Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Waiting on the Lord Brings Glory Producing Miracles

Yesterday, a Christian radio program discussing personal finances said, "Americans are too quick to use their credit card for unexpected expenses that can't be covered by their cushion of savings."

They went on to say, that when we use our credit card, not only do we go into a debt that takes forever to pay back, but we also take away the opportunity for God to bless us with the resources in another way or via another channel. We deny God the opportunity to provide for us in a miraculous way that brings glory to him!

He's right. Too often we are eager to jump in and take care of things in a worldly way instead of being dependent on God. We seek immediate relief or immediate satisfaction, We don't want to wait on the Lord in faithful dependence for him to intervene.

It's not just in matters of money either that we jump in to solve the problem ourselves. Women who want to have children are quick to have medical intervention when they feel they have waited a sufficient amount of time with no results. Alternately, a woman who expectantly becomes pregnant decides to abort because she feels she is not able to support a child. We seek to meet our sexual needs outside of marriage because we haven't found the right person yet and fear we may never. The list of examples are endless.

There are lots of areas in my life where I jumped in and didn't let God have control. However, there is one area in which we did allow God to provide, and the glory did and continues today, to go to Him as a result.

When the doctors told us we would not be able to become pregnant and wanted us to pursue worldly intervention, we said no. We decided to wait on God and accept his will in the situation. After a long wait, God provided! The event was not confused as being provided by man's efforts but clearly was of God's doing. The clarity of the blessing brought all the glory to God! Just this week, I shared this story with a virtual stranger as I often do, and once again God was glorified because of His miracle performed in me.

Oh, the glory God could be given over and over again, if we only depended on Him in all things!

I plan on making a more concerted effort in all areas of my life so to not be so quick to solve all of my problems myself but wait on the Lord in faithful dependence to use the situation to bring amazing glory to Himself. I can't wait to see how God will bless us as He glorifies Himself!

1 comment:

The Seaman's said...

I couldn't agree with you more! -Sandra
