Monday, November 23, 2009

The Manhattan Declaration

The Manhattan Declaration

Please take the time to read this document. It is so very important!

Please, also, go to to listen to today's program titled: A Manifesto for Righteousness which discusses the Manhattan Declaration.

I heard Dr. Dobson say that if taxpayers are forced to pay to fund abortions, he and his wife cannot participate, even if that means they have to live in another country for the rest of their lives. Are we as committed? I pray it does not come to that but what would you do if it did? What are we doing to prevent our leaders from taking us down that road.

I signed this document today and I pray you do as well.

1 comment:

The Seaman's said...

thank you for sharing! I have already sign the document and also posted on my facebook page for others to do so! -Sandra.
