So, whether it is Satan, the world, or our own hearts that lead us astray it is only temporary; God will prevail in the end because Jesus has paid the price for us and we are his treasured people.

So, I was turning.

The Holy Spirit used my husband's words to convict me.

I cooperated. I heeded the warning. I realized what I was walking towards was a lie, a fake substitute, a fleeting fulfillment. I had turned away from the truth, from the power to overcome, and from the only true source of peace and joy because I beleived a lie. I realized it only because of the power of the Holy Spirit to convict who lives in me.

I turned back to God. I repented of my sin and he restored me unto him.

I believe it's important for Christians to be real with other Christians. To be honest that we all struggle, that we're not perfect yet, and we all still need a Savior! It's even more important to point out the power of the Holy Spirit to keep us.

My bible verse for this blog is Psalm 66:16 Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.

I'm letting you know what he has done for me.

He has saved me from my own heart by his perfect truth. I have been kept by the Spirit!

Thank you Lord Jesus for your gift of salvation and for the gift of the Holy Spirit that continues to keep us until you return to gather us home!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do the Lives of Others Look Too Good To You?

As a stay at home, homeschooling mom, I don't get out much.

This wasn't always the case, but, in recent years my life has gravitated away from a full time work schedule, a full time social schedule, and a full time 'me' schedule. Most days, I am very happy with my life as it evolves into what God has in store for me. But, I admit there are days I think I am missing out on something.

These feelings came out this past weekend as I talked with others at a funeral, of all places. While we waited for the family to return from the burial for the lunch that was to be served, we caught up with friends we hadn't seen in quite sometime. Former colleagues of mine, and their spouses. As I listened to their exciting stories and escapades, I started to feel a little envious.

It seems as my husband and I were trudging along raising children, everyone else was having the time of their life doing all sorts of things. Needless to say, most of my peers are ready to become empty nesters in the next few years, while our youngest is only two. They are beginning the process of pulling away from their children (or children pulling away from them - depending on whom you are talking to) and discovering what they like to do as a couple free from the daily routine of child rearing.

I used the phrase earlier, "trudging along" because it just seems like for the last few years it's been a tough road. Teenagers can make life difficult at times and so can a 2 year old. There always seems to be a temper tantrum going on, a rebellion that has to be squashed, or all our energy is needed to prevent someone from doing something too bad or getting too hurt. Sometimes life can feel overwhelming.

Apparently, life was feeling a little burdensome on my end this weekend but as I talked with my long lost friends, Oh, I sensed they didn't experience any burden. Envy set in. The entire ride home all I talked about was how good they had it.

My husband was very patience with me as I pointed out things.

"Did you see her designer purse?

"Do you know they go out to eat every Friday night and meet three other couples for drinks after their kids sporting events?"

"They go upnorth for the weekend and leave their teenagers home alone."

Later in the day, I was still talking about them. I noted how happy and carefree they seemed. They seemed to have so many friends. They seemed to have whatever they wanted and didn't seem to have any problems.

Now, my husband, a discerning christian man, calming points out to me that these very people I am so envious of, and want to aspire to be like (even if temporarily), are dead! "What is there to envy about death?"

I knew he was right. They were not saved individuals. They did not know Christ as their Savior. They seemed more carefree because they followed their own desires and fleshy wills. They did what they wanted, when they wanted, and however they wanted to do it because they answered to no one but themselves. I knew he was right but I still needed to wrestle with it in my mind a little longer. Maybe I just didn't want to let the fantasy go. Maybe I was trying to figure out a way to have Christ as my Lord and still have what they have.

God, as he always does, convicts me and then gently leads me to repentance. Then, after I have yielded my will back to him and humbly ask to be restored, he gives me an explanation. A piece of wisdom or understanding to reinforce what he is teaching me through the situation. For me, it usually happens when I am reading his word.

I have been reading a chapter a day in the Psalms. Today, Chapter 73 was up. By verse 2, I knew this was God's timing and God's personal words for me.

2 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
I had nearly lost my foothold.

3 For I envied the arrogant
when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

4 They have no struggles;
their bodies are healthy and strong. [a]

5 They are free from the burdens common to man;
they are not plagued by human ills.

That's exactly how I was feeling. I almost, almost was willing to walk away from my faith for something that appeared to look better to me.

21 When my heart was grieved
and my spirit embittered,

22 I was senseless and ignorant;
I was a brute beast before you.

I had acted bitterly toward God and my thinking was skewed and stupid. How awful of me to have forgotten what the love of a beautiful Lord is worth.

23 Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.

24 You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.

25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.

27 Those who are far from you will perish;
you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.

What humility I felt knowing God did not hold my stupidity against me. He didn't leave me or forsake me even though I contemplated doing it to him. He gently reminded me of who he is, what he's done for me, and what it is worth. It is worth EVERYTHING!

28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds

It is good to be near the Sovereign Lord!

It is easy to get enticed by the world and the things of the world, especially during a difficult time. I wanted to escape the current situation our family finds itself in at the moment. I wanted relief. I wanted to be someone else. I got tangled up and saw an escape route. I thought I'd take it instead of sticking it out like God wanted me to do.

I've discovered it's hot here in the fire of refinement but God has reminded me it is worth it!

He has kept me, restored me, renewed me, guided me, showed me the permanent relief yet to come, and the glory yet to be revealed!

I will tell of all your deeds!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Answer to Prayer

Our family is working through a difficult time. One day I broke down before my Lord and asked why. Why our family? Why now? Why us? I poured my heart out to him and laid my burden at his feet but I still wanted answers. I still wanted to know if there was a purpose in all of this. If there was a reason the circumstances will play out this particular way.

God was faithful and provided an answer to my prayer in the story of the blind man found in the book of John, chapter 9, of the bible. It came to me in two parts. The first part was for me. I knew it was God's answer as soon as I read it.

The second part was for another person in my family and it came as I read this story to a family member out loud. As I read, I expected the same revelation of understanding to be given (found in verses 1-3) that gave me so much peace but it wasn't until the end of the story that the revelation of peace came to the other person. I knew, too, as soon as I read verses 35-38 that this is the part of the message God wanted this person to have.

John 9:1-3
1As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
3"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.

There was a purpose! God was going to take a life and change it through these circumstances! As a result, God's work would be displayed in this person's life for others to see and marvel at the transformation. This process may be quick, but I am more inclined to think, it will be a long process. But, it started here, in this circumstance, at this point in time. This is the defining moment that will bring about the work of God in this life.

I, also, believe how I handle the situation will display the work of God already taken place in my own life. He has prepared me for this time. He gives me strength now. He holds me up and gives me joy and peace in the midst of the difficult time. The work of God in me will be evident to those around me as they see me rise above the circumstance with hope and grace. Thank you Lord.

John 9:35-38
35Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, and when he found him, he said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"

36"Who is he, sir?" the man asked. "Tell me so that I may believe in him."

37Jesus said, "You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you."

38Then the man said, "Lord, I believe," and he worshiped him.

I believe that Jesus wants to reveal himself through these circumstances in a very intimate way to some who have never thought to look for him or have not yet found him. I don't believe he caused the situation but he allowed it, and there is heavenly purpose. Souls will meet the life source of our Living Lord and Savior and be saved and transformed! These very souls, made alive in Christ, will testify to the goodness of God's grace to others. It's all part of the great story of how God draws men onto himself.

How can I rebel against the work of God? I can't. I must rely on him for strength and continued grace to see us through. I trust in his promises and his love, but more importantly, in his power to turn this around for his purpose.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blueberries or M&M's?

Have you ever noticed that foods that are naturally blue, red, and yellow are all good for you and encouraged to be a huge part of your daily diet but foods that are artificially colored blue, red, and yellow are usually very bad for you?

Compare blueberries and blue M&M's. One is a super food that improves your health and increases your energy. The other is a deceiving calorie packed, energy depleting snack that looks pretty but isn't at all good for us.

This reminds me that sometimes as Christians we settle for worldly things that appear to be life affirming but turn out to disappoint us in the end and are actually not good for us at all, instead of choosing the things of God which can be trusted to be exactly what we need, every time.

Don't be deceived by the shiny package of lies that the world uses to lure us away from God and his true life affirming gifts.

Thursday, August 19, 2010 Audio Player Audio Player

Creators of the Manhattan Declaration discuss Prop 8 on Hugh Hewitt show.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fear and Ineffectiveness

I read these words this morning and wrote them down in my journal.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

This afternoon I was completing an application for a class I want to take through our church called Character Development. One of the questions on the application ask, 'why do you want to take this class?'. I wrote down four reasons, and it's reasons number three and four that reminded me of this verse from this morning.

Reason # 3: I feel Satan still uses my past to attack me and frustrate my usefulness for Christ. So, although I am afraid to be honest, I recognize the need to bring it to light so it can't be used against me in secret anymore.

Reason # 4: I don't want to hide behind a mask of who I think others want me to be. I want to be real.

Most of my adult life, I have hid my true self because I was afraid if people really knew me they wouldn't like me. My greatest fear has always been abandonment and it is deeply rooted since my childhood.

I really don't know how the class works but I have heard from others that it is pretty heavy stuff. They apparently take you all the way back to your childhood to understand how you were shaped and how that affects you today. I have heard that every week there is a woman crying and that you have to share some pretty personal things. Well, you can just imagine my fear. I have joked with others that I couldn't possibly take the class because I would take up the entire class myself or I'd be crying every week.

Under my cover of indifference through self depreciation, is really a great fear of being discovered. I have not been 100% sure if I am ready to exposed all those carefully hidden secrets, reopen old wounds, or put myself in such a vulnerable position. I alternate between thinking 'I can do it' to 'no, I can't'. I went as far as to request the application to at least see what it looked like, and find out what kind of questions they would ask. It wasn't anything too earth shattering, and it definitely did not give me any indication what to expect from the class itself, and yet, I sobbed as I tried to fill it out.

Do you know why I sobbed? It's not because of what you might think but rather because I saw for the first time how Satan had lied to me for most of my life with whispers that I was not good enough for God, or others, to love me. I had bought Satan's lie, and I had spent a lot of energy, for years, pretending to be on the outside who I thought I should be, and concealing the real me out of fear of being abandoned and left alone. This fear kept me believing that God couldn't love me and so I didn't pursue a relationship with him.

I cried because of the time lost being separated from a loving Father. My mind could actually go back through time, as if rewinding a video tape, to a specific moment in time; years earlier, to the beginning of buying the lie. My mind quickly worked it's way forward through time to the point when the lie started to lose it's power over me. It was like marking two spots on a timeline. I knew exactly when I bought the lie and I knew how long I held on to it. As I traveled in my mind, back and forth over those years, rewinding and fast forwarding the metaphoric video, I grieved over time lost and I felt cheated and robbed of how the first half of my life could have been!

Have you ever given something away only to find yourself in possession of it again? Well, I realized today, I am, at times, in possession of the lie even though I gave it away. It seems to keep coming back. Do you know why? Because Satan knows he can still hurt me with it. As long as I keep the catalyst hidden from others, he can use it against me. He can continue to get me to believe that I am not good enough. Even though I know better, and I have been reconciled to God through grace, Satan knows I have been hesitant to share with others those same things I have shared with God. The fear of others knowing, the fear of being judged, and the fear of being abandoned cause me to be ineffective for Christ at times.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

God is calling me to be made perfect through his perfect love. To trust him like never before. To take a risk, to face my fears, to be real with another person. He wants to show me that his perfect love is sufficient to release me and set me free to soar! I am thinking if I share with another Christian, and can be loved, despite (which can only happen because of the love of Christ), then Satan can no longer hold me captive in this area. This will help me with reasons number one and two on why I want to take this class.

Reason # 1: To be an effective Christ follower.

Reason # 2: To be an effective teacher for my children and any woman God brings into my life to mentor.

God is good!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Second Family Vacation

We had the privilege of two family vacations this summer. Our first was out west to Yellowstone and involved a lot of driving. Our second was much more relaxing and felt more like what a vacation should be.

We rented a cabin on a lake in northern Wisconsin for a week. We just kind of cocooned as a family and hung out together. We read books, individually and as a family, the girls worked on sudoko's and crossword puzzles, lounged in lawn chairs down by the water soaking in the warm sun, fished from the dock, went swimming in the lake, took a boat ride, rode a jet ski, went horseback riding, drove race cars at the Go-Cart track, and took lots of naps.

We had some adventures, too. Two mornings in a row we had a group of bats sleeping between the inside and outside doors to the cabin. The outside door was missing a screen which made it easy for the bats to move in. My husband was chosen as the one to rouse them out (as the girls and I were prepared to die in the cabin and never attempt to leave. I'll never forget him trying to pick one bat up with two very long sticks to toss it into the woods (it had a broken wing and couldn't fly)as we prayed he wouldn't get bit by the bat and have to endure rabies shots. We were able to avoid that situation.

The hot water heater decided to break during our stay and it was out of service for two days before getting fixed. Funny, how we take things like a hot shower everyday for granted until you can't have it.

I believe God used this experience to humble us because it was during these 'no shower days' that we were asked by another couple to ride on their boat with them and then go out to eat with them - at the fanciest restaurant in the area. To top it off, our youngest daughter had a complete meltdown in the restaurant which resulted in the biggest temper tantrum in the history of the world by a two year old. The stares of all the older people in the restaurant and their looks of "Why can't she control her child?" were contributing to my other problem of not having showered in two days.

As my husband keeps telling me, "These days will soon pass and I will miss them" so I will laugh about it now but it was not funny as it was happening.

I did want to mention though that by the end of the week my teenage daughter was initiating hugs with me and telling me she loved me. That hadn't happened in a long time so I guess cocooning as a family is just what she needed.

I am thankful! God has been very good to us!

Monday, August 9, 2010

We Don't Love Children, We Love Drywall

We Don't Love Children, We Love Drywall

I found this blog post on another website that promotes Beautiful Womanhood at that was so good I had to share it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friends For the Journey

A dear friend of mine recently borrowed a book to me to read to my daughters. The Evergreen Wood by Alan and Linda Parry is an adaptation of The Pilgrim's Progress for children.

I read once that The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyon was the second best selling book of all time, after the bible, so I was very excited to read this to them.

As I read the final chapters to them today, I found myself learning a valuable lesson about the importance of perseverance and the role christian friends play in finishing the race. The race, of course, is the life of faith that leads to salvation and eternal life with Christ.

The road is long, the gate narrow. The journey is sometimes difficult, and we easily become lost, finding ourselves in a heap of trouble or danger, not seeing the way out. We need friends in our life who are on the same path as us, going in the same direction, with the same focus and end goal as we have, to support us along the way. We sometimes need encouragement, other times warnings, advice, a helping hand, or a buddy to help navigate the dark waters of life.

As a married woman, the greatest ally I have in my christian walk of faith is my husband, and I, his greatest ally. As I read the pages of this book out loud to my children, my own eyes teared up at the realization of how much I really need my husband, and how much he needs me.

We are companions to each other, partners in building a life and home together, co-parents of our children, partners in ministry, etc. but no greater calling is put upon us than to help the other become all that Christ intended them to be, and to help the other preserve faithfully to the end, where glory and honor and everlasting peace and joy await us both.

In the big picture of our life together, this our calling to each other, our high commitment, our vow - not to leave the other vulnerable to the enemy and jeopardize their faith. I am so thankful that my husband is a lover of Christ, and because he is, I am blessed in so many ways. My husband prays for me and the children everyday. We read the bible together. We try and live our lives in obedience to God the best we know how.

We are sinners, and fallen creatures, just like everyone else, the results of such are sometimes devastating and hurtful. It is sometimes difficult to rise above the problems of the day, but when we do, we are reminded of the vow and the end goal. Amazing forgiveness, patience, and love can be freely given despite the circumstances of the day when the heart, mind, and desires of Christ are also ours.

I heard a guest speaker on a radio program yesterday (Family Life Today) talk about praying for your spouse with just these simple words.

For a woman praying for her husband: Lord, help me hear him, support him, and serve him.

For a man praying for his wife: Lord, help me hear her, cherish her, and serve her.

I just heard this prayer yesterday but I have been praying it in my mind over and over ever since. I think the insight I received from this children's book today, is God answering my prayer, by allowing me to see my husband in a different light. Reminding me not to forget what his ultimate purpose is as my husband, nor what my purpose is as his wife.

Marriage, God's institution, is much more than what we look at it as on any given day. It's more than tax breaks, the splitting of duties, sharing the burden, or whatever else modern culture would like to define it as. God's institution has eternal implications for believers. We'd be wise not to lose sight of that, especially in the culture that we live in today.

I'd like to thank my dear friend for sharing this book with me. I am glad you are walking with me on this journey toward heaven, too. I need you and I am so grateful our lives have touched in this world.

To all my friends in Christ, I love you and I am thankful for your examples, your support, your weaknesses, and your love. May we all persevere to the end, and rejoice together as we sit at the banquet of our Lord, Jesus Christ, in heaven someday. Just imagine how much intimacy and love we will be able to have for each other in heaven! What joy awaits us!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Where You Turn | Feature Programs | Janet Parshall

Where You Turn | Feature Programs | Janet Parshall

I love, love this radio program! I listen everyday while I'm making supper for the family. The kids hear it by osmosis and I'm hoping they are picking up some wisdom in the process. Check it out for yourself. Very relevant and informational and most importantly biblical.

Summer Vacation - Road Trip

We're back from our road trip vacation where we logged over 3000 road miles with three kids ages 16,12,2 and survived! We went to Minnesota first for a family wedding, then on to De Smet, SD to the Laura Ingalls Homestead (my favorite), to Rapid City, SD (Badlands, Mount Rushmore, Bear Country, Custer State Park, Ironwood & Needles Highways), to Cody, WY, and Yellowstone National Park.

We weathered tornado warnings, hunkering down with other guest in the hotel's main floor where we were staying until the storm passed.

We surveyed the damage as we drove through the path of the storm the next day. There were trees and branches down through the entire state of Minnesota and very wet conditions.

We experienced temperatures reaching 102 degrees in some cities on our trip. Dry heat they tell us is better than the humid heat we are use to, but hot is still hot in my book.

I am afraid of heights. Let me rephrase that, I am desperately afraid of heights. Driving through the mountains, with steep grades and drastic drop offs, was a life threatening experience for me. I was in tears at times driving through the Buckhorn mountains to Cody, WY. I should have known better when the highway signs approaching the route we were going to take offered up another route that was safer with less grade. Seriously, there were three billboard sized signs suggesting another route. I begged my husband to heed the signs. He finally did - on the return trip! I had to endure the unsafe route on the trip to Yellowstone but we took the alternate on the way home. I have no pictures of the trip west through the Buckhorns because I was glued to the middle of the car and both of my hands were hanging on for dear life. Now, I know why they put those little handles above the window in the Jeep doors. I was petrified!

Our second night in our cabin (in the wooded mountains right outside of the East entrance to Yellowstone and an hour away from the next town),a ten minute rain spell produced one lightening bolt that hit the transformer that powered our cabin and the lodge that supported us. Did I mention this happened right at dinner time. Remember, the next town is 60 minutes away, the territory is mountainous and curvy, and the route not one I want to drive too often, much less in the dark. I was slightly worried I might not get an evening meal. However, we had a perfect dinner in the dark with the other guest. They were able to grill anything we wanted because that required gas, not electricity. Worked out ok.

During the power outage, everyone sat outside where it was lighter, so we all either saw or heard the car accident that happened at the end of the lodge driveway. Everyone was ok although they did take the pregnant lady to the ER to make sure. It was quite the night of excitement for the girls.

At one of our stop over cities on the drive home, we had interesting pool guests. A couple, ex-hippies, I'm guessing, spent the entire day in a routine that looked like this. Drink a can of beer while sitting at the table, go outside and smoke a cigarette, dive in pool and swim three laps, hug each other a few times, slide the cooler to the hot tub and enjoy beer and hot tub, slide cooler back to table, enjoy another beer, go outside for a cigarette, etc. This went on like clockwork all day. Oh, there was the minor interruptions when the guy had to take the cooler back to the hotel room to restock the supply, otherwise the routine was fairly consistent. To me, it just looked like a death sentence waiting to happen. I could not have survived it myself.

Thank God for my husband's laptop and a million DVDs checked out from the local library! Keeping the two year old entertained was critical in preventing her from kicking her sisters in the face every five minutes. In a car seat, the only thing she could really move was her arms or legs. So, kicking and pulling hair helped her pass the time. You can just imagine how well teenage girls handle shoes to the face and their hair being messed up. Now, that I think about it, it was funny. At the time though, not so funny.

Anyway, all kidding aside, we had an amazing trip. We were blessed to see God's beautiful country, the diversity in landscape, the clouds form into storms, and meet people from all over the United States and Canada. It was truly a memorable experience. I'm a history buff and there's so much history in the towns we traveled through to see and experience firsthand. However, as a Christian we had to filter out all the references to evolutionary theory and the suggestion that it took millions of years to form some of the things we saw. How about one major flood caused by God's anger at the world?

It's really beneficial to get the kids out into God's world and out from behind a textbook for a while. We were able to see things we had learned about in books and they came alive for us in a whole new way.

Hope you all are having an educational, relaxing, interesting, exciting summer vacation yourself.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Homsechool? - An article explains for me.

Below is an encouraging article published in the Homeschooling Helper email I subscribe to that describes perfectly the reason we decided to homeschool. We can give you a list of reasons that we have discovered through our process to get here but the only one that truly matters is the fact that God has called us to it. This article explains it much better than I could ever do. Only he knows the plans he has for us.

The Compelling Purpose of Homeschooling

By Carole Adams

From the Homeschooling Helper

Parents choose to bring their children home for many reasons, which increase as secularism's rising tide assaults the family, children, and the nature of American education. When a neighbor asks why you homeschool, it is often difficult to state one major reason your family decided to create a handmade school when the neighborhood schools are "free" and convenient. Sometimes the quizzical looks remain in your mind, particularly on days when educating your children seems harder than other days.

The Real Reason Your root motivation to homeschool is the only sustaining reason to continue; you are educating by God's providence-by His calling, His preparation, and His purpose. What our faithful Father calls forth, He faithfully enables. He has led your family off destruction's path to a higher, often challenging, route for His supreme and eternal purpose.

The theme in the May/June 2010 issue of Homeschooling Today is the ark-the metaphor for God's move in this generation to bring millions of families "into the ark" of educational preservation. How exciting to be part of this historically significant movement. We cannot yet know the greater plan; however, like the sons of Issachar, we can see the signs of the times.

You and the Ark "But with thee, will I establish my covenant, and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. . . . Thus did Noah: according to all that God commanded him, so did he" (Genesis 6:18 and 22). God called Noah to build the ark, and He prepared Noah with specific instructions on a timeline. Noah was aware of God's requirements (like you when you began homeschooling). The Scripture says he was righteous and "walked with" God. Was it only to reward Noah that God called him and made His covenant with him? I don't believe so, because God always works generationally within His purpose for man's redemption. Noah knew he was playing a role in a larger purpose. In this case, the necessity of eradicating the overwhelming evil in the world imposed the equal necessity of saving a remnant. God's purpose of preserving righteousness from the "waters of the flood" remains today. Your homeschool, like Noah's ark, is an instrument in the great design of the Gospel; it is God's purpose in this generation.
That idea is large enough to sustain home-educating parents. We cannot maintain the effort only for escaping a hostile culture; the effort is too arduous and lonely. Let's consider the definition of ark.

Ark: "A small close vessel, chest or coffer, such as that which was the repository of the tables of the covenant among the Jews. . . . The vessel in which Moses was set afloat upon the Nile was an ark of bulrushes. 2. The large floating vessel, in which Noah and his family were preserved during the deluge" (Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary).

The imagery is inspiring! Your homeschool is a repository of the covenant and a vessel to preserve it. The word preserve raises further questions. What exactly is God preserving? A look again at the definition gives further understanding:

Preserve: "To keep or save from injury or destruction; to defend from evil. 2. To uphold; to sustain. 3. To save from decay; to keep in a sound state; as, to preserve fruit in winter. Salt is used to preserve meat. 5. To keep or defend from corruption; as, to preserve youth from vice" (Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary).

"And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood" (Genesis 7:6-8).

Preserving What God Values
Your homeschooling preserves the words of the covenant when you teach them to your children. "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up" (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, NKJV). Jesus, God's instrument to redeem mankind, stands quietly at the center of this generation, misunderstood and often unnoticed, but nevertheless, the dominant figure in history for the past twenty centuries. In Jesus alone, your children will find answers to the confounding questions of life. He alone satisfies the soul's awesome need for relevance, meaning, and completion at the deepest level. You have the calling, preparation, and purpose to preserve the covenant by teaching Jesus-the Word of God and the Bread of Life-to your children.
Noah Webster, in his 1823 "Letter to a Young Gentleman Concerning His Education," says the "first questions a rational being should ask himself, are Who made me? Why was I made? What is my duty? The proper answers to these questions, and the practical results, constitute . . . the whole business of life." He explains further that God's Word alone can give answers to life questions. Jesus alone has the proven ability to speak to, heal, and empower the individual to wholeness, strength, eternity, and the life we hunger for-the life that makes sense of human existence.

The Ark's Promise
"The Lord will be their light, and they will reign for ever and ever" (Revelation 22:5 NKJV). As the old preacher says, we know the end of the story because we've read the book; it ends in victory! There is certainty in God's Word. It remains forever and never changes when trends, fads, styles, and fashions fade away. "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever" (Isaiah 40:8 NKJV).

This is the surety of the covenant when life is unsure. Your homeschool's mission is generational, Gospel-driven, far-reaching, and full of promise. Do your children know what they are part of? Do they understand that they are preserving the covenant for the ages? Do they realize that beyond grammar and penmanship they have a story to tell about God's providence in their lives?

Introduce your children to Noah Webster, father of American Christian education, and let them grapple with the three questions he says are the "whole business of life." Something happens to us when we lift our eyes unto the hills toward God's governance of the universe and His perspective. Give your children this view and your homeschooling daily business will be elevated to a true mission, cooperating with the Holy Spirit according to God's purpose in your family. Your homeschool is an ark in this generation. God calls you, prepares you, and gives you a purpose. Count it a privilege!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summertime Pictures

Baking Day!

Chocolate Pudding Cake (Father's Day Gift)
White Chip Lemon Strudel Bars

My Birthday!

One of my daughters got up very early to arrange this breakfast for me. She decorated with all of my birthday cards and a flower. Orange juice was served in a very fancy blue glass ("like in a hotel", she said)

Ali may not be able to really read that book yet, but she is learning to want to read it!
By the way, summer homeschooling is going wonderfully!

Nap Time!
What summer day is complete without a little cat nap?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Defeated Parenting

Overheard at a Restaurant:

"I told my daughter I don't want her to have sex until she is married but if she decides for herself that she cannot wait and that she absolutely must do it sooner then I want her to be smart about it. If she can't talk to me then I told her to talk to my best friend, who I trust will give her solid advice on what to do."

What message do you think this daughter received from her well meaning but misguided mother?

I think the daughter received more than one message and probably none of them were the ones the mother intended to send.

Incorrect messages given:

1. A girl has the right to decide for herself when she should have sex. (God's Word on the subject wasn't mentioned, nor was his authority over her discussed).

2. We cannot be expected to exercise self-control over our desires (no direction given on how to have an exit plan or avoidance plan to help with the self control issues, nor how pleasing God should always have precedence over pleasing self).

3. Avoid consequences when doing something you shouldn't (ie. pregnancy, STD's) (Only the outer consequences were addressed. No mention of the inner consequences of the heart and mind that occur whenever we live outside of God's plan)

What if we were talking about murder instead of sex outside of marriage? Would you tell your daughter, "I don't want you to murder anyone but if you decide for yourself that you must, I want you to be smart about it. Talk to me, or so-and-so, to get advice on how to do it without getting caught."

Okay, some of you are saying that murder and sex aren't on the same par with one another so my analogy is unfair. Well, let's take it down a notch, then.

What if we were talking about cheating on a test at school? "Honey, I really want you to do your own work but if you choose not to, and instead decide to copy someone else's work, then please talk to me about how to do it without the teacher seeing you."

We wouldn't say that in any other circumstance. Wrong is wrong! Consequences are there to reinforce wrong is wrong. Avoiding the outward consequence doesn't make wrong right. Secret sins don't nullify the sin.

I think Americans are so bombarded with sex and sexual undertones that parents feel they are fighting a losing battle. Majority has changed the scale of morality, and following the crowd seems to be human nature and parents feel defeated in trying to stand against the culture - for themselves! Thus, this defeated attitude in their own behaviors/thinking comes out in their parenting. They failed so they think it natural their kids will fail, too!

Folks, the culture has been on a downward slide for quite sometime and we are in need of a counter balance to tip it the other way. Christians need to step up to counter the cultural shift.

Christians need to understand what God says about all subjects of life and communicate those to our children, along with the expectation God has for obedience. We cannot be too busy with careers and self-fulfillment activities to neglect parenting our children in the fear of the Lord. We can not water down God's truths. We cannot lower God's expectations. We need constant soul revival of our own through God's Word to transform our thinking, strengthen our resolve to obey, and teach God's truths wholly and correctly in all areas of life.

When we fail to do these things we leave our children vulnerable to Satan's lies and deception! If we're not paying attention, you can bet Satan is! Don't let him tie you up in defeated attitudes, busyness, and the lie of following your own self-fulfillment activities. These all prevent you from training up your children well in the ways of the Lord.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yesterday afternoon, my daughters were enjoying swimming in their little pool while I sat nearby reading a book.

The book I am currently reading is titled, Team of Rivals The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Godwin. It's one of those tough read books where the sentences are a whole paragraph long and if you get interrupted (which happens when you have kids) you have to reread the entire sentence again to understand what you are reading. It is taking me a long time to read it but is well worth the time. The history, the time, the ways of the people, the literature of the time, etc. are all in there, which makes for a fascinating read for a history buff like me.

So, I am in the chapter where the Dred Scott case is being decided by the Supreme Court and James Buchanan is President. The Supreme Court decision on March 6, 1857 takes the position (7-2) that 'blacks' were not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizen' in the Constitution (Team of Rivals The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln). This decision was a stunning blow to the north who opposed the slavery mentality of the south.

As I am enjoying the laughs and giggles of my girls, and trying to get a sentence in here and there from the book, a man comes up behind me and excuses himself. After the initial freaking out, I come to understand he is Frank Lasee, a politician running for our State Senate. He notes the book I am reading, and suggests that considering what I am reading, I probably have some important questions for him. We begin a dialogue about what is important to me as a Wisconsin citizen and about what his views are on things or how he wants to address issues in office.

Now, here is the irony. As I am speaking to this politician in my backyard who is soliciting my vote to get him into office, I realize how far our country has grown.

The time frame of the chapter in the book I am reading is prior to blacks being considered citizens, and thus, are not yet legal voters. This meant it was a time prior to women being able to vote. But, here in my backyard, is a man who is concerned about what I need from my state government, interested in what I think, and what is important to my family.

After he leaves, my daughters and I have a conversation about this irony. We discuss what to look for in a person wanting to be a leader in our government. We discuss the great privilege of living in an age where women's ideas are important, and the great responsibility that comes along with that privilege.

I want my daughters to be educated, informed, and wise so that they carry out this responsibility of having a voice, and being heard, in an ethical and godly manner. To not waste the privilege on babble, unimportant ideas, or misuse of justice. I want them to use their voice for the betterment of society, the protection and edification of the family, and for glorifying God.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Holy Spirit's Nudge in Mothering

My daughter mentioned that a girl in school recommended she read a particular book which she was able to pick up at the middle school library. My radar did not immediately go up because it was a book in the school library. However, that alone should have been cause for me to question it.

Anyway, I noticed that she would go into her room and lock the door whenever she was reading it. She said it was to keep her little sister out so she could read in peace in quiet. Still, no alarm going off in my head.

In my prayer time yesterday, I asked God to give me a heart for my children's needs and to know what areas of their character, etc. might need some guidance. Well, after supper last night she is back behind a locked door reading this book and I paused to contemplate that and felt the Holy Spirit's nudge to get in there and review that book.

I asked her to scooch over so I could lay on the bed with her and read along with her which is something she normally loves to do but not this time. She instead handed me the book, almost with a sense of relief, and walked out of the room to play. I sat down and began to read.

The book is titled Thirteen Reason Why by Jay Asher. It is about a girl who committed suicide and left behind these cassette tapes talking about why she did it and a boy finds them and listens to them and discovers he is part of the reason why she did. So topic number one that I don't want my daughter reading about is suicide.

Topics 2,3,4 are bullying, partying/drinking to the point of puking and passing out/and rape! I was just about sick. She is in the sixth grade and this book was in her school library.

I asked her what she had read so far and she said pretty much the same stuff I had read. I went in my room and prayed and cried because I was angry that my daughter had lost part of her innocence with what she had read - about people, about the world, about hope, and about the beautiful nature of sex in the way God designed it to be. I didn't even have "the talk" with her yet. It's all skewed now by the world's ugliness and Satan's lies and activities. I was heartbroken.

God reminded me that Hunter had signed a purity covenant last year though church and I went and dug it out. Together, we reread it out loud, talked about why reading this book went against what God wanted us to do, and that we needed to ask him to forgive us and restore us. She agreed and we prayed, for her, for me, and for all the other kids at school who may read this book. She, then, asked if she could resign the covenant. I thought it was a great idea and showed a recommitment to the covenant she made with God and I felt she was sincere in her repentance.

She knew it was wrong to read it but she got caught up in the lure of what Satan had to offer. That's how he works. He's a deceiver, a liar, and destroyer. She needed her mom to step in and pull her away and she was grateful for the rescue.

Today, I read the reviews on-line of this book, and so many people tout it as the best book written on suicide. In the back of the book, the author has a question/answer section,and in one of his answers he says:

Some people, primarily adults, would rather there be no books dealing with controversial subjects, even if those books help start a dialogue between teens and adults. Thankfully, I've heard from a lot of parents and teachers and librarians who are using this book for that very reason."

Well, my daughter would have read it with NO DIALOGUE, if the Holy Spirit wouldn't have stepped in, because it was chosen for the MIDDLE school library for kids to check out and read for fun. It is not that kind of dialogue I want my innocent daughter to be having at this age. I don't know how books are chosen for these libraries but I do know they are not chosen with the best interest of our children in mind. At least, not a biblical best interest, maybe a worldly one, but not a biblical one.

Next year, our daughter will be home schooled. This book, and others like it, will not grace the shelves of our school library! That decision does not make me foolish as the world would like to claim that I am but rather it makes me wise and discerning and God-Fearing.

Lessons learned:

1. A parent cannot effectively parent without being led by the Holy Spirit to be made aware of those things we would not see or overlook.

2. Other people cannot have the same level of interest in my daughter that I have nor do they want to protect her like I do. I am the best person to raise and educate my children.

3. Satan is so deceptive and clever. EVERYTHING must be examined through the lens of God's Word before determining good. If it doesn't hold up to God's Word it's a lie or a trap! Don't let Satan lull you into complacency in your parenting. Guard yourselves, too. There is so much that on the surface looks good, sounds good, everyone else has bought into as good, etc. that ISN'T. Don't fall victim to Satan's deceit.

4. Forgiveness is available when we fail, fall down, retreat, etc. We need to seek it, ask to be restored and healed, and then move on. Don't give up doing what is good because of a temporary setback. God can make everything new again, give hope where hope was lost, and give you strength to start anew. He has the power to guard and keep you.

This is the message the book fails to give but it is the only message that really has the power to overcome the world's lies!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

God's Timing

Lord, Whenever I have too much going on my body and mind go on lockdown and I can't seem to focus. Show me the things that are important today and help me prioritize and let go of the things that don't matter. Give me an attitude of service to others versus a self-centered one. Center me with your peace, your vision, your will. My desire is to please you. Amen

I wrote these words at 8:00 AM this morning in my prayer journal. I leave tomorrow on weekend Woman's Retreat with 400 other women from my Church. My day included laundry, cooking meals for the family for when I am away, packing, phone calls, last minute errands, etc. I just felt overwhelmed with everything I felt I needed to do before I could leave. So, I spent some time first talking with God because I've learned through experience things go better when I do.

At 8:15 AM, fifteen minutes after writing those words, I received a phone call from my daughter. She frantically said, "Mom, did you hear what happened?"

Flash forward one hour earlier.

When we left the house at 7:20 AM an ambulance had gone rushing past our house. Before we were all in the car, two fire trucks had also gone through. We commented this was not good, especially if it was a car accident, given the time of day it could easily involve high school kids. I said a quick mental prayer for whoever might be involved and took the kids to school

As I arrived back in my driveway, two helicopters flew overhead, hospital helicopters. I knew then something bad had really happened. I said another prayer, more urgent this time, for all involved. As soon I was back in the house though my mind turned back to all the things I had to do and I then began my bible study and prayer time.

On the other end of the phone, my daughter is now telling me there was a car accident and five high school kids were hit by a train on the way to school. Four of the five were brothers and she told me their last name.

Eight days ago that name would have meant nothing to me because I would not have known them at all. My daughter said, "Mom, isn't that the name of the Dad and his son who came to your small group last week? I think it is, that's why I'm calling you, I thought you would like to get a hold of your small group leader and see what you could do."

Our church is a large church and to keep a sense of connection we have small groups that get together every week to support each other, do bible study, and pray together. It provides a sense of community that could be hard to get in a large church. Just last week a new man joined us. He brought one of his high school sons along, who participated with our group that night. We learned about the things they liked to do, what is going on in their lives, etc. They go to our church but just now joined our group and up until that point, I had never heard of them before.

The thought immediately came to me that there was no coincidence in the timing of our meeting. God knew that they were going to need a group of fellow Christians to rally around them and he brought us all together just in time for that to happen.

Two hours together, seven days ago, was all the preparation God knew we needed to be in a position to step in to help today. What amazing timing and providence!

When I called my small group leader, she felt the same way. We called everyone else in the group and immediately got everyone praying. One husband and wife went to the hospital to be with the family. Another went to the farm where the boys live to help with chores. The ladies began cooking meals for the Grandparents. The boys lived with there Grandparents and they were responsible for the cooking at the house, someone would now need to fill that role for awhile. More of the men will go to the farm tonight to see where they might be able to help. Whatever needs to be done, we will help do.

Remember my earlier predicament? Remember my words to God? Prioritize my day and let go of the things that don't matter. Give me an attitude of service to others.

Never did I dream my day would go this route when I prayed those words, but I did know without a doubt God's hand was at work.

If I ever have to face something as horrific as what these kids and their families faced this morning, I pray someone else would be willing to let God set their priority for the day and ask to be of service to someone else and, then, maybe, I would receive the same kind of outpouring of love and concern that I hope this family feels today.

I may not be any further ahead in MY to do list but God's agenda was accomplished today and that's all that matters.

I know without a doubt, God is in control, and provides for those who call him Lord. I saw his hand working in the midst of a tragedy today and I rest in peace knowing he will do the same for me.

If you are going through a tragedy of your own, I hope you see how God has provided for you in the midst of it. Share your story with the world and let others know who reigns as King.

Car hits train near Brillion
5 high school students hospitalized
Updated: Thursday, 22 Apr 2010, 11:08 AM CDT
Published : Thursday, 22 Apr 2010, 8:29 AM CDT

TOWN OF RANTOUL - A car carrying five teens on their way to Brillion High School collided with a train Thursday morning, Calumet County authorities say.

The crash happened on East River Road, south of Fischer Road, in the town of Rantoul around 7:30 a.m. Five victims were taken to Theda Clark Hospital in Neenah, some by helicopter and some by ambulance. A 15-year-old boy was listed in critical condition Thursday morning, while an 18-year-old man and two boys, ages 16 and 15, were listed in serious condition. Those four are all related. An 18-year-old woman, who is not related to the other victims, but was also traveling in the car, was listed in fair condition. The 16-year-old was driving the car.

Officials said it appeared the car did not yield to the train. The crossing has a yield sign, but no lights or gates.

FOX 11 has a crew at the scene and will have more information on and on FOX 11 News
