Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nehemiah - How One Man Made a Difference - Part 6

As the wall neared completion, the opposition stepped up its tactics, this time trying to distract and draw away from the work. Four times the opposition attempts to draw Nehemiah away from the city and his work and four times Nehemiah says no.

On the fifth attempt they send along an unsealed letter (anyone could have read it before it got to Nehemiah)for him to read. The letter points out the presence of a 'rumor' that Nehemiah and the people are planning a revolt and that Nehemiah is positioning himself to become King. They are in essence saying either come out here and meet with us OR we will pass this information along to the King (Blackmail).

The fact that the letter was unsealed, and most likely leaked out to the general population, was a ploy to undermine Nehemiah to the people with the intent of entangling them in "What if" thinking and become so burdened by questions they lose their resolve, commitment, and allegiance to Nehemiah's lead on this project and thus stop working.

I love Nehemiah's response in verse 8...I sent him this reply: "Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head." He recognizes the tactics being used and what their objective is.

Nehemiah turns to God and prays, "Now, strength my hands." He doesn't succumb to the pressure. He doesn't allow an ounce of weakness or fear to set in but rather turns to God and ask for the strength to be given to work harder to overcome these new obstacles.

Later, a man named Shemaiah suggest that he and Nehemiah meet inside the temple and lock themselves in inside in order to save Nehemiah's life. He informs him there are men coming to kill him. But Nehemiah discerns that this man is not his friend but rather has been hired to intimidate him into sin so they could discredit him to the people. Divide and conqueror tactic. The lesson we can learn from Nehemiah here is that those who appear to be our friends are not always so and we should use discernment. What looks like truth isn't always truth.

Nehemiah again prays to God. This time he asks God to remember the deeds these guys are doing against him. Nehemiah knows he can't waste time seeking vengeance or getting wrapped up in this game playing. Plus, he knows it's not his to seek. He gives it back to God to handle. He trust that God sees, God knows, and that God will handle it. He shows his trust by simply saying 'remember'.

The wall is built in 52 days!

What is the response of the opposition upon hearing of the walls completion? Fear and loss of self-confidence. Nothing like God to shut up the scoffers. Why was this their response? They knew this was done in the strength of God. God brought testimony to Himself through the success of this project. Even those who won't bow down and worship the Lord are aware of his presence and his deeds!

Well, even though the wall is done, the power struggle continues. Posturing for the hearts of the people continues. The opposition sees their need to be elevated in the eyes of the people in order to gain influence. They realize the only way to elevate themselves is to in fact discredit Nehemiah. They stay close to Nehemiah (keep your enemies close mentality) in order to try to trip him up or hear him make a mistake that they can use against him and to their favor.

The lesson here is to always be on guard, never trust the enemy, and do not give the enemy a foothold to use against you or to accuse you. Unrepentant sin in our lives allows a foothold for Satan into our hearts and he only needs a little to take an inch. Protect yourself and don't buy into the lies he wants you to believe!

In summary, Nehemiah shows us the opposition gets stronger as you get closer to completing God's work and we must always be on our guard, discerning, trusting God, praying to God, and living a righteous life in order to protect ourselves from the enemies attacks.

Trust God to take care of those scheming against you and God's people. Their day of judgement will come.

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