Police: Kansas abortion doctor killed - Crime & courts- msnbc.com
First of all, I do not condone this act of violence and murder against this doctor any more so than I condone his acts of murder and violence against innocent babies over the course of his adult life. No one should take a life. I pray for his family.
What stood out to me the most in this article is first, his notoriety and the amount of protest and violence he and his family have endured through the years (stay with me here) AND second, that he was a MEMBER of a Christian church (ELCA). WHAT???
What has happened to church discipline and excommunication for unrepentant, unchecked sin? Sure, it's legal in the state and country's eyes but it's not in God's eyes so it shouldn't be in the eyes of the church.
Everything this man did was out in the open and highly publicized over the years. How could he be a member of any church?
I know we are to love and reach out to everyone and to share the gospel with them. However, it is the church's responsibility to rebuke sinful behavior, and if after time behaviors do not change, then they should suffer the consequence of excommunication in the HOPE that the shunning will be what brings them back to repentance. The rebuke comes out of love for God and man's eternal soul.
I'm by no means perfect myself but I just have to wonder. Could I attend a church where one of it's members was a highly publicized abortion doctor? NO! A reformed, repented, no longer practicing abortion doctor, yes, that I could handle but not this situation.
How many babies died at his hands and how many mothers were forever damaged by his direction while he sat perfectly accepted in a church family every week?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Are Consequences History?
A recent issue of the National Right To Life News included a quote from President Obama that in effect stated that if one of his daughters made a mistake he didn't want them to have to suffer the punishment of a pregnancy.
Well, where I come from mistakes have consequences. This is an absolute truth and it use to be an universal parenting truth.
Growing up, I knew what was right and wrong and I knew the consequence that would happen if I chose the wrong path. I was expected to share my toys, and if I decided to be selfish and chose not to share, I knew in short time that Mom or Dad would take the toy away from me. It was to my benefit to follow the rule.
The rules were given along with the consequences. Sometimes, I made a mistake and choose the wrong option and I suffered the consequence both of the damage from my choice and from the punishment that came along with that choice. The punishment is designed to curtail the same behavior from happening again in the future. It was to my benefit to follow the rules but if I didn't the punishment was there to make me think harder the next time I was faced with the same choices. The hope was not to make the same mistake twice because the consequence was not worth the pleasure of following my own stubborn will.
It use to be you all knew the one family in the neighborhood that parented differently than all the rest by allowing their kids to do whatever they wanted and always tried to help them avoid the consequences. You know the one. It usually was the home where all the kids wanted to hang out because anything goes. Well, the scale has tipped the other way and now the family in the neighborhood who practices rules w/ consequences is the lone ranger on the block. No kids want to hang out there because an above standard of behavior is expected and they would prefer to be unaccountable.
You know it's a very deeply embedded cultural shift when the President of the United States states for the whole world to hear that he does not want his daughters to suffer the consequence of a bad mistake. Fence sitters fall to the wrong side when the leader of the nation makes such statements.
Soon enough we will have removed all of the consequences and total anarchy will be the rule of the nation. No longer will there be any wrong choices. No longer will there be an universal standard to live up to. It will be a free for all, an acceptance of anything goes. We won't need jails anymore because consequences are no longer in place and there are no rules. I fear we will destroy ourselves from the inside and no rouge nation will be needed to bring down the great super power. A nation without consequence and an insatiable appetite for fulfilling it's own evil desires is a nation that is in the hands and control of Satan.
Does that scare you? It should.
The Bible teaches us the universal truths of God and when we ignore his word there is a consequence. We may be arrogant enough to think we can eliminate all of the consequences but we deceive ourselves. We cannot eliminate the eternal consequence of our sin which in death and suffering in hell for eternity. We do not have the power to do away with this consequence on our own. Only by the grace of Jesus can we avoid this consequence and it requires a relationship with the Living Lord.
Who will control you? Satan or Jesus? What will you instill in your children? To follow the world and all it's damning folly or to know right from wrong and understand consequences. A child who doesn't know how to surrender to the will of a parent or to understand that consequences are real will find it difficult to surrender their life to Jesus and we put their souls in peril.
Parents, don't get caught up in the world and it's foolishness. Look to the universal truths of God and instill them first in your character and then in your children's!
Well, where I come from mistakes have consequences. This is an absolute truth and it use to be an universal parenting truth.
Growing up, I knew what was right and wrong and I knew the consequence that would happen if I chose the wrong path. I was expected to share my toys, and if I decided to be selfish and chose not to share, I knew in short time that Mom or Dad would take the toy away from me. It was to my benefit to follow the rule.
The rules were given along with the consequences. Sometimes, I made a mistake and choose the wrong option and I suffered the consequence both of the damage from my choice and from the punishment that came along with that choice. The punishment is designed to curtail the same behavior from happening again in the future. It was to my benefit to follow the rules but if I didn't the punishment was there to make me think harder the next time I was faced with the same choices. The hope was not to make the same mistake twice because the consequence was not worth the pleasure of following my own stubborn will.
It use to be you all knew the one family in the neighborhood that parented differently than all the rest by allowing their kids to do whatever they wanted and always tried to help them avoid the consequences. You know the one. It usually was the home where all the kids wanted to hang out because anything goes. Well, the scale has tipped the other way and now the family in the neighborhood who practices rules w/ consequences is the lone ranger on the block. No kids want to hang out there because an above standard of behavior is expected and they would prefer to be unaccountable.
You know it's a very deeply embedded cultural shift when the President of the United States states for the whole world to hear that he does not want his daughters to suffer the consequence of a bad mistake. Fence sitters fall to the wrong side when the leader of the nation makes such statements.
Soon enough we will have removed all of the consequences and total anarchy will be the rule of the nation. No longer will there be any wrong choices. No longer will there be an universal standard to live up to. It will be a free for all, an acceptance of anything goes. We won't need jails anymore because consequences are no longer in place and there are no rules. I fear we will destroy ourselves from the inside and no rouge nation will be needed to bring down the great super power. A nation without consequence and an insatiable appetite for fulfilling it's own evil desires is a nation that is in the hands and control of Satan.
Does that scare you? It should.
The Bible teaches us the universal truths of God and when we ignore his word there is a consequence. We may be arrogant enough to think we can eliminate all of the consequences but we deceive ourselves. We cannot eliminate the eternal consequence of our sin which in death and suffering in hell for eternity. We do not have the power to do away with this consequence on our own. Only by the grace of Jesus can we avoid this consequence and it requires a relationship with the Living Lord.
Who will control you? Satan or Jesus? What will you instill in your children? To follow the world and all it's damning folly or to know right from wrong and understand consequences. A child who doesn't know how to surrender to the will of a parent or to understand that consequences are real will find it difficult to surrender their life to Jesus and we put their souls in peril.
Parents, don't get caught up in the world and it's foolishness. Look to the universal truths of God and instill them first in your character and then in your children's!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Martha Washington's Education
Excerpt from the book George Washington: A Life by Willard Sterne Randall about the education of Martha Dandridge Custis, later to become the wife of George Washington.
Her education was fairly typical of Virginia's more fortunate daughters. Schooled at home, she had learned to read the Bible, sermons, and tracts, and how to ride and dance. According to Virginia legend, itself a masterpiece of embroidery, she learned great adeptness at weaving and sewing at an early age. Taught how to cook by her mother from recipes passed down in writing in her family, she became a famous cook. She learned how to supervise the growing, harvesting, and preserving of large quantities of foods as well as how to furnish and decorate a house and keep its accounts. She was also expected to take charge of hygiene and health care for her family and her slaves. Martha was taught that her privileges brought commensurate responsibilities. In effect, she had to learn to be a town manager, supervising every detail of the lives of a growing number of people, especially when her husband was away for months on end. She was expected to master all of this by the time she made her debut in Williamsburg at age fifteen.
A worker at home - taught specifically how to be a worker at home! She had to learn all of the womenly duties of the home (sewing, cooking, housekeeping), learn the duties of her husband to execute his role in his absence (planting, harvesting, manager of staff and business), and be the teacher of the children in both religion and education. Not an easy task!
I fear our daughters today are not as well rounded in their experience and knowledge nor are they able to handle all of this at such a young age. Given, we are not in such laborious times any longer, but a life of luxury has also brought idleness and wasteful energy. We fill our extra time with things that don't matter or provide experiences in which to grow. We may have more people than ever going to college these days but we may be the least educated generation of the modern world.
I may not want to work as hard as Martha and the women of her time had no choice but to do, however, I would love to have her knowledge and expertise, as well as, her honor. I also like the fact that the Bible was the main source of educational knowledge versus some liberal professor's humanly point of view. There are some things worth reviving from the past.
Her education was fairly typical of Virginia's more fortunate daughters. Schooled at home, she had learned to read the Bible, sermons, and tracts, and how to ride and dance. According to Virginia legend, itself a masterpiece of embroidery, she learned great adeptness at weaving and sewing at an early age. Taught how to cook by her mother from recipes passed down in writing in her family, she became a famous cook. She learned how to supervise the growing, harvesting, and preserving of large quantities of foods as well as how to furnish and decorate a house and keep its accounts. She was also expected to take charge of hygiene and health care for her family and her slaves. Martha was taught that her privileges brought commensurate responsibilities. In effect, she had to learn to be a town manager, supervising every detail of the lives of a growing number of people, especially when her husband was away for months on end. She was expected to master all of this by the time she made her debut in Williamsburg at age fifteen.
A worker at home - taught specifically how to be a worker at home! She had to learn all of the womenly duties of the home (sewing, cooking, housekeeping), learn the duties of her husband to execute his role in his absence (planting, harvesting, manager of staff and business), and be the teacher of the children in both religion and education. Not an easy task!
I fear our daughters today are not as well rounded in their experience and knowledge nor are they able to handle all of this at such a young age. Given, we are not in such laborious times any longer, but a life of luxury has also brought idleness and wasteful energy. We fill our extra time with things that don't matter or provide experiences in which to grow. We may have more people than ever going to college these days but we may be the least educated generation of the modern world.
I may not want to work as hard as Martha and the women of her time had no choice but to do, however, I would love to have her knowledge and expertise, as well as, her honor. I also like the fact that the Bible was the main source of educational knowledge versus some liberal professor's humanly point of view. There are some things worth reviving from the past.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Future Blogger
A Picture, Finally!
I finally figured out how to insert pictures into this blog site. I still need my husband to transfer the pictures from the camera to the computer so I'm not totally independent yet but I'm getting there.
Anyhow, now you can put a face to the words. Although, on a day-to-day basis, I look nothing like this. However, my husband always looks this good! I love you, Honey!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cordless Vacuum / Worldless People
Vacuuming in our house in a two person job. One does the vacuuming and the other prevents the youngest child from strangling herself with the cord.
Seriously, every time I vacuum, my youngest daughter is so fascinated with the cord. She starts out chasing it around, then picks it up, and soon it's wrapped around her entire body. I am so afraid she's going to strangle herself, especially in those times when you go around the corner or down the hallway, and the cord doesn't seem long enough, because it's temporarily hooked on a piece of furniture or something, and you give it a good yank to free up your slack. I'm afraid it will be around her neck so I always try to have someone around when I vacuum.
As I was contemplating a cordless vacuum today, I also noticed the similarities between my daughter's attraction to the cord and the attractions Christians have to the world. The vacuum cord by itself is not a dangerous thing for my daughter. It's not even dangerous for her to just touch it or move it around a little. The danger comes when she gets all wrapped up in it and she is not able to protect herself from the pull of the cord.
The same is true for Christians living in this world. The things of this world are not all bad in and of themselves, but it's when we get all wrapped up in them that we are not able to protect ourselves from the pull of the world. Let's take our appearance for an instance. There is nothing wrong with trying to look nice and making our outer appearance attractive. The danger, however, comes when we begin to get all wrapped up in the image of what the world finds attractive. Getting all wrapped up could mean spending money we don't have in pursuit of our look, constant focus on ourselves to the point of being oblivious to those around us, or even pursuing plastic surgery to perfect those areas we now see as flawed. The worldly pulls keeps getting stronger and stronger, and the more wrapped up you are, the harder it is to get out from under it. It can lead to unhappiness, unsatisfaction, lonliness, and even to death, an eternal death.
I believe there is a reason Jesus said we were to be in the world but not part of it. He knew the heartache we would find in living as the world and the eternal dangers we would face. Jesus knew we would need help in protecting ourselves so he sent us the Holy Spirit. Just as I always have someone else help me protect my daughter when I am vacuuming, the Holy Spirit helps protect us while we are living in this world and as Jesus is sanctifying us, preparing us for heaven.
If I want to, I can purchase a cordless vacuum, but Jesus didn't purchase a worldless people. He purchased a people who are living as the world, and then He offers to teach them how to be worldless and protects them in the process.
I wonder. . . if Jesus can teach me how to be worldless, then, maybe, I can teach my vacuum how to be cordless. I know it's a stretch.
Seriously, every time I vacuum, my youngest daughter is so fascinated with the cord. She starts out chasing it around, then picks it up, and soon it's wrapped around her entire body. I am so afraid she's going to strangle herself, especially in those times when you go around the corner or down the hallway, and the cord doesn't seem long enough, because it's temporarily hooked on a piece of furniture or something, and you give it a good yank to free up your slack. I'm afraid it will be around her neck so I always try to have someone around when I vacuum.
As I was contemplating a cordless vacuum today, I also noticed the similarities between my daughter's attraction to the cord and the attractions Christians have to the world. The vacuum cord by itself is not a dangerous thing for my daughter. It's not even dangerous for her to just touch it or move it around a little. The danger comes when she gets all wrapped up in it and she is not able to protect herself from the pull of the cord.
The same is true for Christians living in this world. The things of this world are not all bad in and of themselves, but it's when we get all wrapped up in them that we are not able to protect ourselves from the pull of the world. Let's take our appearance for an instance. There is nothing wrong with trying to look nice and making our outer appearance attractive. The danger, however, comes when we begin to get all wrapped up in the image of what the world finds attractive. Getting all wrapped up could mean spending money we don't have in pursuit of our look, constant focus on ourselves to the point of being oblivious to those around us, or even pursuing plastic surgery to perfect those areas we now see as flawed. The worldly pulls keeps getting stronger and stronger, and the more wrapped up you are, the harder it is to get out from under it. It can lead to unhappiness, unsatisfaction, lonliness, and even to death, an eternal death.
I believe there is a reason Jesus said we were to be in the world but not part of it. He knew the heartache we would find in living as the world and the eternal dangers we would face. Jesus knew we would need help in protecting ourselves so he sent us the Holy Spirit. Just as I always have someone else help me protect my daughter when I am vacuuming, the Holy Spirit helps protect us while we are living in this world and as Jesus is sanctifying us, preparing us for heaven.
If I want to, I can purchase a cordless vacuum, but Jesus didn't purchase a worldless people. He purchased a people who are living as the world, and then He offers to teach them how to be worldless and protects them in the process.
I wonder. . . if Jesus can teach me how to be worldless, then, maybe, I can teach my vacuum how to be cordless. I know it's a stretch.
Every day life,
Personal Lessons
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Waiting on the Lord Brings Glory Producing Miracles
Yesterday, a Christian radio program discussing personal finances said, "Americans are too quick to use their credit card for unexpected expenses that can't be covered by their cushion of savings."
They went on to say, that when we use our credit card, not only do we go into a debt that takes forever to pay back, but we also take away the opportunity for God to bless us with the resources in another way or via another channel. We deny God the opportunity to provide for us in a miraculous way that brings glory to him!
He's right. Too often we are eager to jump in and take care of things in a worldly way instead of being dependent on God. We seek immediate relief or immediate satisfaction, We don't want to wait on the Lord in faithful dependence for him to intervene.
It's not just in matters of money either that we jump in to solve the problem ourselves. Women who want to have children are quick to have medical intervention when they feel they have waited a sufficient amount of time with no results. Alternately, a woman who expectantly becomes pregnant decides to abort because she feels she is not able to support a child. We seek to meet our sexual needs outside of marriage because we haven't found the right person yet and fear we may never. The list of examples are endless.
There are lots of areas in my life where I jumped in and didn't let God have control. However, there is one area in which we did allow God to provide, and the glory did and continues today, to go to Him as a result.
When the doctors told us we would not be able to become pregnant and wanted us to pursue worldly intervention, we said no. We decided to wait on God and accept his will in the situation. After a long wait, God provided! The event was not confused as being provided by man's efforts but clearly was of God's doing. The clarity of the blessing brought all the glory to God! Just this week, I shared this story with a virtual stranger as I often do, and once again God was glorified because of His miracle performed in me.
Oh, the glory God could be given over and over again, if we only depended on Him in all things!
I plan on making a more concerted effort in all areas of my life so to not be so quick to solve all of my problems myself but wait on the Lord in faithful dependence to use the situation to bring amazing glory to Himself. I can't wait to see how God will bless us as He glorifies Himself!
They went on to say, that when we use our credit card, not only do we go into a debt that takes forever to pay back, but we also take away the opportunity for God to bless us with the resources in another way or via another channel. We deny God the opportunity to provide for us in a miraculous way that brings glory to him!
He's right. Too often we are eager to jump in and take care of things in a worldly way instead of being dependent on God. We seek immediate relief or immediate satisfaction, We don't want to wait on the Lord in faithful dependence for him to intervene.
It's not just in matters of money either that we jump in to solve the problem ourselves. Women who want to have children are quick to have medical intervention when they feel they have waited a sufficient amount of time with no results. Alternately, a woman who expectantly becomes pregnant decides to abort because she feels she is not able to support a child. We seek to meet our sexual needs outside of marriage because we haven't found the right person yet and fear we may never. The list of examples are endless.
There are lots of areas in my life where I jumped in and didn't let God have control. However, there is one area in which we did allow God to provide, and the glory did and continues today, to go to Him as a result.
When the doctors told us we would not be able to become pregnant and wanted us to pursue worldly intervention, we said no. We decided to wait on God and accept his will in the situation. After a long wait, God provided! The event was not confused as being provided by man's efforts but clearly was of God's doing. The clarity of the blessing brought all the glory to God! Just this week, I shared this story with a virtual stranger as I often do, and once again God was glorified because of His miracle performed in me.
Oh, the glory God could be given over and over again, if we only depended on Him in all things!
I plan on making a more concerted effort in all areas of my life so to not be so quick to solve all of my problems myself but wait on the Lord in faithful dependence to use the situation to bring amazing glory to Himself. I can't wait to see how God will bless us as He glorifies Himself!
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Right To Life
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm to Blame, too!
I heard on the radio this morning that under the Bush administration, the daily Pentagon briefings came with a cover sheet containing a scripture verse. Apparently, under the Obama administration, this practice of including a scripture on the cover sheet will be done away with because a Muslim working at the Pentagon found it offensive. I grieved for our country upon hearing this, and prayed to God asking for forgiveness for our arrogance at removing him and his word from every aspect of our lives.
I didn't make the decision to remove the scripture references from the briefings but I'm still part of the problem. Since becoming a Christian, I see all the areas in my former life, and some still today, that either were caught up in the culture or contributed to the culture we have today. I am not immune from the wrath of God in this matter.
I was reading in Jeremiah today and was struck by the similarities of Jeremiah's time to ours. J, as I like to call him because it's easier to write J in my journal writings than Jeremiah, lived in a time when the people did not want anything to do with the one true God. They had completely removed him from their society, replacing him with their own gods, and finding prophets who would tell them what they wanted hear. They had no regard for the truth because they were blinded by their own arrogance and sinful nature.
In J's time, God spoke to the people through J. God told them exactly what they were doing wrong, what they needed to do to fix it, and what would happen if they didn't. They had ample warning, direct from God's mouth, and yet they refused to hear it. They knew what was coming but they chose to ignore it. Even when events began to take place that J had said would happen, they refused to attribute it to God's doing. To me that is great arrogance.
I believe we live in similar times. Take the average American family and the choices a person makes throughout their lifetime and contemplate how much of a role God makes in that person's decisions. A young man or woman in high school begins to understand their talents and academic strengths and are encouraged to pursue areas of career where they can make a positive impact in society as adults. They may choose some sort of secondary education or go directly into the work force. As they mature there's dating and marriage decisions, parental decisions, decisions about what kind of house to buy, what kind of lifestyle to pursue, what kind of look they want to project to the world, what kind of material possessions to purchase and when, where to vacation, who to invite to parties, how much money to save, when to upgrade, etc. Everyday there are choices to make, and as I look back on my own life, I see that out of all the choices I have made in my life, very few were ran past God first before finalizing the answer.
Even Christians live in the culture of ME, ME, ME unless they are really getting serious about who their King is and begin to bow to his leadership in ALL areas of their lives. It's not just liberals who have led this country down a path leading to self-destruction. Blame also falls to all of the Christians who have allowed themselves to live IN the world they were called to be in but not be a part of. When we live our lives just like the world and don't check in with God and his will on the big areas of our life, much less the little areas, can we really expect to escape blame and judgement for the consequences? We are in this because we all have contributed to the problem.
We don't have the prophets anymore to relay God's direct words to us but we do have the scriptures, God's divine revelation, to guide us. We can look back on biblical history and understand what is happening and predict the consequence of our actions. We can also look back and know what it is we need to do. The good news is that God sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin and thus we do have a way to reconcile with God. Just like in the Old Testament we need to remember, repent, and return. Remember who our King is and why he is worthy of that place. Repent of our sins and seek the assurance of forgiveness. Return to the Father who loves us and wants what is best for us and is willing to bless us, if only we would stop bowing down to false and empty gods and seek him alone.
So, the Pentagon has removed God's word from their daily briefings. I have no control over that. The important question here is: Where have I removed God from my daily life and what am I going to do about that?
When I'm busy pointing fingers, I can't see the sin in my own life or see the distance I'm putting between myself and God. I can't control everything but with God's help, I can control what I do. If the supposed 85% of Christians in the United States did the same self examination and made divine inspired changes in their own lives, our nation would begin to submit to God's authority again. A nation in submission to a heavenly King is a nation that is blessed and protected!
May it be so Lord! May we self examine, repent, and return wholly to you! May you heal our nation and revive your name above all names for the whole world to see! May we be an instrument of obedience and glory to you for the world!
I didn't make the decision to remove the scripture references from the briefings but I'm still part of the problem. Since becoming a Christian, I see all the areas in my former life, and some still today, that either were caught up in the culture or contributed to the culture we have today. I am not immune from the wrath of God in this matter.
I was reading in Jeremiah today and was struck by the similarities of Jeremiah's time to ours. J, as I like to call him because it's easier to write J in my journal writings than Jeremiah, lived in a time when the people did not want anything to do with the one true God. They had completely removed him from their society, replacing him with their own gods, and finding prophets who would tell them what they wanted hear. They had no regard for the truth because they were blinded by their own arrogance and sinful nature.
In J's time, God spoke to the people through J. God told them exactly what they were doing wrong, what they needed to do to fix it, and what would happen if they didn't. They had ample warning, direct from God's mouth, and yet they refused to hear it. They knew what was coming but they chose to ignore it. Even when events began to take place that J had said would happen, they refused to attribute it to God's doing. To me that is great arrogance.
I believe we live in similar times. Take the average American family and the choices a person makes throughout their lifetime and contemplate how much of a role God makes in that person's decisions. A young man or woman in high school begins to understand their talents and academic strengths and are encouraged to pursue areas of career where they can make a positive impact in society as adults. They may choose some sort of secondary education or go directly into the work force. As they mature there's dating and marriage decisions, parental decisions, decisions about what kind of house to buy, what kind of lifestyle to pursue, what kind of look they want to project to the world, what kind of material possessions to purchase and when, where to vacation, who to invite to parties, how much money to save, when to upgrade, etc. Everyday there are choices to make, and as I look back on my own life, I see that out of all the choices I have made in my life, very few were ran past God first before finalizing the answer.
Even Christians live in the culture of ME, ME, ME unless they are really getting serious about who their King is and begin to bow to his leadership in ALL areas of their lives. It's not just liberals who have led this country down a path leading to self-destruction. Blame also falls to all of the Christians who have allowed themselves to live IN the world they were called to be in but not be a part of. When we live our lives just like the world and don't check in with God and his will on the big areas of our life, much less the little areas, can we really expect to escape blame and judgement for the consequences? We are in this because we all have contributed to the problem.
We don't have the prophets anymore to relay God's direct words to us but we do have the scriptures, God's divine revelation, to guide us. We can look back on biblical history and understand what is happening and predict the consequence of our actions. We can also look back and know what it is we need to do. The good news is that God sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin and thus we do have a way to reconcile with God. Just like in the Old Testament we need to remember, repent, and return. Remember who our King is and why he is worthy of that place. Repent of our sins and seek the assurance of forgiveness. Return to the Father who loves us and wants what is best for us and is willing to bless us, if only we would stop bowing down to false and empty gods and seek him alone.
So, the Pentagon has removed God's word from their daily briefings. I have no control over that. The important question here is: Where have I removed God from my daily life and what am I going to do about that?
When I'm busy pointing fingers, I can't see the sin in my own life or see the distance I'm putting between myself and God. I can't control everything but with God's help, I can control what I do. If the supposed 85% of Christians in the United States did the same self examination and made divine inspired changes in their own lives, our nation would begin to submit to God's authority again. A nation in submission to a heavenly King is a nation that is blessed and protected!
May it be so Lord! May we self examine, repent, and return wholly to you! May you heal our nation and revive your name above all names for the whole world to see! May we be an instrument of obedience and glory to you for the world!
Bible Study,
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
True Happiness
In the book, George Washington: A Life by Willard Sterne Randall, the author tells of a poem found in George's childhood school papers, that may have hinted of a yearning, even as a child, for a quiet home life. I found the poem beautiful and wanted to share it with you.
True Happiness
These are the things which, once possesed,
Will make a life that’s truly blessed:
A good estate on healthy soil
Not got by vice, nor yet by toil:
Round a warm fire, a pleasant joke,
With chimney ever free from smoke:
A strength entire, a sparkling bowl,
A quiet wife, a quiet soul,
A mind as well as body whole:
Prudent simplicity, constant friends,
A diet which no art commends:
A merry night without much drinking,
A happy thought without much thinking:
Each night by quiet sleep made short,
A will to be but what thou art:
Possessed of these, all else defy,
And neither wish nor fear to die.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
FamilyLife Today - FamilyLife.com
FamilyLife Today - FamilyLife.com
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A 3 part discussion on the impact of feminism on the home and the family. I thought it was very good and I look forward to reading the book Radical Womanhood.
Posted using ShareThis
A 3 part discussion on the impact of feminism on the home and the family. I thought it was very good and I look forward to reading the book Radical Womanhood.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Childhood Friends, Adult Paths
Friends from long ago, are they friends today?
Familiar faces but hearts no longer linked to mine.
Shared memories but no new ones worthy to
scatter on the pages of our story together.
Intertwined identities and experiences,
minds molded and shaped by the same
teachers, culture, and curiosity. And, yet,
today, differences and opposing destinations.
Who has had their soul touched?
Who has seen the fire and wrath, and feared?
Who has journeyed and succeeded,
not in worldly standards, but eternal?
Who has found worth greater than
accomplishment, fame, and wealth?
Who has turned in the youthful desires,
extravagances, and excesses?
Who has embraced truth, wisdom, and reality?
Too few, I fear, have been moved to seek.
Too few, I fear, have been willing to regroup.
Too few, I fear, have been paying attention to their
place in the universe.
Souls lost but oblivious to the captivity and chains that bind.
Souls desperate for drink but always at the wrong fountain.
Hearts heavy with no where to unburden the load.
Misled down destructive paths -dark, lonely, deadly.
Deceived by false hope and promises.
Unsatisfied by all they grossly take in.
Is there time, I hope, to seek and to find?
Is there time, I hope, to regroup and refocus?
Is there time, I hope, to gaze upon the face of
God, and see our nothingness apart from him,
and our glory found only in him?
Different directions, different priorities.
Nowhere to go together.
Recreating the past is no longer an option.
Instead, let's go together into a blessed future.
Come along friend, let our paths be one.
Let truth be the guide for the next chapter
of this story together.
Familiar faces but hearts no longer linked to mine.
Shared memories but no new ones worthy to
scatter on the pages of our story together.
Intertwined identities and experiences,
minds molded and shaped by the same
teachers, culture, and curiosity. And, yet,
today, differences and opposing destinations.
Who has had their soul touched?
Who has seen the fire and wrath, and feared?
Who has journeyed and succeeded,
not in worldly standards, but eternal?
Who has found worth greater than
accomplishment, fame, and wealth?
Who has turned in the youthful desires,
extravagances, and excesses?
Who has embraced truth, wisdom, and reality?
Too few, I fear, have been moved to seek.
Too few, I fear, have been willing to regroup.
Too few, I fear, have been paying attention to their
place in the universe.
Souls lost but oblivious to the captivity and chains that bind.
Souls desperate for drink but always at the wrong fountain.
Hearts heavy with no where to unburden the load.
Misled down destructive paths -dark, lonely, deadly.
Deceived by false hope and promises.
Unsatisfied by all they grossly take in.
Is there time, I hope, to seek and to find?
Is there time, I hope, to regroup and refocus?
Is there time, I hope, to gaze upon the face of
God, and see our nothingness apart from him,
and our glory found only in him?
Different directions, different priorities.
Nowhere to go together.
Recreating the past is no longer an option.
Instead, let's go together into a blessed future.
Come along friend, let our paths be one.
Let truth be the guide for the next chapter
of this story together.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Christian Mothers - We Can Change The World!
With Mother's Day right around the corner, this is a perfect time to discuss the role of Christian Mothers in changing the condition of the world in which we live in today.
We are living in perilous times. Our country is spinning into darkness very quickly and some think we are past the point of no return. It can be overwhelming when we look at the large number of people who have drifted away from our Christian roots, heritage, and faith; and want to do away with God altogether in our nation. We can sink into a feeling of not being able do anything to slow, stop, or turn it around.
However, I believe there is much we can do with God's help, and I believe it starts with Mothers.
Here's a quick list of what I believe Christian Mothers must be committed to do in order to turn society back to God.
1. Give up your careers!
2. Pray for God to change your heart from a "ME" focus to a "Servant" focus!
3. Stop using birth control and have babies!
4. Put your energy in teaching your children to love and obey the Lord!
5. Honor your husband!
Those of you who know me, know I reluctantly gave up my career to be obedient to a call I felt from God for me personally. Although, not totally on board with it when I did it, it has been one of the most defining moments in my life. When I gave up my busyness, and that's all it was, I freed myself up for God to do some work in me. I had time to read the bible. I had time to pray and contemplate the things of God. I had time to see what I was doing wrong, what I was neglecting to do, what I was delegating to others to do for me, and most importantly, I had time and energy to turn it all around with God's help.
A lot of time was spent on God changing my heart, my thoughts, my desires, and my focus. It would have been a lot easier, and more productive, if these areas had been focused on him right from the beginning, so that when my children began to come into my life, I would have been ready for the task. Instead, I had to spend time that should have been dedicated to raising my children in the fear of the Lord, in first having my own heart transformed to fear the Lord. Years were wasted, first, while I was focused elsewhere, and then, as I was being realigned by God. Now, I have to work extra hard to undo all the damage done to my children in the process, and time is not on my side. It requires discipline and perseverance to raise a child in the fear of the Lord. It requires more so when the child has had a late start in this training. Don't let time slip away without taking back the reigns of your duty.
The number of liberals, atheist, humanist, and evolution minded people in the US can be overwhelming. How do we fight back when our numbers are shrinking and theirs seem to be growing? Well, I say, have more children! Seriously, there are some countries that are becoming 'dying' countries because the birth rate there has fallen below the death rate. A country that doesn't replace itself will eventually die off. Thanks to birth control, women's rights, abortion, and 'me' minded women, the birth rate in America is barely allowing for growth. If these liberals, atheist, humanist, and evolution minded people are using these things to further themselves and limit their own procreation, and if Christians do the opposite, then eventually one side dies out and the other is raised up! A few generations down the road, the spiritual landscape could be much different. But, it first takes Christian women to recognize Satan's lies, and to seek God's hand in overcoming the pull of the culture. If these current generations do things differently then the culture, we can lay the foundation for future generations to have a better environment to live in than we do today. We need to take a stand now!
Use the bible with your children EARLY in their life. Read it to them as babies and toddlers. Use it to teach morality lessons, character traits, respect for authority, and surrendering of will. Use it to teach them language, science, history, and math. Fully integrate it in every area of their life, early, and often! Teach them that God is the authority they answer to and that his word is found in the bible. Teach them to use the bible to filter every thing else they will ever come in contact with in their lives! Teach them through example by doing the same. Show them how you discern truth from lies by using God's word in your own daily lives. Be passionate and consistent! Be dedicated and persistent! Pray that God will give you a heart for him, wisdom to teach correctly, and the strength to be diligent every day. Pray that God will fortify you against the worldviews that are contrary to what you will be instilling in your children so that you will not fall to their influence. Trust in Him.
Honor your husbands and teach your children to choose Godly spouses for themselves. If you have daughters teach them though example how to be a Godly wife and mother. If you have sons teach them the value of having a wife who has a heart for God. Ensure that the work you pour into your children will not be washed away through a marriage outside of God's will. Teach them to trust God's plan for their life and to patiently wait for God to reveal it to them.
If you are a women who does not have children, there is still much you can do to contribute to child rearing. There are so many single mothers today who cannot get out of the work force and who are too busy or too stressed to put adequate focus on these areas. You can reach out to these moms and help in many ways. You can help build them up in Christ. You can help out with practical needs to give them more time with God. You can help ease their financial burdens. You can help out by teaching their children maybe in a Sunday school environment. Jesus called us to help out orphans and widows. I believe a child and a woman abandoned by their husbands, whether by their choice or by circumstances outside of their control, are really orphans and widows. These require our love and assistance if we are to impact society positively and for Christ.
Imagine a future much different than today's reality. Imagine what you would like the world to be like. Imagine a country rooted in Godly principles and on a solid faith foundation. Imagine a country that puts God as our highest authority. Imagine a country that has produced men of faith and character that rule according to God's will. Imagine a country that has produced virtuous women full of love and excellence in character. Put your energy and focus into ensuring the future becomes a society God will be pleased with and bless and protect!
We are living in perilous times. Our country is spinning into darkness very quickly and some think we are past the point of no return. It can be overwhelming when we look at the large number of people who have drifted away from our Christian roots, heritage, and faith; and want to do away with God altogether in our nation. We can sink into a feeling of not being able do anything to slow, stop, or turn it around.
However, I believe there is much we can do with God's help, and I believe it starts with Mothers.
Here's a quick list of what I believe Christian Mothers must be committed to do in order to turn society back to God.
1. Give up your careers!
2. Pray for God to change your heart from a "ME" focus to a "Servant" focus!
3. Stop using birth control and have babies!
4. Put your energy in teaching your children to love and obey the Lord!
5. Honor your husband!
Those of you who know me, know I reluctantly gave up my career to be obedient to a call I felt from God for me personally. Although, not totally on board with it when I did it, it has been one of the most defining moments in my life. When I gave up my busyness, and that's all it was, I freed myself up for God to do some work in me. I had time to read the bible. I had time to pray and contemplate the things of God. I had time to see what I was doing wrong, what I was neglecting to do, what I was delegating to others to do for me, and most importantly, I had time and energy to turn it all around with God's help.
A lot of time was spent on God changing my heart, my thoughts, my desires, and my focus. It would have been a lot easier, and more productive, if these areas had been focused on him right from the beginning, so that when my children began to come into my life, I would have been ready for the task. Instead, I had to spend time that should have been dedicated to raising my children in the fear of the Lord, in first having my own heart transformed to fear the Lord. Years were wasted, first, while I was focused elsewhere, and then, as I was being realigned by God. Now, I have to work extra hard to undo all the damage done to my children in the process, and time is not on my side. It requires discipline and perseverance to raise a child in the fear of the Lord. It requires more so when the child has had a late start in this training. Don't let time slip away without taking back the reigns of your duty.
The number of liberals, atheist, humanist, and evolution minded people in the US can be overwhelming. How do we fight back when our numbers are shrinking and theirs seem to be growing? Well, I say, have more children! Seriously, there are some countries that are becoming 'dying' countries because the birth rate there has fallen below the death rate. A country that doesn't replace itself will eventually die off. Thanks to birth control, women's rights, abortion, and 'me' minded women, the birth rate in America is barely allowing for growth. If these liberals, atheist, humanist, and evolution minded people are using these things to further themselves and limit their own procreation, and if Christians do the opposite, then eventually one side dies out and the other is raised up! A few generations down the road, the spiritual landscape could be much different. But, it first takes Christian women to recognize Satan's lies, and to seek God's hand in overcoming the pull of the culture. If these current generations do things differently then the culture, we can lay the foundation for future generations to have a better environment to live in than we do today. We need to take a stand now!
Use the bible with your children EARLY in their life. Read it to them as babies and toddlers. Use it to teach morality lessons, character traits, respect for authority, and surrendering of will. Use it to teach them language, science, history, and math. Fully integrate it in every area of their life, early, and often! Teach them that God is the authority they answer to and that his word is found in the bible. Teach them to use the bible to filter every thing else they will ever come in contact with in their lives! Teach them through example by doing the same. Show them how you discern truth from lies by using God's word in your own daily lives. Be passionate and consistent! Be dedicated and persistent! Pray that God will give you a heart for him, wisdom to teach correctly, and the strength to be diligent every day. Pray that God will fortify you against the worldviews that are contrary to what you will be instilling in your children so that you will not fall to their influence. Trust in Him.
Honor your husbands and teach your children to choose Godly spouses for themselves. If you have daughters teach them though example how to be a Godly wife and mother. If you have sons teach them the value of having a wife who has a heart for God. Ensure that the work you pour into your children will not be washed away through a marriage outside of God's will. Teach them to trust God's plan for their life and to patiently wait for God to reveal it to them.
If you are a women who does not have children, there is still much you can do to contribute to child rearing. There are so many single mothers today who cannot get out of the work force and who are too busy or too stressed to put adequate focus on these areas. You can reach out to these moms and help in many ways. You can help build them up in Christ. You can help out with practical needs to give them more time with God. You can help ease their financial burdens. You can help out by teaching their children maybe in a Sunday school environment. Jesus called us to help out orphans and widows. I believe a child and a woman abandoned by their husbands, whether by their choice or by circumstances outside of their control, are really orphans and widows. These require our love and assistance if we are to impact society positively and for Christ.
Imagine a future much different than today's reality. Imagine what you would like the world to be like. Imagine a country rooted in Godly principles and on a solid faith foundation. Imagine a country that puts God as our highest authority. Imagine a country that has produced men of faith and character that rule according to God's will. Imagine a country that has produced virtuous women full of love and excellence in character. Put your energy and focus into ensuring the future becomes a society God will be pleased with and bless and protect!
Monday, May 4, 2009
WORLD Magazine | 'Blessing' abortion | Marvin Olasky | May 09, 09
WORLD Magazine 'Blessing' abortion Marvin Olasky May 09, 09
Katherine Ragsdale and the worship of "me, me, me"
Captive Christian or Wolf in Sheep's clothing?
Katherine Ragsdale and the worship of "me, me, me"
Captive Christian or Wolf in Sheep's clothing?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
WORLD Magazine | Apologies to Winston | Andrée Seu | May 09, 09
WORLD Magazine | Apologies to Winston | Andrée Seu | May 09, 09
Please read the link above.
A blog, such as mine, may be considered a crime in the near future if this kind of mentality continues to spread. Pray that our country's leaders will be persuaded otherwise and that Christians around the world will speak out now while it is still legal to do so, and that we will be bold if the time comes that our words will try to be silenced!
Please read the link above.
A blog, such as mine, may be considered a crime in the near future if this kind of mentality continues to spread. Pray that our country's leaders will be persuaded otherwise and that Christians around the world will speak out now while it is still legal to do so, and that we will be bold if the time comes that our words will try to be silenced!
1 John 2:23
The 7th Test of Christian Behavior
1 John 2:23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
How many of you have been told, or have overheard someone saying, that all the people of the world worship the same God, including Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims? Or, have heard that religion comes in many forms and names but it all points to the same God?
Is this true? Have you considered your position on this?
Every person on the planet was created in God's image and has that image stamped in their heart. The One True God, Creator of heaven and earth, is a relational God who created us to be in relationship with him. We all have a innate desire to worship and be in relationship with God. It's part of who we are.
However, not everyone fills that desire correctly. There is only One who can satisfy that longing, and complete us as the individuals we were created to be. There is only One that can fill us up, and it is found in the eternal Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
So, someone professing a non-christian faith, for instance, may be filling their 'image of God' void by worshipping and adhering to a god-like religion, but it is not a relationship that will bring them salvation. Although, faithful to their god, it clearly states in the bible that salvation is only found in Jesus Christ. If you do not know Jesus Christ, acknowledging him as your personal Savior and Savior to the world, you will not receive eternal life in heaven. It's that simple.
I have heard Christian Pastors (and I use thee term loosely here) state the possibility that all faiths might lead to heaven. I have heard Christians (again, I use the term loosely) wonder if we are being too restrictive in denying salvation to others outside of the Christian faith. How can you be a believer in the way of Jesus Christ and have these worldviews?
If you believe the bible to be God's Word without error, then you have to believe and trust in the very fact that there is only one way to heaven and that is through a belief in the saving power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We cannot make up our own ending or stretch the rules just because we 'want' everyone to go to heaven. Believe me, no one wants all of us to go to heaven more then God himself, but He is clear, there is only one way to get there. I've have also heard the rational given that God wants none to be lost, so they project that God will save us all, regardless, of if we got religion right or not.
Don't you see, this is allowing your thoughts and reasoning to be taken captive by the great deceiver! This is the handiwork of Satan. If Satan can get us to believe that God doesn't really care about the specifics, and we all will find our way to eternity with God regardless of our beliefs, then, he can persuade us that evangelizing is unnecessary. If we buy into Satan's lie, it gives us justification not to lift a finger to further the kingdom of heaven or to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. It also allows us to be slack in the discipline of following the way of Jesus in our own life. You see, less believers in Christ, means more for Satan, and believers who don't take their faith seriously risk great peril for themselves! If Satan can capture a believers thoughts in this area, he has a foot in the door to further deception. The more your heart is taken captive by Satan, the further away you grow from God.
Satan propels this damaging lie in the world by using men and women of faith. Imagine the destruction and erosion of faith that happens, when he convinces an agent of God, namely Christian leaders, into believing these lies! When a person who has been trained in the Christian faith falls victim to these lies, they bring numerous lay people down with them, because they trust these men over God himself. A Christian who isn't reading the bible for themselves, or maturing in their faith in their own right, will rely solely on the faith or words of their Pastor, or maybe even their parents. To do so, subjects them to the straying hearts of mere men, and not the solid, unchanging truths of God himself. You can go down the slippery slide too easily if you are following someone else's lead instead of the lead of the real head of the Church, Jesus Christ.
We must be in the Word to be able to discern Truth.
We must trust the Word of God to be the only truth, despite our human feelings or rational.
We must put our trust firmly in Jesus Christ, not men.
We must examine our thoughts against what the bible says, in order to protect ourselves from being taken captive by the evil one.
You must stand up and speak out when lies are propagated, especially in the church, by gently using God's Word to recapture their thoughts back for Christ.
And, pray for yourself, for fellow Christians, and most especially, for your church leaders, that God will protect their hearts and minds from the evil one who seeks to destroy!
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father except through Jesus.
1 John 2:23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
How many of you have been told, or have overheard someone saying, that all the people of the world worship the same God, including Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims? Or, have heard that religion comes in many forms and names but it all points to the same God?
Is this true? Have you considered your position on this?
Every person on the planet was created in God's image and has that image stamped in their heart. The One True God, Creator of heaven and earth, is a relational God who created us to be in relationship with him. We all have a innate desire to worship and be in relationship with God. It's part of who we are.
However, not everyone fills that desire correctly. There is only One who can satisfy that longing, and complete us as the individuals we were created to be. There is only One that can fill us up, and it is found in the eternal Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
So, someone professing a non-christian faith, for instance, may be filling their 'image of God' void by worshipping and adhering to a god-like religion, but it is not a relationship that will bring them salvation. Although, faithful to their god, it clearly states in the bible that salvation is only found in Jesus Christ. If you do not know Jesus Christ, acknowledging him as your personal Savior and Savior to the world, you will not receive eternal life in heaven. It's that simple.
I have heard Christian Pastors (and I use thee term loosely here) state the possibility that all faiths might lead to heaven. I have heard Christians (again, I use the term loosely) wonder if we are being too restrictive in denying salvation to others outside of the Christian faith. How can you be a believer in the way of Jesus Christ and have these worldviews?
If you believe the bible to be God's Word without error, then you have to believe and trust in the very fact that there is only one way to heaven and that is through a belief in the saving power of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We cannot make up our own ending or stretch the rules just because we 'want' everyone to go to heaven. Believe me, no one wants all of us to go to heaven more then God himself, but He is clear, there is only one way to get there. I've have also heard the rational given that God wants none to be lost, so they project that God will save us all, regardless, of if we got religion right or not.
Don't you see, this is allowing your thoughts and reasoning to be taken captive by the great deceiver! This is the handiwork of Satan. If Satan can get us to believe that God doesn't really care about the specifics, and we all will find our way to eternity with God regardless of our beliefs, then, he can persuade us that evangelizing is unnecessary. If we buy into Satan's lie, it gives us justification not to lift a finger to further the kingdom of heaven or to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. It also allows us to be slack in the discipline of following the way of Jesus in our own life. You see, less believers in Christ, means more for Satan, and believers who don't take their faith seriously risk great peril for themselves! If Satan can capture a believers thoughts in this area, he has a foot in the door to further deception. The more your heart is taken captive by Satan, the further away you grow from God.
Satan propels this damaging lie in the world by using men and women of faith. Imagine the destruction and erosion of faith that happens, when he convinces an agent of God, namely Christian leaders, into believing these lies! When a person who has been trained in the Christian faith falls victim to these lies, they bring numerous lay people down with them, because they trust these men over God himself. A Christian who isn't reading the bible for themselves, or maturing in their faith in their own right, will rely solely on the faith or words of their Pastor, or maybe even their parents. To do so, subjects them to the straying hearts of mere men, and not the solid, unchanging truths of God himself. You can go down the slippery slide too easily if you are following someone else's lead instead of the lead of the real head of the Church, Jesus Christ.
We must be in the Word to be able to discern Truth.
We must trust the Word of God to be the only truth, despite our human feelings or rational.
We must put our trust firmly in Jesus Christ, not men.
We must examine our thoughts against what the bible says, in order to protect ourselves from being taken captive by the evil one.
You must stand up and speak out when lies are propagated, especially in the church, by gently using God's Word to recapture their thoughts back for Christ.
And, pray for yourself, for fellow Christians, and most especially, for your church leaders, that God will protect their hearts and minds from the evil one who seeks to destroy!
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father except through Jesus.
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