Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Childhood Friends, Adult Paths

Friends from long ago, are they friends today?
Familiar faces but hearts no longer linked to mine.
Shared memories but no new ones worthy to
scatter on the pages of our story together.
Intertwined identities and experiences,
minds molded and shaped by the same
teachers, culture, and curiosity. And, yet,
today, differences and opposing destinations.

Who has had their soul touched?
Who has seen the fire and wrath, and feared?
Who has journeyed and succeeded,
not in worldly standards, but eternal?
Who has found worth greater than
accomplishment, fame, and wealth?
Who has turned in the youthful desires,
extravagances, and excesses?
Who has embraced truth, wisdom, and reality?

Too few, I fear, have been moved to seek.
Too few, I fear, have been willing to regroup.
Too few, I fear, have been paying attention to their
place in the universe.

Souls lost but oblivious to the captivity and chains that bind.
Souls desperate for drink but always at the wrong fountain.
Hearts heavy with no where to unburden the load.
Misled down destructive paths -dark, lonely, deadly.
Deceived by false hope and promises.
Unsatisfied by all they grossly take in.

Is there time, I hope, to seek and to find?
Is there time, I hope, to regroup and refocus?
Is there time, I hope, to gaze upon the face of
God, and see our nothingness apart from him,
and our glory found only in him?

Different directions, different priorities.
Nowhere to go together.
Recreating the past is no longer an option.
Instead, let's go together into a blessed future.
Come along friend, let our paths be one.
Let truth be the guide for the next chapter
of this story together.
