Thursday, April 30, 2009

1 John 2:15

The 6th Test of Christian Behavior

1 John 2:15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

The story of the rich young man comes to mind when I read this verse. In Mark 10, a rich young man comes to Jesus asking what he must do to inherit eternal life. The man calls Jesus 'good teacher' to which Jesus immediately points out that no one is good - except God alone. Jesus then recites the commandments. The rich young man declares he has kept these since he was a boy. The man was probably excited now, thinking he was good to go. However, Jesus said there is one thing you lack. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me." At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.

The man loved what he had so much that he could not bring himself to give up any of it up, much less all of it, so he walked away from the only true Savior. How sad!

Too often people think they are good enough to save themselves because they have kept the high level commandments. However, we fail to see all the layers within those commandments, and we fail to see God's very high and unattainable standards. We may not go out and kill someone but every time we hate someone we commit murder in our heart. When Jesus pointed out to the man that no one is good, except God, he was telling him your best is not good enough to save yourself. Jesus wanted him to realize he needed help gaining eternal life. He needed a Savior! He needed someone who lived up to God's very high standard and would be an appropriate sacrifice to restore us unto God. The only one good enough is God himself, and he was standing right there before him in the human form of Jesus, but the man failed to see his own need and thus failed to see Jesus for who he was.

Why did the man fail to see his own need? I think it was because life was good! He had money and with money comes possessions, security, prestige, and power. He was comfortable. He had no worries. He had no crisis facing him that he was ill equipped to handle. He was in control and his pride told him he was capable of handing anything because thus far he had. He didn't need to give up everything he had to follow this man.

I believe Jesus was trying to get the man to see his need, to see Jesus as the fulfillment of that need, and to be willing to give up every worldly thing in exchange for the heavenly things he could offer. Worldly things do not really satisfy. They have the illusion of satisfying but they don't. They leave you empty at the end of the day. Worldly things will be useless in eternity no matter where you end up. Your internal resources are not sufficient to cure your spiritual condition, it requires a spiritual Savior.

My most favorite verse in this story is found in verse 21; Jesus looked at him and loved him. I believe Jesus knew this man's heart and knew that he would not choose to come to him for salvation. I believe Jesus knew this man would reject him in favor of his worldly wealth. Jesus, Lord and Savior, had what this man needed but knew the man would walk away. He knew, and yet he loved him! This speaks volumes to me about the depth of love Jesus had for humanity.

Jesus was still approaching his suffering and death, as his time had not yet come, but he knew this was all leading to the cross. He was going to take on all the sins of the world. Yours, mine, the rich young man's, and all of humanity's sins would be placed on Jesus and the full fury of God's wrath would be poured out on him. And here in this story, walking away from Jesus, was an ungrateful, rejecting soul. But Jesus loved him! God loved him! They loved him enough to follow through with the plan, to make way for salvation, even though this man, and others, would decide not to accept the gift they had to offer.

Any one else would have given up. Why bother? They don't even care. Why should I go through all this pain and suffering and death for these rejecting souls? Thank God Jesus loved us enough to follow through! Thank God the gift is open to all! Thank God we have ample opportunity to make a choice for Jesus. This rich young man may have walked away at this point, but we do not know if there came a time in his life where he recognized his need and made the choice for Jesus. I believe God pursues us all the days of our life and we are placed in many circumstances to help us see our need. How sad, though, for those who get to the end of this life and have never taken the leap of faith into Jesus arms.

Do not love the world. Do not find your salvation in yourself, your accomplishments, your virtues, your wealth, your friends, your spouse, your government, or in your possessions. So not desire the things of this world, or let them have such a hold on you, that you can't let them go of them in exchange for the things of God. Respond to God's calling by choosing Jesus and accepting the gifts he has to offer. If walking away equals sad then walking toward equals joy!

May you experience the peace and joy that only Jesus can offer!

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