Not Only Christmas Day
Lord, this is my prayer
Not only on Christmas Day
But until I see You face to face
May I live my life this way:
Just like the baby Jesus
I ever hope to be,
Resting in Your loving arms
Trusting in Your sovereignty.
And like the growing Christ child
In wisdom daily learning,
May I ever seek to know You
With my mind and spirit yearning.
Like the Son so faithful
Let me follow in Your light,
Meek and bold, humble and strong
Not afraid to face the night.
Nor cowardly to suffer
And stand for truth alone,
Knowing that Your kingdom
Awaits my going home.
Not afraid to sacrifice
Though great may be the cost,
Mindful how You rescued me
From broken-hearted loss.
Like my risen Savior
The babe, the child, the Son,
May my life forever speak
Of who You are and all You've done.
So while this world rejoices
And celebrates Your birth,
I treasure You, the greatest gift
Unequaled in Your worth.
I long to hear the same words
That welcomed home Your Son,
"Come, good and faithful servant,"
Your Master says, "Well done."
And may heaven welcome others
Who will join with me in praise
Because I lived for Jesus Christ
Not only Christmas Day
-- Mary Fairchild
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Storm
It's early in the morning on Christmas Eve here in Wisconsin. I've been watching the weather on TV and the Internet and checking road conditions.
As you may know, the Midwest is in the middle of a major winter storm. Two days ago I thought our little neck of the woods would be spared, and our family would all have safe travel for Christmas. Today, I'm not so sure. We will be spared the heavy snow that will occur to the west of us but we will have sleet and freezing rain, making the roadways ice covered and slippery.
The plan is to meet at church this afternoon and then to our house for turkey dinner, gifts, and games. Will everyone make it here for Christmas- safely? Will we make it to church? So much is up in the air right now because of the weather.
We are very good at making plans for the future but God sometimes has other ideas.
A winter storm on Christmas!?!
There is a reason for it. Maybe a million reasons for it. Reasons we will probably never understand this side of heaven. We can rest assured, though, that our Sovereign God is in control. So, even though we have plans, we can go with the flow and patiently wait to see how God will allow this to play out, and how he will reveal himself to us through this situation.
We are depended on him for safe travel just as we are dependent on him for salvation. The Christmas story reminds us of how God knows exactly what we need and how to provide for us. If he can take care of our biggest need (salvation from sin) then we can rest assured he's got all the small stuff covered, too.
Lord Jesus, Thank you so much for coming to earth as my Savior and for laying down your life in payment for my sin. I pray for safe travel for my children today and tomorrow. I pray that you reveal yourself to us in amazing ways during this Christmas season. Amen
Merry Christmas everyone!
As you may know, the Midwest is in the middle of a major winter storm. Two days ago I thought our little neck of the woods would be spared, and our family would all have safe travel for Christmas. Today, I'm not so sure. We will be spared the heavy snow that will occur to the west of us but we will have sleet and freezing rain, making the roadways ice covered and slippery.
The plan is to meet at church this afternoon and then to our house for turkey dinner, gifts, and games. Will everyone make it here for Christmas- safely? Will we make it to church? So much is up in the air right now because of the weather.
We are very good at making plans for the future but God sometimes has other ideas.
A winter storm on Christmas!?!
There is a reason for it. Maybe a million reasons for it. Reasons we will probably never understand this side of heaven. We can rest assured, though, that our Sovereign God is in control. So, even though we have plans, we can go with the flow and patiently wait to see how God will allow this to play out, and how he will reveal himself to us through this situation.
We are depended on him for safe travel just as we are dependent on him for salvation. The Christmas story reminds us of how God knows exactly what we need and how to provide for us. If he can take care of our biggest need (salvation from sin) then we can rest assured he's got all the small stuff covered, too.
Lord Jesus, Thank you so much for coming to earth as my Savior and for laying down your life in payment for my sin. I pray for safe travel for my children today and tomorrow. I pray that you reveal yourself to us in amazing ways during this Christmas season. Amen
Merry Christmas everyone!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Do You Know How Radical Kevin Jennings Is? - HUMAN EVENTS
Do You Know How Radical Kevin Jennings Is? - HUMAN EVENTS
I read this article and was literally sick, I mean sick, to my stomach.
It is important to know who these guys are and what they stand for. However, sometimes what we learn is more than we wanted to know.
In discovering who Kevin Jennings is and what he has said and done in the past, I read things that turned my stomach and this is a guy who now is in charge of the 'Safe Schools' program which is really a guise to indoctrinate our kids into the gay and lesbian culture.
I don't want my kids exposed to this stuff. I definitely do not want my tax money to go to force feeding this stuff to my kids in schools. I'm concerned. I don't know if our country can really afford 3 more years of President Obama and his czars.
I read this article and was literally sick, I mean sick, to my stomach.
It is important to know who these guys are and what they stand for. However, sometimes what we learn is more than we wanted to know.
In discovering who Kevin Jennings is and what he has said and done in the past, I read things that turned my stomach and this is a guy who now is in charge of the 'Safe Schools' program which is really a guise to indoctrinate our kids into the gay and lesbian culture.
I don't want my kids exposed to this stuff. I definitely do not want my tax money to go to force feeding this stuff to my kids in schools. I'm concerned. I don't know if our country can really afford 3 more years of President Obama and his czars.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Where Are the Christians in America?
305,529,237 people in the United States according to
75% of US population considers themselves Christian or 229,146,927 Christian people in America
301,518 people have signed the Manhattan Declaration as of 12/18/09.
What are the other 228,845,409 Christians waiting for?
That's .001 percent of the Christian US population that has so far taken a stand for biblical principles in the area of human life, marriage, and religious freedom.
Is that really all there are in America that believe in God's way?
75% of US population considers themselves Christian or 229,146,927 Christian people in America
301,518 people have signed the Manhattan Declaration as of 12/18/09.
What are the other 228,845,409 Christians waiting for?
That's .001 percent of the Christian US population that has so far taken a stand for biblical principles in the area of human life, marriage, and religious freedom.
Is that really all there are in America that believe in God's way?
Right To Life,
The Great Commandments,
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Finally, Graduation!
My husband's 2-1/2 year journey pursuing his Master's in Business Administration came to an end this past weekend with his Graduation ceremony.

We are very proud of his accomplishments and know that he will use the gifts and opportunities God has given him in service to humanity. We just don't know what that means yet or where it will take us. However, it is a relief to have the grueling schedule behind us and exciting to start a new chapter in our lives. We look forward to where we go from here and what our future will look like. For now, we will take some time to enjoy the holidays with the family and regroup and refocus. After some much needed rest, we'll dream the next dream, and see where God will lead us.
Some more pictures of the day. Me and the graduate - with two of our five daughters who where able to make the ceremony - and me and the girls at the mall prior to the ceremony.

We had a great day going out for lunch with his parents and one of his brothers, popping over the mall for a few minutes, walking the streets of the 'big' city (the girls really liked that), and viewing a really neat graduation ceremony.
He graduated from a Catholic college so we prayed, sang America The Beautiful, and the speakers talked about how their education should be used to serve mankind. I really gained an appreciation for the role the Church has played in higher education over the centuries. These institutions were created by Christians with a Christian philosophy and ethical ideologies and it really is a shame to see so many taken over by the world with its skewed philosophies and ideals.
Anyway, we are very thankful for the ways the Lord has blessed us!
We are very proud of his accomplishments and know that he will use the gifts and opportunities God has given him in service to humanity. We just don't know what that means yet or where it will take us. However, it is a relief to have the grueling schedule behind us and exciting to start a new chapter in our lives. We look forward to where we go from here and what our future will look like. For now, we will take some time to enjoy the holidays with the family and regroup and refocus. After some much needed rest, we'll dream the next dream, and see where God will lead us.
Some more pictures of the day. Me and the graduate - with two of our five daughters who where able to make the ceremony - and me and the girls at the mall prior to the ceremony.
We had a great day going out for lunch with his parents and one of his brothers, popping over the mall for a few minutes, walking the streets of the 'big' city (the girls really liked that), and viewing a really neat graduation ceremony.
He graduated from a Catholic college so we prayed, sang America The Beautiful, and the speakers talked about how their education should be used to serve mankind. I really gained an appreciation for the role the Church has played in higher education over the centuries. These institutions were created by Christians with a Christian philosophy and ethical ideologies and it really is a shame to see so many taken over by the world with its skewed philosophies and ideals.
Anyway, we are very thankful for the ways the Lord has blessed us!
Friday, December 11, 2009
God Glorify Yourself Through Your People Again!
Daniel 9:17-19
"Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, O Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. Give ear, O God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name."
When Daniel prayed for God to restore Jerusalem he didn't pray for it because it was his desire or because it would be better for him. Sure, a restored Jerusalem would end the captivity of God's people and allow them to move home. This would most certainly be of great benefit to the people, making their life easier, more familiar, and granting them once again status among nations. It would mean they no longer lived under a curse but once again would be blessed by God. I wouldn't blame Daniel for wanting this to happen for what it would mean for the people.
However, Daniel's prayer, as recorded in Daniel chapter 9, shows his plea is for God's glory to once again be displayed. With words like 'for your sake' and 'your city and your people' he portrays a humble spirit before the Lord. Restoring the city and the people would bring glory and attention to the God of those people. Daniel is aware that the city belongs to God, the people belong to God, and the events that happen are all to bring glory to Himself.
If America could be compared to Jerusalem, we can see a nation that belongs to God and once was known to the whole world as a Christian nation serving the One True God, but now has lost her luster and status among the nations. Just as the sins of Jerusalem brought judgement and punishment, so has America's sins. Just as the people forgot their God, so has America. Just as Daniel recognized the times in which he lived, we, too, recognize we are living under judgement.
I know many people who are afraid of where America is headed and what the future will look life for our children. I know many who recognize that we have gone astray from our Christian roots and heritage. I know many who pray for things to be restored to their former glory. I am one of those who long for how things use to be.
The words in Daniel's prayer hit me hard this morning when I realized I have been praying for these things in my own desire, for my own comfort, for my own gain. I have not had Daniel's perspective that all of this is God's. It's his nation, his people, his story.
His nation and people USE to bring him a glory that reached to the ends of the entire earth when they understood their place under God, relied on him for everything, ruled according to his Word, and displayed a love of God through love for his creation and for all his people in the world. His nation and his people USE to point to him as the King of Kings, as the Creator of all, as the Redeemer, as the Sustainer and Giver of Life, as the Ruler over all.
How grieved God must be at how we have hidden his light in the world. How we have distorted and misrepresented who he is as the rest of the world has watched. Today we are a Christian nation who kills it's own, is greedy and proud, and are found seeking our own glory. It has become all about us and not about him at all. There is no glory to God in the highest coming from our nation.
Daniel desired God to restore Jerusalem and God's people to bring glory back to God. His heart was not seeking anything for himself but rather for the God he so faithfully served. Daniel knew their sins caused the judgement but he also knew God loved his people, was a merciful God, and that God wanted to restore them to their former glory because doing so would bring Glory to Himself.
When we pray for healing and restoration for America or for the Christian Church is it for our comfort and for our glory or is it to once again bring glory to God?
Do we desire for God's people to rise up to make a name for ourselves or so God might glorify Himself through us?
What is the condition of our heart in the matter? Arrogance or Humility? Self-seeking or God-seeking? Taker or Servant?
When we seek God's will, God's glory, God's purpose we align ourselves with his plan for the situation. When our heart and motives are right and pure, THEN God will display his glory through us once again, and by default we will be a blessed people again. We are His people and he desires for us to live for him and when we do he is glorified and we are blessed.
Lord, change my heart to align with yours. Let mine no longer seek for my own gain but for yours. Let me humbly serve and seek to honor you and trust that you will work out everything according to your perfect plan. Amen
"Now, our God, hear the prayers and petitions of your servant. For your sake, O Lord, look with favor on your desolate sanctuary. Give ear, O God, and hear; open your eyes and see the desolation of the city that bears your Name. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy. O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For your sake, O my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name."
When Daniel prayed for God to restore Jerusalem he didn't pray for it because it was his desire or because it would be better for him. Sure, a restored Jerusalem would end the captivity of God's people and allow them to move home. This would most certainly be of great benefit to the people, making their life easier, more familiar, and granting them once again status among nations. It would mean they no longer lived under a curse but once again would be blessed by God. I wouldn't blame Daniel for wanting this to happen for what it would mean for the people.
However, Daniel's prayer, as recorded in Daniel chapter 9, shows his plea is for God's glory to once again be displayed. With words like 'for your sake' and 'your city and your people' he portrays a humble spirit before the Lord. Restoring the city and the people would bring glory and attention to the God of those people. Daniel is aware that the city belongs to God, the people belong to God, and the events that happen are all to bring glory to Himself.
If America could be compared to Jerusalem, we can see a nation that belongs to God and once was known to the whole world as a Christian nation serving the One True God, but now has lost her luster and status among the nations. Just as the sins of Jerusalem brought judgement and punishment, so has America's sins. Just as the people forgot their God, so has America. Just as Daniel recognized the times in which he lived, we, too, recognize we are living under judgement.
I know many people who are afraid of where America is headed and what the future will look life for our children. I know many who recognize that we have gone astray from our Christian roots and heritage. I know many who pray for things to be restored to their former glory. I am one of those who long for how things use to be.
The words in Daniel's prayer hit me hard this morning when I realized I have been praying for these things in my own desire, for my own comfort, for my own gain. I have not had Daniel's perspective that all of this is God's. It's his nation, his people, his story.
His nation and people USE to bring him a glory that reached to the ends of the entire earth when they understood their place under God, relied on him for everything, ruled according to his Word, and displayed a love of God through love for his creation and for all his people in the world. His nation and his people USE to point to him as the King of Kings, as the Creator of all, as the Redeemer, as the Sustainer and Giver of Life, as the Ruler over all.
How grieved God must be at how we have hidden his light in the world. How we have distorted and misrepresented who he is as the rest of the world has watched. Today we are a Christian nation who kills it's own, is greedy and proud, and are found seeking our own glory. It has become all about us and not about him at all. There is no glory to God in the highest coming from our nation.
Daniel desired God to restore Jerusalem and God's people to bring glory back to God. His heart was not seeking anything for himself but rather for the God he so faithfully served. Daniel knew their sins caused the judgement but he also knew God loved his people, was a merciful God, and that God wanted to restore them to their former glory because doing so would bring Glory to Himself.
When we pray for healing and restoration for America or for the Christian Church is it for our comfort and for our glory or is it to once again bring glory to God?
Do we desire for God's people to rise up to make a name for ourselves or so God might glorify Himself through us?
What is the condition of our heart in the matter? Arrogance or Humility? Self-seeking or God-seeking? Taker or Servant?
When we seek God's will, God's glory, God's purpose we align ourselves with his plan for the situation. When our heart and motives are right and pure, THEN God will display his glory through us once again, and by default we will be a blessed people again. We are His people and he desires for us to live for him and when we do he is glorified and we are blessed.
Lord, change my heart to align with yours. Let mine no longer seek for my own gain but for yours. Let me humbly serve and seek to honor you and trust that you will work out everything according to your perfect plan. Amen
Bible Study,
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Understood and Yet. . .
Take note of what comes after the two times the word 'yet' is used in Daniel 9:13-14.
13 Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us, yet
we have not sought the favor of the LORD our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth.
14 The LORD did not hesitate to bring the disaster upon us, for the LORD our God is righteous in everything he does;
we have not obeyed him.
Christians who are praying for revival and restoration in the Church today, hopefully, are also seeking God's favor by turning away from our sins, giving attention to God's truth, and practicing obedience to God's commands and laws.
Daniel pleads with God for the restoration of Jerusalem through prayer and fasting and confesses the sins of the nation. He used words like...
1. Done Wrong
2. Been Wicked
3. Rebelled
4. Have turned away from your commands and laws
5. Not listened to your servants the prophets
6. Been Unfaithful to God
7. Sinned against God
8. Not Obeyed
Do we recognize all the ways we have been wicked and turned away from God's way? Are we making a concerted effort to do good in God's eyes and seek his truth on a regular basis? Are we humbling ourselves to the way of God or do we continue to pursue our own selfish desires?
Sometimes we understand the times we live in as being God's judgement but neglect to understand how to properly seek the mercy of God in bringing restoration. In Daniel, God's people understood the desolation of Jerusalem was a judgement of God and YET they continued as they were.
Are Christians today doing the same?
13 Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us, yet
we have not sought the favor of the LORD our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth.
14 The LORD did not hesitate to bring the disaster upon us, for the LORD our God is righteous in everything he does;
we have not obeyed him.
Christians who are praying for revival and restoration in the Church today, hopefully, are also seeking God's favor by turning away from our sins, giving attention to God's truth, and practicing obedience to God's commands and laws.
Daniel pleads with God for the restoration of Jerusalem through prayer and fasting and confesses the sins of the nation. He used words like...
1. Done Wrong
2. Been Wicked
3. Rebelled
4. Have turned away from your commands and laws
5. Not listened to your servants the prophets
6. Been Unfaithful to God
7. Sinned against God
8. Not Obeyed
Do we recognize all the ways we have been wicked and turned away from God's way? Are we making a concerted effort to do good in God's eyes and seek his truth on a regular basis? Are we humbling ourselves to the way of God or do we continue to pursue our own selfish desires?
Sometimes we understand the times we live in as being God's judgement but neglect to understand how to properly seek the mercy of God in bringing restoration. In Daniel, God's people understood the desolation of Jerusalem was a judgement of God and YET they continued as they were.
Are Christians today doing the same?
Bible Study,
Personal Lessons,
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Blizzard Allison
Winter seemed to start everywhere else but here. Texas, Arizona, and other places that don't normally get snow all had snow before us. Well, it has finally arrived here and all I can say is WOW! The snow is very, very wet and heavy. Perfect snowman snow and snow blower snow. Snow blower snow is important to us because my husband works for a snow blower manufacturer. We pray for snow in our home so business is good and thus our family is taken care of. Here's some pictures of what the week looked like in Wisconsin.

This was Sunday at the tree farm where we went to cut down our Christmas tree. No snow on the ground at all.

Ali making a snow angel on Tuesday BEFORE the big storm. We had a light dusting of snow on Monday.

This was Tuesday night around 9 PM as the storm really began to pick up intensity.

This morning's view across the street.

A view toward the back of our house this morning.
This was Sunday at the tree farm where we went to cut down our Christmas tree. No snow on the ground at all.
Ali making a snow angel on Tuesday BEFORE the big storm. We had a light dusting of snow on Monday.
This was Tuesday night around 9 PM as the storm really began to pick up intensity.
This morning's view across the street.
A view toward the back of our house this morning.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Things You Won't Hear These People Say
You will never hear these people say the following. . .
Unborn Baby: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is not an embryo or a fetus should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
Young Child: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is not a child should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
Person with Down Syndrome: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is 'normal' should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
Elderly Person: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is not a card carrying member of AARP should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
How come you never hear these words or words similar to them from the so called weak and vulnerable in our society?
Someone along the way decided they were superior to others and thus God's gift to this earth. Although they don't believe in a God, or a Creator, they still have the gall to think they are God's gift to this planet.
They judge others according to how close they fit to being like them and those that don't quite measure up are pushed to the outskirts of society and are deemed the ones to die, so they can enjoy their lives better.
Some of these less fortunate are left to die, others are told it's time, and still others are outright murdered. Regardless of the means, the goal is to eradicate those from our society that are weaker, imperfect, and an inconvenience.
So, it's the so-called beautiful people who make these kind of statements not the weak and vulnerable. Have you ever noticed that? It's never a less fortunate person pushing for another group in society to be on the hit list.
Maybe real beauty is found in imperfection! Maybe the heart of the unborn, the children, the childlike, and the elderly is where real love and beauty can be found because their hearts are closer to God. These are the specific groups God commanded us to defend. He has a special heart for them. I have to believe their hearts are closer to their Creator and that is why they are full of love and acceptance for all of God's creations and why you won't hear excluding comments and ugly death threats from them.
Oh, if we all could be more like those under attack these days. For instance, when I walk into a room my young child's face lights up at the sight of me. Too bad we don't show the same reaction to all the people God has created.
Unborn Baby: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is not an embryo or a fetus should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
Young Child: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is not a child should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
Person with Down Syndrome: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is 'normal' should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
Elderly Person: "I think I am superior to all others, and my needs are more important than all others, so everyone who is not a card carrying member of AARP should be killed so I can enjoy my life better."
How come you never hear these words or words similar to them from the so called weak and vulnerable in our society?
Someone along the way decided they were superior to others and thus God's gift to this earth. Although they don't believe in a God, or a Creator, they still have the gall to think they are God's gift to this planet.
They judge others according to how close they fit to being like them and those that don't quite measure up are pushed to the outskirts of society and are deemed the ones to die, so they can enjoy their lives better.
Some of these less fortunate are left to die, others are told it's time, and still others are outright murdered. Regardless of the means, the goal is to eradicate those from our society that are weaker, imperfect, and an inconvenience.
So, it's the so-called beautiful people who make these kind of statements not the weak and vulnerable. Have you ever noticed that? It's never a less fortunate person pushing for another group in society to be on the hit list.
Maybe real beauty is found in imperfection! Maybe the heart of the unborn, the children, the childlike, and the elderly is where real love and beauty can be found because their hearts are closer to God. These are the specific groups God commanded us to defend. He has a special heart for them. I have to believe their hearts are closer to their Creator and that is why they are full of love and acceptance for all of God's creations and why you won't hear excluding comments and ugly death threats from them.
Oh, if we all could be more like those under attack these days. For instance, when I walk into a room my young child's face lights up at the sight of me. Too bad we don't show the same reaction to all the people God has created.
Why I Signed the Manhattan Declaration
Daniel 3:16-18 (New International Version)
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
My daily bible study was on Daniel 3 this morning. When I read these words it summed up for me the reason why I signed the Manhattan Declaration earlier this week. These three men resolved to not bow down or serve any other god other then their God even if that meant defying the King's command and facing his judgement of being thrown into a fiery furnace.
Daniel 3:28-29 (New International Version)
Then Nebuchadnezzar said, "Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king's command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way."
The New Testament chapter I read today was Mark 15, which recalls the events of the day Jesus Christ was crucified dead and buried. This ties perfectly into the last sentence of Daniel 3 - "for no other god can save in this way."
No earthly idol or man made god can save us from our sin and certain eternal destruction. Only the God of heaven and earth, the Creator of the Universe, the Christ Jesus can save us in this way.
The idols of our day include:
Money - Sex - Material Possessions - Physical Appearances - Fame - Power - Drugs - Security - Status
People compromise or conform every day in order to hang onto these false gods that do not save! Even those who call themselves Christians.
If we really knew the Christ who truly saves, we would all resolve not to conform or compromise our loyalty to our Lord.
This includes conforming to the government policy of the day, if it is evil and contrary to God's Word. This is why I signed the Manhattan Declaration!
The God I serve is able to save us from this situation, but even if He doesn't, I want the Government to know I resolve not to serve their gods or bow down to any other god.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
My daily bible study was on Daniel 3 this morning. When I read these words it summed up for me the reason why I signed the Manhattan Declaration earlier this week. These three men resolved to not bow down or serve any other god other then their God even if that meant defying the King's command and facing his judgement of being thrown into a fiery furnace.
Daniel 3:28-29 (New International Version)
Then Nebuchadnezzar said, "Praise be to the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who has sent his angel and rescued his servants! They trusted in him and defied the king's command and were willing to give up their lives rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. Therefore I decree that the people of any nation or language who say anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego be cut into pieces and their houses be turned into piles of rubble, for no other god can save in this way."
The New Testament chapter I read today was Mark 15, which recalls the events of the day Jesus Christ was crucified dead and buried. This ties perfectly into the last sentence of Daniel 3 - "for no other god can save in this way."
No earthly idol or man made god can save us from our sin and certain eternal destruction. Only the God of heaven and earth, the Creator of the Universe, the Christ Jesus can save us in this way.
The idols of our day include:
Money - Sex - Material Possessions - Physical Appearances - Fame - Power - Drugs - Security - Status
People compromise or conform every day in order to hang onto these false gods that do not save! Even those who call themselves Christians.
If we really knew the Christ who truly saves, we would all resolve not to conform or compromise our loyalty to our Lord.
This includes conforming to the government policy of the day, if it is evil and contrary to God's Word. This is why I signed the Manhattan Declaration!
The God I serve is able to save us from this situation, but even if He doesn't, I want the Government to know I resolve not to serve their gods or bow down to any other god.
Bible Study,
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Right To Life,
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Manhattan Declaration
The Manhattan Declaration
Please take the time to read this document. It is so very important!
Please, also, go to to listen to today's program titled: A Manifesto for Righteousness which discusses the Manhattan Declaration.
I heard Dr. Dobson say that if taxpayers are forced to pay to fund abortions, he and his wife cannot participate, even if that means they have to live in another country for the rest of their lives. Are we as committed? I pray it does not come to that but what would you do if it did? What are we doing to prevent our leaders from taking us down that road.
I signed this document today and I pray you do as well.
Please take the time to read this document. It is so very important!
Please, also, go to to listen to today's program titled: A Manifesto for Righteousness which discusses the Manhattan Declaration.
I heard Dr. Dobson say that if taxpayers are forced to pay to fund abortions, he and his wife cannot participate, even if that means they have to live in another country for the rest of their lives. Are we as committed? I pray it does not come to that but what would you do if it did? What are we doing to prevent our leaders from taking us down that road.
I signed this document today and I pray you do as well.
Right To Life,
The Great Commandments,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Be Fruitful. . .
I have been searching the scriptures for information of education recently. I want to see what education looks like from a biblical perspective, What did the first glimpses of education look like for Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, etc.? I suspect we have gotten off track along the way and I just had a desire to look into it a little deeper.
I didn't get far into the chapter of Genesis before I came to a few verses that took me down a rabbit trail.
Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
I had always glossed over that 'be fruitful' phrase assuming it meant the same as multiplying and filling the earth. However, when I got to the story of Noah, I noticed that God used this same phrase with Noah. In fact, he says it three times. It must be pretty important.
Genesis 8:15-17 Then God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it."
Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
These were the first commands given by God to Adam and then to Noah. Did he only want them, including the animals, just to multiply and fill the earth or is there more to the command?
I looked up other verses in the bible that talk about fruit or being fruitful in the hope of understanding this better. If I had a bible with the Greek meanings of the words, I would have used that, too. But I don't, so you go with what you have.
Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
God is often called the living water. We often talk about being rooted in God's Word. Fruit is often referred to as Godly characteristics or works. Is this verse to describe a person who draws life from God, is rooted in God's Word, is maturing and growing in their faith, becoming ready, to be and do what God has assigned, sustaining and persevering his whole life in the faith, and is successful because he does the will of God? Is this what God meant about being 'fruitful'?
Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
This verse looks like evangelizing; rooting others in God's Word and leading others to eternal life.
So far, we have a picture of 'fruitful' being both personal growth and helping other to grow in the knowledge of God.
Matthew 7:16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
Authentic, life saving fruit cannot be produced if the life source is anything other than the Godhead himself. So, 'be fruitful' is also telling us the source of life, and of fruit, is God and nothing else.
John 15:2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.
God is the Gardener who perfects us and our fruit! We can rest in His work in us because it has a perfect purpose, although painful at times.
Gal. 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
These are characteristics a fallen world cannot produce on their own without first having known such shown toward them and then having been transformed by God himself.
I never noticed the last line of this verse before. What does it mean against such thing there is no law? I wondered if before the fall - when there was yet no need for the law - did these things come naturally to Adam and Eve because of their intimate relationship with God? Which led me to the next verse.
Rev. 22:2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
Adam and Eve had access to the Tree of Life until sin entered the world. We will once again have access to the Tree of Life when Jesus restores all things back to their former eternal characteristics.
Psalm 128:3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table.
Wives have children (increase and multiply). A Christian Mother who raises her children in the fear and knowledge of the Lord is being 'fruitful'. In fact, she must first be drawing life from God herself. She must first be rooted in God's Word. She is then able to show her children where to draw life from and how to stay rooted in God's Word for themselves. She understands who the perfecter of her faith is, and the faith of her children, and she diligently teaches her children to walk in God's ways and to rest in his will. By doing so, she fulfills both Psalm 1:3 and Proverbs 11:30. Mothers have suck a divine priviledge!
The first instruction of education is to know God!
The second instruction is to always walk with him and in His will!
The third instruction is to teach your children to do the same through example and diligent teaching!
How do the three commands given to Adam and then to Noah conflict with what the world teaches?
The world teaches there is no God or that you are your own god. The world teaches no Creator but rather chance. The world doesn't acknowledge a divine life source because they don't believe in a heaven or hell. The world doesn't value children or the call for mothers to raise them in God's Word. The feminist movement puts a womans value elsewhere. The U.N. and agencies like Planned Parenthood would rather control the population and limit it's growth. A generation who isn't drawing from the authentic eternal life source isn't able to teach their children to do so either.
If no one heeds God's command in this area, the next generation may be similar to the one of Noah's generation. However, I know there are Christian families all over the world who do heed God's command, although we are in the minority. We must be even more diligent and reliant on God so that our children may be a beacon of light to the world. May God bless the efforts of those who obey.
I will continue to look up what education looks like in the bible, but the first and most important aspect to knowledge and wisdom is the fear and knowledge of God.
I didn't get far into the chapter of Genesis before I came to a few verses that took me down a rabbit trail.
Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
I had always glossed over that 'be fruitful' phrase assuming it meant the same as multiplying and filling the earth. However, when I got to the story of Noah, I noticed that God used this same phrase with Noah. In fact, he says it three times. It must be pretty important.
Genesis 8:15-17 Then God said to Noah, "Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it."
Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
Genesis 9:7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it."
These were the first commands given by God to Adam and then to Noah. Did he only want them, including the animals, just to multiply and fill the earth or is there more to the command?
I looked up other verses in the bible that talk about fruit or being fruitful in the hope of understanding this better. If I had a bible with the Greek meanings of the words, I would have used that, too. But I don't, so you go with what you have.
Psalm 1:3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
God is often called the living water. We often talk about being rooted in God's Word. Fruit is often referred to as Godly characteristics or works. Is this verse to describe a person who draws life from God, is rooted in God's Word, is maturing and growing in their faith, becoming ready, to be and do what God has assigned, sustaining and persevering his whole life in the faith, and is successful because he does the will of God? Is this what God meant about being 'fruitful'?
Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise.
This verse looks like evangelizing; rooting others in God's Word and leading others to eternal life.
So far, we have a picture of 'fruitful' being both personal growth and helping other to grow in the knowledge of God.
Matthew 7:16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?
Authentic, life saving fruit cannot be produced if the life source is anything other than the Godhead himself. So, 'be fruitful' is also telling us the source of life, and of fruit, is God and nothing else.
John 15:2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.
God is the Gardener who perfects us and our fruit! We can rest in His work in us because it has a perfect purpose, although painful at times.
Gal. 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
These are characteristics a fallen world cannot produce on their own without first having known such shown toward them and then having been transformed by God himself.
I never noticed the last line of this verse before. What does it mean against such thing there is no law? I wondered if before the fall - when there was yet no need for the law - did these things come naturally to Adam and Eve because of their intimate relationship with God? Which led me to the next verse.
Rev. 22:2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
Adam and Eve had access to the Tree of Life until sin entered the world. We will once again have access to the Tree of Life when Jesus restores all things back to their former eternal characteristics.
Psalm 128:3 Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table.
Wives have children (increase and multiply). A Christian Mother who raises her children in the fear and knowledge of the Lord is being 'fruitful'. In fact, she must first be drawing life from God herself. She must first be rooted in God's Word. She is then able to show her children where to draw life from and how to stay rooted in God's Word for themselves. She understands who the perfecter of her faith is, and the faith of her children, and she diligently teaches her children to walk in God's ways and to rest in his will. By doing so, she fulfills both Psalm 1:3 and Proverbs 11:30. Mothers have suck a divine priviledge!
The first instruction of education is to know God!
The second instruction is to always walk with him and in His will!
The third instruction is to teach your children to do the same through example and diligent teaching!
How do the three commands given to Adam and then to Noah conflict with what the world teaches?
The world teaches there is no God or that you are your own god. The world teaches no Creator but rather chance. The world doesn't acknowledge a divine life source because they don't believe in a heaven or hell. The world doesn't value children or the call for mothers to raise them in God's Word. The feminist movement puts a womans value elsewhere. The U.N. and agencies like Planned Parenthood would rather control the population and limit it's growth. A generation who isn't drawing from the authentic eternal life source isn't able to teach their children to do so either.
If no one heeds God's command in this area, the next generation may be similar to the one of Noah's generation. However, I know there are Christian families all over the world who do heed God's command, although we are in the minority. We must be even more diligent and reliant on God so that our children may be a beacon of light to the world. May God bless the efforts of those who obey.
I will continue to look up what education looks like in the bible, but the first and most important aspect to knowledge and wisdom is the fear and knowledge of God.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Nehemiah - How One Man Made a Difference - Part 6
As the wall neared completion, the opposition stepped up its tactics, this time trying to distract and draw away from the work. Four times the opposition attempts to draw Nehemiah away from the city and his work and four times Nehemiah says no.
On the fifth attempt they send along an unsealed letter (anyone could have read it before it got to Nehemiah)for him to read. The letter points out the presence of a 'rumor' that Nehemiah and the people are planning a revolt and that Nehemiah is positioning himself to become King. They are in essence saying either come out here and meet with us OR we will pass this information along to the King (Blackmail).
The fact that the letter was unsealed, and most likely leaked out to the general population, was a ploy to undermine Nehemiah to the people with the intent of entangling them in "What if" thinking and become so burdened by questions they lose their resolve, commitment, and allegiance to Nehemiah's lead on this project and thus stop working.
I love Nehemiah's response in verse 8...I sent him this reply: "Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head." He recognizes the tactics being used and what their objective is.
Nehemiah turns to God and prays, "Now, strength my hands." He doesn't succumb to the pressure. He doesn't allow an ounce of weakness or fear to set in but rather turns to God and ask for the strength to be given to work harder to overcome these new obstacles.
Later, a man named Shemaiah suggest that he and Nehemiah meet inside the temple and lock themselves in inside in order to save Nehemiah's life. He informs him there are men coming to kill him. But Nehemiah discerns that this man is not his friend but rather has been hired to intimidate him into sin so they could discredit him to the people. Divide and conqueror tactic. The lesson we can learn from Nehemiah here is that those who appear to be our friends are not always so and we should use discernment. What looks like truth isn't always truth.
Nehemiah again prays to God. This time he asks God to remember the deeds these guys are doing against him. Nehemiah knows he can't waste time seeking vengeance or getting wrapped up in this game playing. Plus, he knows it's not his to seek. He gives it back to God to handle. He trust that God sees, God knows, and that God will handle it. He shows his trust by simply saying 'remember'.
The wall is built in 52 days!
What is the response of the opposition upon hearing of the walls completion? Fear and loss of self-confidence. Nothing like God to shut up the scoffers. Why was this their response? They knew this was done in the strength of God. God brought testimony to Himself through the success of this project. Even those who won't bow down and worship the Lord are aware of his presence and his deeds!
Well, even though the wall is done, the power struggle continues. Posturing for the hearts of the people continues. The opposition sees their need to be elevated in the eyes of the people in order to gain influence. They realize the only way to elevate themselves is to in fact discredit Nehemiah. They stay close to Nehemiah (keep your enemies close mentality) in order to try to trip him up or hear him make a mistake that they can use against him and to their favor.
The lesson here is to always be on guard, never trust the enemy, and do not give the enemy a foothold to use against you or to accuse you. Unrepentant sin in our lives allows a foothold for Satan into our hearts and he only needs a little to take an inch. Protect yourself and don't buy into the lies he wants you to believe!
In summary, Nehemiah shows us the opposition gets stronger as you get closer to completing God's work and we must always be on our guard, discerning, trusting God, praying to God, and living a righteous life in order to protect ourselves from the enemies attacks.
Trust God to take care of those scheming against you and God's people. Their day of judgement will come.
On the fifth attempt they send along an unsealed letter (anyone could have read it before it got to Nehemiah)for him to read. The letter points out the presence of a 'rumor' that Nehemiah and the people are planning a revolt and that Nehemiah is positioning himself to become King. They are in essence saying either come out here and meet with us OR we will pass this information along to the King (Blackmail).
The fact that the letter was unsealed, and most likely leaked out to the general population, was a ploy to undermine Nehemiah to the people with the intent of entangling them in "What if" thinking and become so burdened by questions they lose their resolve, commitment, and allegiance to Nehemiah's lead on this project and thus stop working.
I love Nehemiah's response in verse 8...I sent him this reply: "Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head." He recognizes the tactics being used and what their objective is.
Nehemiah turns to God and prays, "Now, strength my hands." He doesn't succumb to the pressure. He doesn't allow an ounce of weakness or fear to set in but rather turns to God and ask for the strength to be given to work harder to overcome these new obstacles.
Later, a man named Shemaiah suggest that he and Nehemiah meet inside the temple and lock themselves in inside in order to save Nehemiah's life. He informs him there are men coming to kill him. But Nehemiah discerns that this man is not his friend but rather has been hired to intimidate him into sin so they could discredit him to the people. Divide and conqueror tactic. The lesson we can learn from Nehemiah here is that those who appear to be our friends are not always so and we should use discernment. What looks like truth isn't always truth.
Nehemiah again prays to God. This time he asks God to remember the deeds these guys are doing against him. Nehemiah knows he can't waste time seeking vengeance or getting wrapped up in this game playing. Plus, he knows it's not his to seek. He gives it back to God to handle. He trust that God sees, God knows, and that God will handle it. He shows his trust by simply saying 'remember'.
The wall is built in 52 days!
What is the response of the opposition upon hearing of the walls completion? Fear and loss of self-confidence. Nothing like God to shut up the scoffers. Why was this their response? They knew this was done in the strength of God. God brought testimony to Himself through the success of this project. Even those who won't bow down and worship the Lord are aware of his presence and his deeds!
Well, even though the wall is done, the power struggle continues. Posturing for the hearts of the people continues. The opposition sees their need to be elevated in the eyes of the people in order to gain influence. They realize the only way to elevate themselves is to in fact discredit Nehemiah. They stay close to Nehemiah (keep your enemies close mentality) in order to try to trip him up or hear him make a mistake that they can use against him and to their favor.
The lesson here is to always be on guard, never trust the enemy, and do not give the enemy a foothold to use against you or to accuse you. Unrepentant sin in our lives allows a foothold for Satan into our hearts and he only needs a little to take an inch. Protect yourself and don't buy into the lies he wants you to believe!
In summary, Nehemiah shows us the opposition gets stronger as you get closer to completing God's work and we must always be on our guard, discerning, trusting God, praying to God, and living a righteous life in order to protect ourselves from the enemies attacks.
Trust God to take care of those scheming against you and God's people. Their day of judgement will come.
Bible Study,
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Nehemiah - How One Man Made A Difference - Part 5
In Chapter 4, we saw God frustrate the plans of the opposition and the work on the wall continued. In Chapter 5, another problem arises, this time though it's not an external threat but rather an internal one.
Nehemiah learns that some wealthy Jews are taking advantage of their poor neighbors by charging them high interest rates. This practice is putting undue pressure on the people to the point that some are being forced to sell their children into slavery.
The people bring their complaints to Nehemiah. Now, Nehemiah is in Jerusalem because God placed the rebuilding of the wall project on his heart, and in the process of rebuilding this wall, the people begin to trust him, and they start to look to him for leadership in other areas, too.
This may or may not be more than he bargained for but the people seem to be looking to him for help. Again, he hears of a situation that makes him angry, just like when he heard the initial report of the destruction in Jerusalem that led him to be even be here in the city. So, Nehemiah once again steps up to the challenge.
He calls a meeting, inviting the people responsible, and lets them know that he knows what they are doing and that it will stop immediately. I think this takes courage on his behalf. These people have been there longer than he, are probably in a higher position than he, and most likely more financially secure. To have the humble new guy rock the boat seems pretty brave to me. Nehemiah can stand firm and courageously because he has both truth and God on his side. Who can stand against that?
It says in verse 8, ... They kept quiet, because they could find nothing to say. There was not defense or rhetorical response because they knew for themselves what they were doing was wrong. These were learned men, they knew the law. Nothing like a public airing out to shame you into changing your ways.
Nehemiah demands them to not only stop the practice but to give back what they took as collateral. He makes them swear not to do it again and asks God to shake out any that do not keep his promise.
I find it interesting that their is no list of consequences given. It you do this...then this will happen. It's not a man made punishment Nehemiah is looking for here. He is invoking God to determine the punishment and carry it out. I don't know about you but I would be very fearful of trying to get away with doing this again.
Later, when Nehemiah is Governor, he is careful to set a good example for others in the way he behaves. It says that he didn't use his stature or position or the resources available to him as Governor to Lord it over the people or at their expense like previous Governors had done. Verse 15 says ... But out of reverence for God I did not act like that. Instead, he and his men were devoted to serving the people rather than prospering themselves.
The rebuilding of the wall is a perfect example of Nehemiah concerned for the whole of the people instead of a few. A rebuilt wall would protect and secure all the people.
Nehemiah was also generous with his resources and with his time with others. What he had was less than other governors but he shared more with the people than his predecessors. Verse 19 reads, Remember me with favor, O my God, for all I have done for these people.
Thoughts after reading this chapter:
1. Has sin in our own lives caused an internal threat to our life? Sometimes it's the enemy within that brings down the house. What might be in our hearts that is manifesting itself in outward sin that maybe we have been ignoring or naively thinking doesn't matter? It would be wise for all of us to examine our own hearts and put to death the internal enemy before it destroys us.
2. How might the actions of wealthy Christians in American or Europe be harshly affecting the poor Christians in other parts of the world? How does our sense of entitlement and our materialistic/consumption lifestyles put undue pressure on poorer Christian countries? How has our greed affected the world economy tied to our dollar or our markets? How does cutting the rain forest in South America affect the weather pattern in Africa (droughts)? Are we hurting 'our own' through our greed and consumption? Are we an internal threat in today's Jerusalem to our poorer neighbors? Would Nehemiah call us out publicly today and insist that we stop, and those who don't be shook out by God?
3. What if the greedy financial guys on wall street and the greedy politicians in Washington had to give back all of the money they lost on our behalf by their scheming? What if they had to vow before God to never do it again? You wouldn't have retirees with an empty retirement account or homeowners with no home to live in.
4. What if our elected officials followed Nehemiah's example by being a leader that works to improve the collective situation of the people versus trying to protect their own coffers or agendas? Where does our 'wall' today need to be repaired or rebuilt? What is broken in our security front that must be repaired to ensure our safety? Debt?
5. What if we were all more generous with what God has given us to use? Do we understand that what we have belongs to God and not us? The answer to that question usually determines how generous you are with your resources.
6. How might God remember us? With favor or Judgement? Nehemiah did what he did because he loved God and wanted to please him. He didn't do it because he was just a nice guy or someone with a desire to elevate himself through self-sacrifice. He truly loved the Lord and wanted to serve him. He is looking for his reward in heaven when he sits in the presence of the Lord. He wants to hear from his master that He remembered his faithfulness and is pleased with him.
Nehemiah learns that some wealthy Jews are taking advantage of their poor neighbors by charging them high interest rates. This practice is putting undue pressure on the people to the point that some are being forced to sell their children into slavery.
The people bring their complaints to Nehemiah. Now, Nehemiah is in Jerusalem because God placed the rebuilding of the wall project on his heart, and in the process of rebuilding this wall, the people begin to trust him, and they start to look to him for leadership in other areas, too.
This may or may not be more than he bargained for but the people seem to be looking to him for help. Again, he hears of a situation that makes him angry, just like when he heard the initial report of the destruction in Jerusalem that led him to be even be here in the city. So, Nehemiah once again steps up to the challenge.
He calls a meeting, inviting the people responsible, and lets them know that he knows what they are doing and that it will stop immediately. I think this takes courage on his behalf. These people have been there longer than he, are probably in a higher position than he, and most likely more financially secure. To have the humble new guy rock the boat seems pretty brave to me. Nehemiah can stand firm and courageously because he has both truth and God on his side. Who can stand against that?
It says in verse 8, ... They kept quiet, because they could find nothing to say. There was not defense or rhetorical response because they knew for themselves what they were doing was wrong. These were learned men, they knew the law. Nothing like a public airing out to shame you into changing your ways.
Nehemiah demands them to not only stop the practice but to give back what they took as collateral. He makes them swear not to do it again and asks God to shake out any that do not keep his promise.
I find it interesting that their is no list of consequences given. It you do this...then this will happen. It's not a man made punishment Nehemiah is looking for here. He is invoking God to determine the punishment and carry it out. I don't know about you but I would be very fearful of trying to get away with doing this again.
Later, when Nehemiah is Governor, he is careful to set a good example for others in the way he behaves. It says that he didn't use his stature or position or the resources available to him as Governor to Lord it over the people or at their expense like previous Governors had done. Verse 15 says ... But out of reverence for God I did not act like that. Instead, he and his men were devoted to serving the people rather than prospering themselves.
The rebuilding of the wall is a perfect example of Nehemiah concerned for the whole of the people instead of a few. A rebuilt wall would protect and secure all the people.
Nehemiah was also generous with his resources and with his time with others. What he had was less than other governors but he shared more with the people than his predecessors. Verse 19 reads, Remember me with favor, O my God, for all I have done for these people.
Thoughts after reading this chapter:
1. Has sin in our own lives caused an internal threat to our life? Sometimes it's the enemy within that brings down the house. What might be in our hearts that is manifesting itself in outward sin that maybe we have been ignoring or naively thinking doesn't matter? It would be wise for all of us to examine our own hearts and put to death the internal enemy before it destroys us.
2. How might the actions of wealthy Christians in American or Europe be harshly affecting the poor Christians in other parts of the world? How does our sense of entitlement and our materialistic/consumption lifestyles put undue pressure on poorer Christian countries? How has our greed affected the world economy tied to our dollar or our markets? How does cutting the rain forest in South America affect the weather pattern in Africa (droughts)? Are we hurting 'our own' through our greed and consumption? Are we an internal threat in today's Jerusalem to our poorer neighbors? Would Nehemiah call us out publicly today and insist that we stop, and those who don't be shook out by God?
3. What if the greedy financial guys on wall street and the greedy politicians in Washington had to give back all of the money they lost on our behalf by their scheming? What if they had to vow before God to never do it again? You wouldn't have retirees with an empty retirement account or homeowners with no home to live in.
4. What if our elected officials followed Nehemiah's example by being a leader that works to improve the collective situation of the people versus trying to protect their own coffers or agendas? Where does our 'wall' today need to be repaired or rebuilt? What is broken in our security front that must be repaired to ensure our safety? Debt?
5. What if we were all more generous with what God has given us to use? Do we understand that what we have belongs to God and not us? The answer to that question usually determines how generous you are with your resources.
6. How might God remember us? With favor or Judgement? Nehemiah did what he did because he loved God and wanted to please him. He didn't do it because he was just a nice guy or someone with a desire to elevate himself through self-sacrifice. He truly loved the Lord and wanted to serve him. He is looking for his reward in heaven when he sits in the presence of the Lord. He wants to hear from his master that He remembered his faithfulness and is pleased with him.
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Nehemiah - How One Man Made A Difference - Part 4
Chapter 4 of Nehemiah begins with opposition. The opposition in this case were greatly incensed that progress was being made on the rebuilding of the wall.
Here's are some truths I learned from reading this chapter that can apply to our lives today.
1. Success should expect opposition.
When we are doing God's work, you can bet Satan will be incensed at any progress we make. We should expect then that Satan and his hosts will oppose, ridicule, and prey on our fears and inadequacies in every attempt to get us sidetracked or to stop altogether. He will do anything to prevent us from being successful and furthering God's Kingdom. It should be of no surprise to us when we sense these things beginning to happen nor of where they come from and why. So, what are you to do about it?
2. Appeal to God for protection and judgement
Nehemiah didn't waste time fighting the battles with the opposition himself. He prayed to God for help and for judgement on those working against him. He trusted God to remove the obstacles and do what was necessary to keep them moving forward. He stayed focused on the task and kept the people focused as well, allowing God to handle the big stuff. This is a very important point. Let God! Don't try to fight all the battles yourself. God is bigger and better at doing that then we are. When we stop to fight against Satan, we stop working on our task, and Satan is more than happy to engage in battle with us because it keeps us distracted from doing the work of God. It is better to let God handle the battle with Satan because he is capable of winning and we are not.
3. Take counter action
Nehemiah prayed but he also did something to counter the attacks. He didn't ignore that there was a problem or potential problems. He took inventory of what was happening and then implemented counter plans to head off trouble. He was aware and prepared. He didn't hide his head in the sand and just pray for God to remove the obstacles and sit and wait for that to happen. They kept moving forward but with a knowledge and preparedness for what might occur.
4. Don't give into Fear
The people were working very hard and were becoming exhausted. Exhaustion limited their coping and internal resolve and fear set in. Fear can have a very crippling effect. It can cause inaction, freezing you, and preventing you from going on. Fear in this case had the power to stop this project all together. Nehemiah had to recognize what was happening and counter this problem as well. If he would have ignored what was happening within the spirit of the people, the project would have died. He would have lost the peoples ability to continue on. However, he took inventory of the collective spirit of the people and took it seriously. By acknowledging it he was able to counter the direction they were headed and turn them around. How did he do this?
5. Remember who God is
Nehemiah 4:14 After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your bothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and you homes."
REMEMBER the things God has already done for you and KNOW that he will do them again. Be strong in the Lord and trust in him.
6. Adjust when necessary
Nehemiah now had to change the work load to help counter the attacks. Again, he didn't just sit and wait for God to stop the opposition they continue on but with an adjusted plan. Half the people worked and the other help served as armed guards. The worked slowed down but it did not stop. The people doing the work felt more secure knowing they were protected.
7. Stay connected as a unit.
Nehemiah 4:19-20 Then I said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, "The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. Whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us."
Nehemiah got the group together from time to time probably to keep them cohesive, understand the issues they were facing, keep their spirits up, review progress being made, etc. It's important to keep the whole end goal in mind. In life we sometimes think only about our little portion of work and neglect to understand how it fits into the big picture. It's important to not let our little section become more important than the whole. Sometimes we have to sacrifice our part in order to help someone else be successful in their part so the overall project and people are successful. I;m finding this is a key concept in mothering.
8. Work Hard to the End
Just because they had to adjust and make half the men guards didn't mean they slowed down. They just worked harder and longer. They didn't adjust the timeline for completion because of a few obstacles. They buckled down and kept the urgency in tack.
9. Stay alert for trouble
The men understood the plans of the opposition and were alert and diligently watched for the attacks and were prepared! If we know the enemy is coming we should be always watching for him to arrive and be preparing and ready when he comes. Don't be taken off guard and unprepared. This is why being in the Word on a daily basis is so important. It prepares us for battle.
10. All are to be both watchmen and workers
Too often we think of ourselves as workers and that it is not our duty to be watchmen too. Or, we view ourselves has watchmen and we don't empower the workers to to help identify threats. By pigeonholing the people into specific categories you create a weakness that can be penetrated. By expecting each to do both you are more fortified, quicker to identify threats and problems, and quicker to respond to danger. To be successful we all need to be both working and watching out for the best interest of the project.
Finally, here are a few thought provoking follow up questions for you to consider.
1. Where are you letting fear or inadequacy prevent you from starting or finishing a project (especially one God had called you to)?
2. Are you able to identify the threats/dangers and counteract them? Do you turn them over to God and at the same time stay prepared and focused, not giving up or slowing down?
3. How might you apply these principals in your daily life (Work, Family, Church, Community)?
Lord, Thank you for giving us such rich wisdom and Godly examples in your Word so that we may learn to live a Godly life centered on you. Amen
Here's are some truths I learned from reading this chapter that can apply to our lives today.
1. Success should expect opposition.
When we are doing God's work, you can bet Satan will be incensed at any progress we make. We should expect then that Satan and his hosts will oppose, ridicule, and prey on our fears and inadequacies in every attempt to get us sidetracked or to stop altogether. He will do anything to prevent us from being successful and furthering God's Kingdom. It should be of no surprise to us when we sense these things beginning to happen nor of where they come from and why. So, what are you to do about it?
2. Appeal to God for protection and judgement
Nehemiah didn't waste time fighting the battles with the opposition himself. He prayed to God for help and for judgement on those working against him. He trusted God to remove the obstacles and do what was necessary to keep them moving forward. He stayed focused on the task and kept the people focused as well, allowing God to handle the big stuff. This is a very important point. Let God! Don't try to fight all the battles yourself. God is bigger and better at doing that then we are. When we stop to fight against Satan, we stop working on our task, and Satan is more than happy to engage in battle with us because it keeps us distracted from doing the work of God. It is better to let God handle the battle with Satan because he is capable of winning and we are not.
3. Take counter action
Nehemiah prayed but he also did something to counter the attacks. He didn't ignore that there was a problem or potential problems. He took inventory of what was happening and then implemented counter plans to head off trouble. He was aware and prepared. He didn't hide his head in the sand and just pray for God to remove the obstacles and sit and wait for that to happen. They kept moving forward but with a knowledge and preparedness for what might occur.
4. Don't give into Fear
The people were working very hard and were becoming exhausted. Exhaustion limited their coping and internal resolve and fear set in. Fear can have a very crippling effect. It can cause inaction, freezing you, and preventing you from going on. Fear in this case had the power to stop this project all together. Nehemiah had to recognize what was happening and counter this problem as well. If he would have ignored what was happening within the spirit of the people, the project would have died. He would have lost the peoples ability to continue on. However, he took inventory of the collective spirit of the people and took it seriously. By acknowledging it he was able to counter the direction they were headed and turn them around. How did he do this?
5. Remember who God is
Nehemiah 4:14 After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your bothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and you homes."
REMEMBER the things God has already done for you and KNOW that he will do them again. Be strong in the Lord and trust in him.
6. Adjust when necessary
Nehemiah now had to change the work load to help counter the attacks. Again, he didn't just sit and wait for God to stop the opposition they continue on but with an adjusted plan. Half the people worked and the other help served as armed guards. The worked slowed down but it did not stop. The people doing the work felt more secure knowing they were protected.
7. Stay connected as a unit.
Nehemiah 4:19-20 Then I said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, "The work is extensive and spread out, and we are widely separated from each other along the wall. Whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us."
Nehemiah got the group together from time to time probably to keep them cohesive, understand the issues they were facing, keep their spirits up, review progress being made, etc. It's important to keep the whole end goal in mind. In life we sometimes think only about our little portion of work and neglect to understand how it fits into the big picture. It's important to not let our little section become more important than the whole. Sometimes we have to sacrifice our part in order to help someone else be successful in their part so the overall project and people are successful. I;m finding this is a key concept in mothering.
8. Work Hard to the End
Just because they had to adjust and make half the men guards didn't mean they slowed down. They just worked harder and longer. They didn't adjust the timeline for completion because of a few obstacles. They buckled down and kept the urgency in tack.
9. Stay alert for trouble
The men understood the plans of the opposition and were alert and diligently watched for the attacks and were prepared! If we know the enemy is coming we should be always watching for him to arrive and be preparing and ready when he comes. Don't be taken off guard and unprepared. This is why being in the Word on a daily basis is so important. It prepares us for battle.
10. All are to be both watchmen and workers
Too often we think of ourselves as workers and that it is not our duty to be watchmen too. Or, we view ourselves has watchmen and we don't empower the workers to to help identify threats. By pigeonholing the people into specific categories you create a weakness that can be penetrated. By expecting each to do both you are more fortified, quicker to identify threats and problems, and quicker to respond to danger. To be successful we all need to be both working and watching out for the best interest of the project.
Finally, here are a few thought provoking follow up questions for you to consider.
1. Where are you letting fear or inadequacy prevent you from starting or finishing a project (especially one God had called you to)?
2. Are you able to identify the threats/dangers and counteract them? Do you turn them over to God and at the same time stay prepared and focused, not giving up or slowing down?
3. How might you apply these principals in your daily life (Work, Family, Church, Community)?
Lord, Thank you for giving us such rich wisdom and Godly examples in your Word so that we may learn to live a Godly life centered on you. Amen
Bible Study,
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Friday, November 6, 2009
Update on Spiritual Battle
The young man I wrote about yesterday has voluntarily checked himself back into a treatment facility.
He shared that he was too ashamed to tell anyone how he was still feeling and he was thankful that the one person he confided in both HEARD him and ACTED on his behalf.
Friends, there is great shame associated with depression. A person doesn't want to feel the way they do but they don't know how to feel anything different. They compare themselves to others who seemingly have no difficulty in their lives and consider themselves failures. It is very difficult to admit that you can't help yourself and even more difficult to ask someone for help when you are feeling so low and worthless. You can convince yourself that no one cares or would understand, so it becomes easier to drown then to reach out for a lifeline.
Again, I believe both of these individuals to have been very brave. I, also, believe God is working in both of their lives and is interceding on their behalf. I can't wait to see how God continues to touch on their lives and what they will do in service to God because of his abundant provision in their lives.
Continue to pray for them and for all those that suffer.
He shared that he was too ashamed to tell anyone how he was still feeling and he was thankful that the one person he confided in both HEARD him and ACTED on his behalf.
Friends, there is great shame associated with depression. A person doesn't want to feel the way they do but they don't know how to feel anything different. They compare themselves to others who seemingly have no difficulty in their lives and consider themselves failures. It is very difficult to admit that you can't help yourself and even more difficult to ask someone for help when you are feeling so low and worthless. You can convince yourself that no one cares or would understand, so it becomes easier to drown then to reach out for a lifeline.
Again, I believe both of these individuals to have been very brave. I, also, believe God is working in both of their lives and is interceding on their behalf. I can't wait to see how God continues to touch on their lives and what they will do in service to God because of his abundant provision in their lives.
Continue to pray for them and for all those that suffer.
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
The Great Commission
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Spiritual Warfare For a Stranger's Soul
My daughter called this morning. I could tell by her voice something was wrong.
She shared with me how a former co-worker had recently returned to work after being gone for some time. She was excited he was back. One day while catching up, he shared with her that while he was away he had been in a mental hospital on suicide watch. My daughter having experienced this same situation for herself at one point in her life was very sympathetic and supportive toward him and his plight. He must have sensed she understood because today this young man took a very brave step and consequentially, then my daughter took one, too.
This young man called her today saying he was having very strong urges to kill himself and he just needed to talk to someone.
He was hurting! And despite the very real pain he was in, he made a decision to not isolate himself, and chose instead to reach out to someone. How brave! It is a very brave thing to be vulnerable with another person, to ask someone for help, to be honest with what is going on in your mind. I give this young man so much credit for taking a leap of faith and trying to connect with someone when everything in his being was telling him to just give up. For those who have never gone through this, you cannot imagine how difficult this step was for him.
After talking with him, my daughter called me. I heard the words 'previously on suicide watch' and 'having very strong urges to kill myself' and instantly knew someone needed to get to him NOW!
After asking if she knew any of his family members, I told her she needed to take this very seriously. She needed to call someone in his family and share with them what he told her. Someone who loved him needed to get to him as soon as possible. She immediately followed through with that.
While she was making that connection, I cried and prayed. Actually, I pleaded with God!
You see there have been numerous high school suicides in our area in the last few months. One local high school lost 4 kids in six months to suicide. It has become a very real problem and many are gathering together to figure out how to prevent this from happening. Local churches are even working with public school systems to understand the problem and how to help.
So, I pleaded with God through burning tears that this would not be another lost soul.
I pleaded with God that first of all, someone would get to him immediately so that he would not be alone very long.
I pleaded that God would protect him until someone arrived.
I pleaded that someone would come into his life with the message of hope in Jesus Christ.
I prayed that his pain would not be for nothing and that this was part of his journey in finding Jesus and salvation, not death and eternal damnation.
I begged God to protect him so that Satan would not win this soul.
I asked God to send his guardian angels to gather around him and to keep Satan away from him. I could actually picture this in my mind. The angels were more powerful and Satan was kept out. Satan was mad as hell but he couldn't penetrate or influence the boy any longer.
I just kept weeping and praying for this young man I didn't even know.
The phone rang and scared me half to death. I was so absorbed in engaging God that I had blocked out everything else around me. The ringing phone brought me back to reality. I believe the Holy Spirit was working through me to intercede for this young man, leading me with the sense of urgency and determination needed for battle. I felt like I was in a war and pleading with God for victory. I didn't even know this man but, yet, I was fighting for his life on his behalf. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.
It was my daughter, calling with a report, that she had contacted his aunt (who happens to work at the same place they do). The aunt was at work and said he too was there having just punched in for the day. My daughter was relieved he was okay and around the people who knew him. She proceeded to share with his aunt all that he had shared with her.
This, too, was a very brave thing to do. She was concerned for his safety but also conflicted with the possibility that he might see it as a betrayal of trust and never open up to her again. In her mind, she was risking their friendship. However, there was still a friendship to risk, and more importantly, a friend to rescue and that took precedent. She did the hard thing for a friend, for his own good, even if he didn't see it that way right now.
Our phone call was interrupted by another call she had to take. When she called me back she reported that both the aunt and the owner of the business were sitting with him while waiting for his mother to come. She was able to talk to him and he said he wasn't mad and, in fact, he thanked her.
I have no idea what will come of this situation. I pray those angels stay right where they are and preserve this man's soul until he reaches out for God himself. I believe that God works in the lives of even those who have not yet called on him as Lord, but will someday. I believe that if he is one of God's own, he will be protected.
Please pray for him along with me that Satan does not win this soul. Let us intercede on behalf of a man we do not know but is known by the God we serve. Let us do for him what he cannot do for himself at this point. Pray for his rescue from darkness and the chains that hold him there and for his salvation and freedom in Christ.
I want my daughter to know how proud I am of her for taking this seriously, for saving his life, and giving him a chance at gaining salvation. I know she, too, has suffered in the past, and this could open up wounds with fresh scars, so I ask for prayers for her too.
Let us never take a life for granted - even that of a stranger.
Lord - Thank you for coming through today in a big way and for always being stronger than the enemy. Thank you for displaying your power to my daughter and may this young man someday see that same power for himself in his own life. Please continue to guard and watch over both of these individuals in the days to come. Amen.
She shared with me how a former co-worker had recently returned to work after being gone for some time. She was excited he was back. One day while catching up, he shared with her that while he was away he had been in a mental hospital on suicide watch. My daughter having experienced this same situation for herself at one point in her life was very sympathetic and supportive toward him and his plight. He must have sensed she understood because today this young man took a very brave step and consequentially, then my daughter took one, too.
This young man called her today saying he was having very strong urges to kill himself and he just needed to talk to someone.
He was hurting! And despite the very real pain he was in, he made a decision to not isolate himself, and chose instead to reach out to someone. How brave! It is a very brave thing to be vulnerable with another person, to ask someone for help, to be honest with what is going on in your mind. I give this young man so much credit for taking a leap of faith and trying to connect with someone when everything in his being was telling him to just give up. For those who have never gone through this, you cannot imagine how difficult this step was for him.
After talking with him, my daughter called me. I heard the words 'previously on suicide watch' and 'having very strong urges to kill myself' and instantly knew someone needed to get to him NOW!
After asking if she knew any of his family members, I told her she needed to take this very seriously. She needed to call someone in his family and share with them what he told her. Someone who loved him needed to get to him as soon as possible. She immediately followed through with that.
While she was making that connection, I cried and prayed. Actually, I pleaded with God!
You see there have been numerous high school suicides in our area in the last few months. One local high school lost 4 kids in six months to suicide. It has become a very real problem and many are gathering together to figure out how to prevent this from happening. Local churches are even working with public school systems to understand the problem and how to help.
So, I pleaded with God through burning tears that this would not be another lost soul.
I pleaded with God that first of all, someone would get to him immediately so that he would not be alone very long.
I pleaded that God would protect him until someone arrived.
I pleaded that someone would come into his life with the message of hope in Jesus Christ.
I prayed that his pain would not be for nothing and that this was part of his journey in finding Jesus and salvation, not death and eternal damnation.
I begged God to protect him so that Satan would not win this soul.
I asked God to send his guardian angels to gather around him and to keep Satan away from him. I could actually picture this in my mind. The angels were more powerful and Satan was kept out. Satan was mad as hell but he couldn't penetrate or influence the boy any longer.
I just kept weeping and praying for this young man I didn't even know.
The phone rang and scared me half to death. I was so absorbed in engaging God that I had blocked out everything else around me. The ringing phone brought me back to reality. I believe the Holy Spirit was working through me to intercede for this young man, leading me with the sense of urgency and determination needed for battle. I felt like I was in a war and pleading with God for victory. I didn't even know this man but, yet, I was fighting for his life on his behalf. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.
It was my daughter, calling with a report, that she had contacted his aunt (who happens to work at the same place they do). The aunt was at work and said he too was there having just punched in for the day. My daughter was relieved he was okay and around the people who knew him. She proceeded to share with his aunt all that he had shared with her.
This, too, was a very brave thing to do. She was concerned for his safety but also conflicted with the possibility that he might see it as a betrayal of trust and never open up to her again. In her mind, she was risking their friendship. However, there was still a friendship to risk, and more importantly, a friend to rescue and that took precedent. She did the hard thing for a friend, for his own good, even if he didn't see it that way right now.
Our phone call was interrupted by another call she had to take. When she called me back she reported that both the aunt and the owner of the business were sitting with him while waiting for his mother to come. She was able to talk to him and he said he wasn't mad and, in fact, he thanked her.
I have no idea what will come of this situation. I pray those angels stay right where they are and preserve this man's soul until he reaches out for God himself. I believe that God works in the lives of even those who have not yet called on him as Lord, but will someday. I believe that if he is one of God's own, he will be protected.
Please pray for him along with me that Satan does not win this soul. Let us intercede on behalf of a man we do not know but is known by the God we serve. Let us do for him what he cannot do for himself at this point. Pray for his rescue from darkness and the chains that hold him there and for his salvation and freedom in Christ.
I want my daughter to know how proud I am of her for taking this seriously, for saving his life, and giving him a chance at gaining salvation. I know she, too, has suffered in the past, and this could open up wounds with fresh scars, so I ask for prayers for her too.
Let us never take a life for granted - even that of a stranger.
Lord - Thank you for coming through today in a big way and for always being stronger than the enemy. Thank you for displaying your power to my daughter and may this young man someday see that same power for himself in his own life. Please continue to guard and watch over both of these individuals in the days to come. Amen.
Governor Schwarzenegger Places Special Interests Before California Students by Signing Harvey Milk Bill - Christian Newswire
Governor Schwarzenegger Places Special Interests Before California Students by Signing Harvey Milk Bill - Christian Newswire
If my children went to public school in California, I would keep my kids home on May 22nd, EVERY YEAR!
If my children went to public school in California, I would keep my kids home on May 22nd, EVERY YEAR!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dropping Like Flies
Well, the flu has officially hit our home and the kids are dropping like flies.
Our first daughter to get sick had relatively mild symptoms. She was ill for three days and took one extra day with no fever before going back to school.
Our oldest daughter still at home was the second to get sick. She started with a cough on the same day her sister got sick. Her cough grew progressively worse but no other symptoms surfaced the first five days. The fifth night was a rough one for her. Her cough was so bad that every three seconds she was hacking away. She had woke up our two year old with her coughing, and as I lay in bed trying to help her fall back asleep, I counted the time between coughs. Well, in the morning there still were no other symptoms and because it's the end of the quarter and she insisted she was fine I let her go to school.
Not even two hours into the day, I get the call that she is sick and needs to come home. 102.4 fever and ALL the symptoms are now present. Just like that! By evening, I think she may have pneumonia and we take her to the late night clinic to make sure. No, lungs are fine. It's just influenza the doctor says and there's nothing they can do for her.
Fast forward a few hours to 3 AM. Daughter number three wakes up crying with 102.4 fever. Great. We Tylenol up and drink a glass of water and two hours later she falls back to sleep.
We had decided not to get the flu shot but even if we had expected to get it our area doesn't even had any vaccinations available yet to the general public. We, like a lot of people, will have had the flu by the time the vaccinations are available.
As I lay awake with my daughter last night, I just prayed to our Sovereign God for healing and no further complications. That's where I place my trust!
Our first daughter to get sick had relatively mild symptoms. She was ill for three days and took one extra day with no fever before going back to school.
Our oldest daughter still at home was the second to get sick. She started with a cough on the same day her sister got sick. Her cough grew progressively worse but no other symptoms surfaced the first five days. The fifth night was a rough one for her. Her cough was so bad that every three seconds she was hacking away. She had woke up our two year old with her coughing, and as I lay in bed trying to help her fall back asleep, I counted the time between coughs. Well, in the morning there still were no other symptoms and because it's the end of the quarter and she insisted she was fine I let her go to school.
Not even two hours into the day, I get the call that she is sick and needs to come home. 102.4 fever and ALL the symptoms are now present. Just like that! By evening, I think she may have pneumonia and we take her to the late night clinic to make sure. No, lungs are fine. It's just influenza the doctor says and there's nothing they can do for her.
Fast forward a few hours to 3 AM. Daughter number three wakes up crying with 102.4 fever. Great. We Tylenol up and drink a glass of water and two hours later she falls back to sleep.
We had decided not to get the flu shot but even if we had expected to get it our area doesn't even had any vaccinations available yet to the general public. We, like a lot of people, will have had the flu by the time the vaccinations are available.
As I lay awake with my daughter last night, I just prayed to our Sovereign God for healing and no further complications. That's where I place my trust!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Nehemiah - How One Man Made A Difference - Part 3
"Many hands make for light work."
Have you ever tried to tackle a big task all by yourself? How successful are you when you are left to do all the work yourself?
I've been watching the baseball playoffs so I will use them as my visual example.
Imagine the New York Yankees take the field against the Philadelphia Phillie's. However, today the warm up tosses around the bases don't look quite the same as normal because let's pretend that today the Yankees are a one man team. The Philly batter stands at the plate and the only person in the infield AND the outfield is Andy Pettitte. Andy, even on steroids, is not going to be able to pitch, catch, field, and bat his team to a victory all by himself.
I know this sounds like a ridiculous example because baseball does understands the concept of teamwork. By splitting up the infield and outfield into manned areas they are able to cover a lot of ground.
Nehemiah introduces this concept in Chapter 3. He divides up the work into smaller sections assigning a group of people to each section. Everyone from the High Priest, to the goldsmiths, to the perfume makers, to the local rulers, and just plain ordinary folk are each assigned a section of the wall to work on. Everyone can help. Some more than others but everyone is expected to contribute.
Nehemiah also understands that assigning portions of the wall to people who actually live in the specific area, generates a personal sense of responsibility because it directly affects their own security.
The people do not get too tired, too overwhelmed, or too frustrated at a lack of progress because the chunk of work is small enough to be able to see an impact being made. They can see the wall getting higher and higher everyday. Whereas, too big of a section, although lengthwise might be making progress, it wouldn't seem like it to the people unless the wall was actually getting higher, too.
When I worked in manufacturing, a phrase was used a lot in our improvement projects, "A mile deep is better than a mile wide". It was meant to keep us focused on making a lasting, immediate impact in one area instead of trying to tackle more than we had the resources to at the moment. Nehemiah is thinking the same thing. Let each group make a lasting, immediate impact in a small section of the wall building it all the way up, instead of expecting the entire first layer all the way around the city to be layed before moving on to the next layer.
So, the next time I have to tackle Spring/Fall cleaning, a party to prepare for, or even grocery shopping, I would be wise to implement Nehemiah's concept of many hands/ little tasks = big results. Even our two year old can help.
Be a visionary leader today by delegating and creating a sense of teamwork!
Have you ever tried to tackle a big task all by yourself? How successful are you when you are left to do all the work yourself?
I've been watching the baseball playoffs so I will use them as my visual example.
Imagine the New York Yankees take the field against the Philadelphia Phillie's. However, today the warm up tosses around the bases don't look quite the same as normal because let's pretend that today the Yankees are a one man team. The Philly batter stands at the plate and the only person in the infield AND the outfield is Andy Pettitte. Andy, even on steroids, is not going to be able to pitch, catch, field, and bat his team to a victory all by himself.
I know this sounds like a ridiculous example because baseball does understands the concept of teamwork. By splitting up the infield and outfield into manned areas they are able to cover a lot of ground.
Nehemiah introduces this concept in Chapter 3. He divides up the work into smaller sections assigning a group of people to each section. Everyone from the High Priest, to the goldsmiths, to the perfume makers, to the local rulers, and just plain ordinary folk are each assigned a section of the wall to work on. Everyone can help. Some more than others but everyone is expected to contribute.
Nehemiah also understands that assigning portions of the wall to people who actually live in the specific area, generates a personal sense of responsibility because it directly affects their own security.
The people do not get too tired, too overwhelmed, or too frustrated at a lack of progress because the chunk of work is small enough to be able to see an impact being made. They can see the wall getting higher and higher everyday. Whereas, too big of a section, although lengthwise might be making progress, it wouldn't seem like it to the people unless the wall was actually getting higher, too.
When I worked in manufacturing, a phrase was used a lot in our improvement projects, "A mile deep is better than a mile wide". It was meant to keep us focused on making a lasting, immediate impact in one area instead of trying to tackle more than we had the resources to at the moment. Nehemiah is thinking the same thing. Let each group make a lasting, immediate impact in a small section of the wall building it all the way up, instead of expecting the entire first layer all the way around the city to be layed before moving on to the next layer.
So, the next time I have to tackle Spring/Fall cleaning, a party to prepare for, or even grocery shopping, I would be wise to implement Nehemiah's concept of many hands/ little tasks = big results. Even our two year old can help.
Be a visionary leader today by delegating and creating a sense of teamwork!
Bible Study,
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Nehemiah - How One Man Made a Difference - Part 2
My hope is that you are taking the time to read the book of Nehemiah as you read my post. I found it to be filled with so much wisdom and so applicable in today's world.
In Chapter 2, we see that at least four months have pasted since Nehemiah first learned of the condition in Jerusalem. The first important thing to note is that he is still sad over the issue! A sadness so intense that it affects his demeanor and overtakes his posture in front of the King to the point that the King notices.
As Christians, we are called to live joyful lives because of the hope we have and so that others will notice and inquire of the source of our joy. However, Nehemiah's usual joy is masked by his sadness and the King senses this as a sadness of heart.
To speak with the King was to be done with great fear and trembling and with honor and respect. Nehemiah was afraid to answer the King's question when the King inquired of what caused Nehemiah's sadness but he faced his fear and shared his concern with the King. The King asked Nehemiah what he wanted and to my amazement Nehemiah had a very detailed plan and boldly laid it out for the King. The King was willing to help and offered everything Nehemiah had asked for and even offered up more.
Nehemiah had spent these last four months figuring out what to do and thinking ahead to what he would need. He was prepared with an action plan and ready for when God would open the door for him. He faced his fears and spoke with the King and was happy to find the King receptive to his concern and to his goal to fix it.
Do we prepare for action while we patiently wait on God's perfect timing for a door to be opened? Nehemiah could have rashly rushed ahead with his plan, not waiting for the King's help, and probably in disrespect to the King, but he would not have been successful this way. He knew to wait upon the Lord and in the meantime prepare.
Even if we prepare and patiently wait for God to open the door, once it's open we sometimes freeze in fear. We let our insecurities prevent us from seizing the opportunity and we miss the chance to be the one to do something about it. God will see to it that what he wants to happen will still happen. It will just be someone else who does it. Someone who didn't freeze. Someone who trusted in the providence of God for success.
The next part of the story I want to note is that opposition immediately begins to form against Nehemiah and his plans. Anytime we are doing God's work in this world we should expect opposition and persecution. The world will always want to ravage against the plans of God. It's a good indication that you ARE doing what God wants if you are experiencing grief from the people of the world. However, don't lose faith because God is bigger than anything they could throw at you and he will frustrate the plans of the wicked.
Once Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, and before he shared his plan with any of the inhabitants, he secretly went to investigate the wall damage for himself. Nehemiah did a personal inventory and saw with his own eyes the extent of the damage. He probably finalized his plan after seeing exactly what needed to be done not relying on the words of others but seeing it for himself. If we are to lead an effort, we should thoroughly investigate it firsthand, and ensure our plan will be effective and adjust if necessary.
Now Nehemiah gathers the people and points out the problem. The problem was already obvious to the people who had been living there and if Nehemiah would have stopped there no more would have been done. If any one of these people had already had a plan if would have been implemented already. I can just hear someone in the crowd shouting, "Thank you Captain Obvious". Right?
However, Nehemiah not only has a plan, he also has the confidence of success because God has already blessed the endeavor. The people see him speak with confidence and leadership and they buy into the fact that maybe, just maybe, this plan will work. The fact that God has blessed it helps convince the people the hard work will be worth the effort and they get on board with helping to make it happen.
The people get excited about the prospects and the opposition is right there trying to thwart the effort before it even begins. They use ridicule and intimidation to make the people insecure about their ability to do this task. You've heard this talk before. What are you thinking? Who do you think you are to even attempt this? You don't know the first thing about tackling this problem.
What is one to do when the opposition begins to whittle away at your wall of resolve and confidence to more forward? Well, Nehemiah shows us the only way to protect your resolve is to stay vertical. Pray to the Lord! Let God deal with the opposition so you don't have to waste your time and energy fighting with them, or trying to prove yourself to them, or trying to win them over to your side. Just let God deal with them. Also, trust that God is bigger than us and will pave the way for success. This is not to mean we are to just sit around and wait for God to stop the opposition and provide us with a clean slate to start on. No, we are to plunge ahead and trust that God will provide along the way all that is needed at that particular moment. Trust that God will reward the efforts of the righteous and thwart the efforts of the evil.
Thinking back to the list of problems our country is in today from part one of this series, or from a personal list you made yourself, and keeping in mind the ones that invoke great emotion with you, think about the following questions.
1. What can you do today to begin researching this problem more thoroughly?
2. What can you do today to begin preparing an action plan for making a difference in this area?
3. Are you willing to be in prayer with God about what to do and how?
4. What are your fears about doing anything in this area?
5. Do you trust God is big enough to overcome any obstacles?
Imagine if God called you to solve a problem. Imagine if you accepted the challenge in his strenght. Imagine the good that would be done because one person said yes to God. Imagine the difference it would make for the people who are affected by the problem today. Imagine how you would feel being responsible for changing the course of people's lives for the better. Dream a little dream. Or, better yet dream a big dream today with God!
In Chapter 2, we see that at least four months have pasted since Nehemiah first learned of the condition in Jerusalem. The first important thing to note is that he is still sad over the issue! A sadness so intense that it affects his demeanor and overtakes his posture in front of the King to the point that the King notices.
As Christians, we are called to live joyful lives because of the hope we have and so that others will notice and inquire of the source of our joy. However, Nehemiah's usual joy is masked by his sadness and the King senses this as a sadness of heart.
To speak with the King was to be done with great fear and trembling and with honor and respect. Nehemiah was afraid to answer the King's question when the King inquired of what caused Nehemiah's sadness but he faced his fear and shared his concern with the King. The King asked Nehemiah what he wanted and to my amazement Nehemiah had a very detailed plan and boldly laid it out for the King. The King was willing to help and offered everything Nehemiah had asked for and even offered up more.
Nehemiah had spent these last four months figuring out what to do and thinking ahead to what he would need. He was prepared with an action plan and ready for when God would open the door for him. He faced his fears and spoke with the King and was happy to find the King receptive to his concern and to his goal to fix it.
Do we prepare for action while we patiently wait on God's perfect timing for a door to be opened? Nehemiah could have rashly rushed ahead with his plan, not waiting for the King's help, and probably in disrespect to the King, but he would not have been successful this way. He knew to wait upon the Lord and in the meantime prepare.
Even if we prepare and patiently wait for God to open the door, once it's open we sometimes freeze in fear. We let our insecurities prevent us from seizing the opportunity and we miss the chance to be the one to do something about it. God will see to it that what he wants to happen will still happen. It will just be someone else who does it. Someone who didn't freeze. Someone who trusted in the providence of God for success.
The next part of the story I want to note is that opposition immediately begins to form against Nehemiah and his plans. Anytime we are doing God's work in this world we should expect opposition and persecution. The world will always want to ravage against the plans of God. It's a good indication that you ARE doing what God wants if you are experiencing grief from the people of the world. However, don't lose faith because God is bigger than anything they could throw at you and he will frustrate the plans of the wicked.
Once Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem, and before he shared his plan with any of the inhabitants, he secretly went to investigate the wall damage for himself. Nehemiah did a personal inventory and saw with his own eyes the extent of the damage. He probably finalized his plan after seeing exactly what needed to be done not relying on the words of others but seeing it for himself. If we are to lead an effort, we should thoroughly investigate it firsthand, and ensure our plan will be effective and adjust if necessary.
Now Nehemiah gathers the people and points out the problem. The problem was already obvious to the people who had been living there and if Nehemiah would have stopped there no more would have been done. If any one of these people had already had a plan if would have been implemented already. I can just hear someone in the crowd shouting, "Thank you Captain Obvious". Right?
However, Nehemiah not only has a plan, he also has the confidence of success because God has already blessed the endeavor. The people see him speak with confidence and leadership and they buy into the fact that maybe, just maybe, this plan will work. The fact that God has blessed it helps convince the people the hard work will be worth the effort and they get on board with helping to make it happen.
The people get excited about the prospects and the opposition is right there trying to thwart the effort before it even begins. They use ridicule and intimidation to make the people insecure about their ability to do this task. You've heard this talk before. What are you thinking? Who do you think you are to even attempt this? You don't know the first thing about tackling this problem.
What is one to do when the opposition begins to whittle away at your wall of resolve and confidence to more forward? Well, Nehemiah shows us the only way to protect your resolve is to stay vertical. Pray to the Lord! Let God deal with the opposition so you don't have to waste your time and energy fighting with them, or trying to prove yourself to them, or trying to win them over to your side. Just let God deal with them. Also, trust that God is bigger than us and will pave the way for success. This is not to mean we are to just sit around and wait for God to stop the opposition and provide us with a clean slate to start on. No, we are to plunge ahead and trust that God will provide along the way all that is needed at that particular moment. Trust that God will reward the efforts of the righteous and thwart the efforts of the evil.
Thinking back to the list of problems our country is in today from part one of this series, or from a personal list you made yourself, and keeping in mind the ones that invoke great emotion with you, think about the following questions.
1. What can you do today to begin researching this problem more thoroughly?
2. What can you do today to begin preparing an action plan for making a difference in this area?
3. Are you willing to be in prayer with God about what to do and how?
4. What are your fears about doing anything in this area?
5. Do you trust God is big enough to overcome any obstacles?
Imagine if God called you to solve a problem. Imagine if you accepted the challenge in his strenght. Imagine the good that would be done because one person said yes to God. Imagine the difference it would make for the people who are affected by the problem today. Imagine how you would feel being responsible for changing the course of people's lives for the better. Dream a little dream. Or, better yet dream a big dream today with God!
Bible Study,
Every day life,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Nehemiah - How One Man Made a Difference - Part 1
The Book of Nehemiah opens with a inquiry of how Nehemiah's fellow kinsmen are doing in Jerusalem. Twelve years earlier, the King of Persia had signed a decree allowing the surviving Israelites to move back to Jerusalem after spending 70 years in captivity in Babylon. Nehemiah is the cup bearer to the King and when visitors arrive from Jerusalem, he inquires of the well being of the cherished city.
It is here that Nehemiah learns that the city is once again in physical and spiritual shambles.
In Nehemiah chapter 1, we are given insight into how Nehemiah handled the news he heard.
1. Nehemiah weeps upon hearing of the state of Jerusalem. He has an immediate emotional response.
2. Nehemiah mourns, fasts, and prays to God.
There are many things wrong in our country or cities today. A quick list looks something like this but I'm sure each of you could add many more to the list.
1. The breakdown of the family.
2. Abortion
3. Homosexual agenda
4. Greedy corporate leaders
5. Leadership acting outside of God's will
6. Depression and Suicide
7. False teachers in the Church
8. Materialism
9. Evolution theory taught in schools as fact, even in some Christian schools
10. Prevalent violence and sex in the media
Do any of things things in shambles today cause you to weep in a deep immediate emotional response like Nehemiah did when he heard the state of Jerusalem?
Are you willing to seek God's heart in these matters and inquire of how you might play a part in repairing one of these areas?
You see, Nehemiah didn't let his immediate response pass by. He didn't let his grief turn into apathy. He didn't accept the condition and just let it continue as status quo.
Instead, Nehemiah sought God's heart in the matter through prayer and fasting.
Fasting is a way to get closer to God, to hear what he has to say about something, to get clarity and focus, and to know the heart and will of God in a matter.
It's through this exercise in self sacrifice that Nehemiah first sees sin as the cause and in great humility seeks repentance, both for the people of Jerusalem, and for himself. His sin is as much to blame as those living there. Often times we are eager to point out the sin in the lives of others but neglect to connect the dots that our sin is just as much to blame for the problems of the world today. Nehemiah lets God shine a light into his own heart and he repents of his own sin.
It's also through this process that Nehemiah moves from helpless bystander to someone with a vision for repair and a resolve to be the one to initiate it. He took the time to inquire of God's heart and will in the matter, and he is now armed with both a certainty of what to do about the problem and that he would have success because it was from God.
Have we ever allowed ourselves to move from grief over an issue to resolve to do something about it?
If there is something on the above list that leaves you in great despair, God may be calling you to do something about it. I believe our strong emotions are there for a reason. To get our attention. To move us to act. Emotion without action is wasting the emotion.
Problems sometimes seem so big, so far reaching, and so beyond my ability to do something about it, so we just concede that it's not for me to worry about. We tell ourselves that it's for someone else to tackle. Someone with more competent skills than I and we let our emotion slip into apathy.
What if everyone thought the same way? What if everyone wasted their emotion with inaction?
God gave Nehemiah a vision of what he wanted to happen in this situation. God helped Nehemiah set a goal and gave him the resolve to tackle it. It wasn't done in the strength of Nehemiah but in the strength of God.
If left up to us, we would waste every motivating emotion. However, we all have the opportunity to call on the Lord for guidance, strength, vision, and resolve.
The questions we must ask ourselves are this.
1. What problems speak to us through grief, sadness, anger?
2. Are we willing to ask God if the strong emotions we feel toward situations are a sign that God wants to use us to invoke change?
3. Are we willing to allow God to transform us into action?
It is here that Nehemiah learns that the city is once again in physical and spiritual shambles.
In Nehemiah chapter 1, we are given insight into how Nehemiah handled the news he heard.
1. Nehemiah weeps upon hearing of the state of Jerusalem. He has an immediate emotional response.
2. Nehemiah mourns, fasts, and prays to God.
There are many things wrong in our country or cities today. A quick list looks something like this but I'm sure each of you could add many more to the list.
1. The breakdown of the family.
2. Abortion
3. Homosexual agenda
4. Greedy corporate leaders
5. Leadership acting outside of God's will
6. Depression and Suicide
7. False teachers in the Church
8. Materialism
9. Evolution theory taught in schools as fact, even in some Christian schools
10. Prevalent violence and sex in the media
Do any of things things in shambles today cause you to weep in a deep immediate emotional response like Nehemiah did when he heard the state of Jerusalem?
Are you willing to seek God's heart in these matters and inquire of how you might play a part in repairing one of these areas?
You see, Nehemiah didn't let his immediate response pass by. He didn't let his grief turn into apathy. He didn't accept the condition and just let it continue as status quo.
Instead, Nehemiah sought God's heart in the matter through prayer and fasting.
Fasting is a way to get closer to God, to hear what he has to say about something, to get clarity and focus, and to know the heart and will of God in a matter.
It's through this exercise in self sacrifice that Nehemiah first sees sin as the cause and in great humility seeks repentance, both for the people of Jerusalem, and for himself. His sin is as much to blame as those living there. Often times we are eager to point out the sin in the lives of others but neglect to connect the dots that our sin is just as much to blame for the problems of the world today. Nehemiah lets God shine a light into his own heart and he repents of his own sin.
It's also through this process that Nehemiah moves from helpless bystander to someone with a vision for repair and a resolve to be the one to initiate it. He took the time to inquire of God's heart and will in the matter, and he is now armed with both a certainty of what to do about the problem and that he would have success because it was from God.
Have we ever allowed ourselves to move from grief over an issue to resolve to do something about it?
If there is something on the above list that leaves you in great despair, God may be calling you to do something about it. I believe our strong emotions are there for a reason. To get our attention. To move us to act. Emotion without action is wasting the emotion.
Problems sometimes seem so big, so far reaching, and so beyond my ability to do something about it, so we just concede that it's not for me to worry about. We tell ourselves that it's for someone else to tackle. Someone with more competent skills than I and we let our emotion slip into apathy.
What if everyone thought the same way? What if everyone wasted their emotion with inaction?
God gave Nehemiah a vision of what he wanted to happen in this situation. God helped Nehemiah set a goal and gave him the resolve to tackle it. It wasn't done in the strength of Nehemiah but in the strength of God.
If left up to us, we would waste every motivating emotion. However, we all have the opportunity to call on the Lord for guidance, strength, vision, and resolve.
The questions we must ask ourselves are this.
1. What problems speak to us through grief, sadness, anger?
2. Are we willing to ask God if the strong emotions we feel toward situations are a sign that God wants to use us to invoke change?
3. Are we willing to allow God to transform us into action?
Bible Study,
Cosmic Battle,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Too Busy to Blog
I just noticed my last post was almost a month ago. Where does the time go? I guess I have been busy.
My husband and I took a vacation to Hilton Head, SC. Well, it was a full vacation for me and a work trip/vacation for him. Our first three days there he had to work the Dealer Summit for his company during the day and we attended the dinners together each night. We stayed an extra few days since we had a babysitter for the kids and since we just celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. I met lots of neat ladies from all over the United States during my alone time there and developed friendships with some of the wives of my husbands' coworkers. I had a great time and can't wait for the next Dealer Summit. Every other year the event is held locally but on the alternate years they switch between Orlando, Fl, San Antonio, TX, and Hilton Head, SC. I'm looking forward to the next destination.
We've also had sick kids. I've discovered our youngest (first time she was sick) doesn't get cuddly or clinging when she is sick. Instead she gets cranky and aggressive. My nerves have really been tested, as well as my patience.
Our 20 year old daughter had her tonsils our on Monday and has come home to recuperate. She's not too happy right now either.
Our youngest turns 2 tomorrow and so we are having her birthday party on Saturday. I haven't begun planning yet because I've been busy caring for sick people. I guess I'll tackle house cleaning on Friday and food preparation on Saturday before guest arrive.
I am hoping to be able to get away to bible study tonight but first the girls have dentist appt's and homework to finish before I can leave.
Well, that's just a synopsis of where my time has been spent this last month and why I haven't been able to blog. I hope to get back to this soon though. I hope all my readers are doing well and staying close to God.
I've been really looking to God these past few weeks for perseverence and strength because my life has really been on hold caring for others. It's great to have someone to lean on.
My husband and I took a vacation to Hilton Head, SC. Well, it was a full vacation for me and a work trip/vacation for him. Our first three days there he had to work the Dealer Summit for his company during the day and we attended the dinners together each night. We stayed an extra few days since we had a babysitter for the kids and since we just celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. I met lots of neat ladies from all over the United States during my alone time there and developed friendships with some of the wives of my husbands' coworkers. I had a great time and can't wait for the next Dealer Summit. Every other year the event is held locally but on the alternate years they switch between Orlando, Fl, San Antonio, TX, and Hilton Head, SC. I'm looking forward to the next destination.
We've also had sick kids. I've discovered our youngest (first time she was sick) doesn't get cuddly or clinging when she is sick. Instead she gets cranky and aggressive. My nerves have really been tested, as well as my patience.
Our 20 year old daughter had her tonsils our on Monday and has come home to recuperate. She's not too happy right now either.
Our youngest turns 2 tomorrow and so we are having her birthday party on Saturday. I haven't begun planning yet because I've been busy caring for sick people. I guess I'll tackle house cleaning on Friday and food preparation on Saturday before guest arrive.
I am hoping to be able to get away to bible study tonight but first the girls have dentist appt's and homework to finish before I can leave.
Well, that's just a synopsis of where my time has been spent this last month and why I haven't been able to blog. I hope to get back to this soon though. I hope all my readers are doing well and staying close to God.
I've been really looking to God these past few weeks for perseverence and strength because my life has really been on hold caring for others. It's great to have someone to lean on.
Friday, September 11, 2009
"A Day For Kaye"
My husband came home for lunch today with a piece of paper in his hand. He said, "Someone asked me to give this to you".
It was 'A Day for Kaye' invitation. A party was being planned for a former employee and friend of mine to support her in her battle with melanoma. I had heard that she was being treated for a cancerous mole on her back but did not have many details.
I asked my husband who gave him the invitation to give to me and he said her sister. When I inquired if her sister had shared any details about her recovery he informed me she was dying and not expected to make it until Christmas. The doctors had declared her cancer free after removing the mole but a recent bone scan showed the cancer had spread via her bloodstream to her liver, lungs, and brain.
I immediately broke down and sobbed. This party, he continue to explain, is a chance for everyone to say goodbye and to celebrate her life.
She is going through radiation trying to get the tumor in the brain reduced and if they can they will then begin to try to do the same in the other areas. When I asked why they are treating her and at the same time giving her a death sentence, he said the doctors informed her that if they don't try to treat it now she faces intense pain as she gets to the end. So, she suffers now with all the side effects of radiation treatments, while trying to maximize her remaining time with her family.
She is only 37 years old and has a 10 yr old daughter and a 8 yr old son. She is divorced and remarried, so the kids have already gone through that and now this. I cannot imagine what this does to a family. I am so grieved for her and for her family.
Kaye is such a wonderful person. I enjoyed working for her at the convenience store almost 20 years ago and then later in our careers she worked for me at another company. We remained friendly throughout even with all the struggles of the workplace. I have always admired her strength, determination, and perseverance. If I remember correctly her own mother died when she was a young girl and her father died early, too. She is like the rock of that family, always sensible and moving on, never dwelling. I, not only grieve for her, I grieve for her sister and brother.
Friends, please say a little prayer for Kaye and her family for comfort and peace. I also ask for the Lord to be present and working in Kaye's heart and the heart of her family.
It was 'A Day for Kaye' invitation. A party was being planned for a former employee and friend of mine to support her in her battle with melanoma. I had heard that she was being treated for a cancerous mole on her back but did not have many details.
I asked my husband who gave him the invitation to give to me and he said her sister. When I inquired if her sister had shared any details about her recovery he informed me she was dying and not expected to make it until Christmas. The doctors had declared her cancer free after removing the mole but a recent bone scan showed the cancer had spread via her bloodstream to her liver, lungs, and brain.
I immediately broke down and sobbed. This party, he continue to explain, is a chance for everyone to say goodbye and to celebrate her life.
She is going through radiation trying to get the tumor in the brain reduced and if they can they will then begin to try to do the same in the other areas. When I asked why they are treating her and at the same time giving her a death sentence, he said the doctors informed her that if they don't try to treat it now she faces intense pain as she gets to the end. So, she suffers now with all the side effects of radiation treatments, while trying to maximize her remaining time with her family.
She is only 37 years old and has a 10 yr old daughter and a 8 yr old son. She is divorced and remarried, so the kids have already gone through that and now this. I cannot imagine what this does to a family. I am so grieved for her and for her family.
Kaye is such a wonderful person. I enjoyed working for her at the convenience store almost 20 years ago and then later in our careers she worked for me at another company. We remained friendly throughout even with all the struggles of the workplace. I have always admired her strength, determination, and perseverance. If I remember correctly her own mother died when she was a young girl and her father died early, too. She is like the rock of that family, always sensible and moving on, never dwelling. I, not only grieve for her, I grieve for her sister and brother.
Friends, please say a little prayer for Kaye and her family for comfort and peace. I also ask for the Lord to be present and working in Kaye's heart and the heart of her family.
WORLD Magazine | Planned parenthood | Janie B. Cheaney | Sep 26, 09
WORLD Magazine | Planned parenthood | Janie B. Cheaney | Sep 26, 09
Interesting how times have changed. I never considered how riding a bike and experiencing freedom to navigate and explore your community prepared you for life.
My friend shared with us how their control and fear of allowing their kids to ride their bikes while living in Wisconsin went right out the window when they moved to Wyoming. In Wisconsin, they wouldn't let the kids ride without them or if they did they were confined to their street only and the kids they rode with had to be okayed. In Wyoming, the kids gather in packs in the morning and ride all day, exploring and enjoying freedom. The parents don't worry either.
What is the difference? Is it because our Wisconsin community is filled with worldly people, and even worldly Christians, and their new Wyoming community is comprised of families who are all associated with the bible college in town, either as students or college employees? Is it in the comfort of knowing your neighbors share similar beliefs and values, will be raising kids you won't mind your kids hanging out with, and knowing that others in the community will watch out for and be protective of the kids running loose in the town?
I think that makes a huge difference and easily explains how they were able to adapt and change to their new surroundings.
Anyway, the last sentance of the article is one to really contemplate.
Interesting how times have changed. I never considered how riding a bike and experiencing freedom to navigate and explore your community prepared you for life.
My friend shared with us how their control and fear of allowing their kids to ride their bikes while living in Wisconsin went right out the window when they moved to Wyoming. In Wisconsin, they wouldn't let the kids ride without them or if they did they were confined to their street only and the kids they rode with had to be okayed. In Wyoming, the kids gather in packs in the morning and ride all day, exploring and enjoying freedom. The parents don't worry either.
What is the difference? Is it because our Wisconsin community is filled with worldly people, and even worldly Christians, and their new Wyoming community is comprised of families who are all associated with the bible college in town, either as students or college employees? Is it in the comfort of knowing your neighbors share similar beliefs and values, will be raising kids you won't mind your kids hanging out with, and knowing that others in the community will watch out for and be protective of the kids running loose in the town?
I think that makes a huge difference and easily explains how they were able to adapt and change to their new surroundings.
Anyway, the last sentance of the article is one to really contemplate.
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Right To Life,
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Godly Wisdom versus Worldly Wisdom
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8
As the earthly guardians of our children, it is our charge to mold the hearts, minds, and souls of our children. We are to teach them about God and His ways, we are to instruct them on God's wisdom, and we are to be an example to them on how to live and serve under God, our King.
In today's culture, parents have many outside influences competing for our children's attention. TV, radio, movies, video games, print media, etc. all want to influence and mold our children into thinking/believing worldly lies that lead to destruction. How to dress, how to wear make-up, how to treat others, how to treat authority, when to have sex, how to grab power, how to have it all. The list of lies trying to grab our children is growing every day. However, we have the option of what, and if, our children get to view any of these outlets. We control what they view and listen to on a daily basis.
Well, now there is another industry vying for our children's attention. The government! An institution created by God for the good of the people - IF - the authorities acknowledge a Sovereign God.
An authority system that does not acknowledge a Sovereign God will create laws and agendas based on human reasoning and logic, and identify it as wisdom and evolutionary enlightenment. They will most definitely cross the established line of authority for this system and venture into areas that they have no business being in.
Our Federal Government is an institution created by God and one we should respect as a God given authority system. However, I believe you can respect the offices of the institution while at the same time disagree wholeheartedly with the persons who hold those offices. The current agendas of this government are humanistic and deadly lies and they will destroy us if they get their way.
As adults, we need to carefully weigh everything coming out of Washington these days and filter it through God's Word. Where necessary, speak up when plans are made outside the realm of the authority given to them by God. Remind them of their boundaries.
It's difficult not to get sucked into the lies unless we are staying in God's Word so that we are not deceived. Now, imagine how hard it is for our children to distinguish right from wrong when it comes to government intentions and interest.
The President wants to talk to our children next week.
He wants to force them to listen to him by making it part of the school day and curriculum. He wants to control the curriculum and discussion points.
He wants to talk to our children while they are away from their protective parents. It's like the sleazy guy who tries to lure away your child while you are not looking. The thought of that makes your skin crawl because you know the sleazy guy has nothing good in mind for your child. This President, talking to your children next week, should make your skin crawl, too.
If this President has something to say to my children, he should say it through me. I do not appreciate someone trumping MY God given responsibility to mold and protect my children. I show his office respect by not trying to topple the government, I think he should show my position in the home the same respect by not trying to influence in an area he was not granted authority to do so by God.
The values and morals, the instilled wisdom and motivations, and the sense of right and wrong will come from us, as parents, not from the government.
If, as parents, we are not vigilant in protecting and exercising these rights, we leave our children open and vulnerable to an outside interest coming in to influence our children according to their own agenda. There are many people counting on you falling down on your responsibility so they can have a shot at influencing your child for themselves.
No one cares about you child they way you do. No one else could possibly have their best interest at heart the way you do. No one else would put your child above anything else especially their own selfish ambitions.
For these reasons, my husband and I object to the Presidents request to have our children's full attention next week. We have already contacted the Superintendent for our district and voiced our concern. If the school chooses to participate, our children will not be in school that day.
Yes, we could allow our kids to participate and discuss it with them later, and counter anything he has to say by pointing out our views and why we disagree, etc. However, this is not the only point.
We believe the President has overstepped his bounds and is venturing into territory that he does not have the God given authority to operate in. If we do not take a stand here and now, he will not understand he overstepped, and he will continue to invade our realm of responsibility until he has taken complete control of it.
I hope the public school system takes offense at his forwardness as well. And I hope both institutions remember they exist to serve the needs of the people - not to control them.
As the earthly guardians of our children, it is our charge to mold the hearts, minds, and souls of our children. We are to teach them about God and His ways, we are to instruct them on God's wisdom, and we are to be an example to them on how to live and serve under God, our King.
In today's culture, parents have many outside influences competing for our children's attention. TV, radio, movies, video games, print media, etc. all want to influence and mold our children into thinking/believing worldly lies that lead to destruction. How to dress, how to wear make-up, how to treat others, how to treat authority, when to have sex, how to grab power, how to have it all. The list of lies trying to grab our children is growing every day. However, we have the option of what, and if, our children get to view any of these outlets. We control what they view and listen to on a daily basis.
Well, now there is another industry vying for our children's attention. The government! An institution created by God for the good of the people - IF - the authorities acknowledge a Sovereign God.
An authority system that does not acknowledge a Sovereign God will create laws and agendas based on human reasoning and logic, and identify it as wisdom and evolutionary enlightenment. They will most definitely cross the established line of authority for this system and venture into areas that they have no business being in.
Our Federal Government is an institution created by God and one we should respect as a God given authority system. However, I believe you can respect the offices of the institution while at the same time disagree wholeheartedly with the persons who hold those offices. The current agendas of this government are humanistic and deadly lies and they will destroy us if they get their way.
As adults, we need to carefully weigh everything coming out of Washington these days and filter it through God's Word. Where necessary, speak up when plans are made outside the realm of the authority given to them by God. Remind them of their boundaries.
It's difficult not to get sucked into the lies unless we are staying in God's Word so that we are not deceived. Now, imagine how hard it is for our children to distinguish right from wrong when it comes to government intentions and interest.
The President wants to talk to our children next week.
He wants to force them to listen to him by making it part of the school day and curriculum. He wants to control the curriculum and discussion points.
He wants to talk to our children while they are away from their protective parents. It's like the sleazy guy who tries to lure away your child while you are not looking. The thought of that makes your skin crawl because you know the sleazy guy has nothing good in mind for your child. This President, talking to your children next week, should make your skin crawl, too.
If this President has something to say to my children, he should say it through me. I do not appreciate someone trumping MY God given responsibility to mold and protect my children. I show his office respect by not trying to topple the government, I think he should show my position in the home the same respect by not trying to influence in an area he was not granted authority to do so by God.
The values and morals, the instilled wisdom and motivations, and the sense of right and wrong will come from us, as parents, not from the government.
If, as parents, we are not vigilant in protecting and exercising these rights, we leave our children open and vulnerable to an outside interest coming in to influence our children according to their own agenda. There are many people counting on you falling down on your responsibility so they can have a shot at influencing your child for themselves.
No one cares about you child they way you do. No one else could possibly have their best interest at heart the way you do. No one else would put your child above anything else especially their own selfish ambitions.
For these reasons, my husband and I object to the Presidents request to have our children's full attention next week. We have already contacted the Superintendent for our district and voiced our concern. If the school chooses to participate, our children will not be in school that day.
Yes, we could allow our kids to participate and discuss it with them later, and counter anything he has to say by pointing out our views and why we disagree, etc. However, this is not the only point.
We believe the President has overstepped his bounds and is venturing into territory that he does not have the God given authority to operate in. If we do not take a stand here and now, he will not understand he overstepped, and he will continue to invade our realm of responsibility until he has taken complete control of it.
I hope the public school system takes offense at his forwardness as well. And I hope both institutions remember they exist to serve the needs of the people - not to control them.
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Right To Life,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
President Obama to Address Students on Sept. 8th
Question #1: How do you feel about President Obama's plans to speak to K-12th graders on Sept.8th?
Question #2: How do you feel about the prepared outlines for teacher discussions created by Teaching Ambassador Fellows?
I'd like to know your thoughts.
Question #2: How do you feel about the prepared outlines for teacher discussions created by Teaching Ambassador Fellows?
I'd like to know your thoughts.
WORLD Magazine | Lutheran leap | Alisa Harris | Sep 12, 09
WORLD Magazine | Lutheran leap | Alisa Harris | Sep 12, 09
A friend of ours has an ELCA Pastor as a brother-in-law who was in attendance at the National ELCA meeting where this vote took place. He relayed to our friend, who shared with us, that during the vote a tornado popped up out of nowhere. The roof of the hotel where the vote was taking place was damaged and the steeple on the church across the street that was serving food to the visiting members was toppled enough that the cross hung upside down.
If that's not enough to make the hair on your arms stand up here's one more tidbit he shared with my friend. The 2/3 majority vote needed to pass this resolution was 666.
If this is true, and I wasn't there to experience it first hand but believe it to be true because it came from a most reliable source in my book, then it is clear to me that God made his presence and position known. If an upside down cross and the numbers 666 are associated with Satan, then I think God made it know whom this resolution was serving, and it wasn't Him.
How prideful of us to think that God's Word can be changed to meet the times. We are putting ourselves above God in thinking this way, and that never turns out good for us as history clearly shows.
Lord, Forgive our arrogance and our ignorance. Humble us as a Church and show us your Truth in all these areas that are under debate and trying to divide your bride. Don't take your lamp stand away from us but rather discipline us and bring us back to your Truth so that we may be an effective representative of your Son, Jesus Christ to the world. Amen!
A friend of ours has an ELCA Pastor as a brother-in-law who was in attendance at the National ELCA meeting where this vote took place. He relayed to our friend, who shared with us, that during the vote a tornado popped up out of nowhere. The roof of the hotel where the vote was taking place was damaged and the steeple on the church across the street that was serving food to the visiting members was toppled enough that the cross hung upside down.
If that's not enough to make the hair on your arms stand up here's one more tidbit he shared with my friend. The 2/3 majority vote needed to pass this resolution was 666.
If this is true, and I wasn't there to experience it first hand but believe it to be true because it came from a most reliable source in my book, then it is clear to me that God made his presence and position known. If an upside down cross and the numbers 666 are associated with Satan, then I think God made it know whom this resolution was serving, and it wasn't Him.
How prideful of us to think that God's Word can be changed to meet the times. We are putting ourselves above God in thinking this way, and that never turns out good for us as history clearly shows.
Lord, Forgive our arrogance and our ignorance. Humble us as a Church and show us your Truth in all these areas that are under debate and trying to divide your bride. Don't take your lamp stand away from us but rather discipline us and bring us back to your Truth so that we may be an effective representative of your Son, Jesus Christ to the world. Amen!
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Monday, August 31, 2009
I spent this summer vacation actively teaching my kids, more so than any other year.
One of the resources I just started using is a workbook from Heart of Wisdom Publishing titled, WISDOM: An Internet-Linked Unit Study
by Robin Sampson.
We have only been using the book for two weeks now and are still on the first chapter titled, Choosing the Wise Path.
Each chapter uses a four step approach, Excite, Examine, Expand, Excel.
The Excite portion gets you interested in the topic.
The Examine portion uses scripture to teach us about the topic (God's Wisdom) and suggests additional resources to read; books and interactive Internet resources. Many of the recommended resources are older books and not easy to find in our local libraries. They do show how to purchase them on-line. It seems modern literature is not suitable to teaching on this subject. Many of these books look like great additions to a home library, especially for homeschooling parents.
The Expand portion is research or project work that allows the student to write essays, make charts, and do critical thinking.
The Excel portion summarizes what we have learned and shows us how to apply it in our own lives.
So far, we have learned the difference between Lady Wisdom and Mistress Folly, read Proverbs 2,3,4,14, made a consequence chart, painted a picture of the two paths we can take and what is waiting at the end of each one, read Numbers 11:1-12 and made a Chart of their unwise decisions and consequences, read the book of Esther and understood her wise decisions,and wrote our own prayers asking for God's wisdom.
The program is geared for 7th thru 12th grade but my 6th grader is doing just fine. I just change things up a little to accommodate her. There is just so much listed in the book to do and you can pick and choose what works for you.
I am learning right along with the girls. We've been blessed to have other resources unknowingly support our learning, too. When we are traveling in the car, I always have Christian Radio on and last week Nancy Leigh De Moss had a few segments on the wise vs. foolish woman. Also, right after the girls wrote their prayers asking God for wisdom, my 6th grader was reading in her Red Rock Mysteries book, and Ashley in the book prayed to God for wisdom. There have been other connections, too. It's been amazing to see how God is building this information in layers in the hearts of my daughters.
I'm sad to see the summer go and the school year to start. I will miss our learning together, our projects, and our conversations. I will miss seeing my daughters hearts changing and growing right before my eyes. Learning is not just about gaining head knowledge but also about heart transformation. We will continue with the book but now we have to do it in between homework, school activities, youth group activities, etc.
I hear many moms say, "I can't wait for school to start, the kids are on my nerves and we just need time apart." I use to think the same thing this time of year, but not so this year. I really will miss the girls and our precious time together. I wish they didn't have to go back and we could continue to learn together.
Our next chapter, Worldly Wisdom. I can't wait.
One of the resources I just started using is a workbook from Heart of Wisdom Publishing titled, WISDOM: An Internet-Linked Unit Study
by Robin Sampson.
We have only been using the book for two weeks now and are still on the first chapter titled, Choosing the Wise Path.
Each chapter uses a four step approach, Excite, Examine, Expand, Excel.
The Excite portion gets you interested in the topic.
The Examine portion uses scripture to teach us about the topic (God's Wisdom) and suggests additional resources to read; books and interactive Internet resources. Many of the recommended resources are older books and not easy to find in our local libraries. They do show how to purchase them on-line. It seems modern literature is not suitable to teaching on this subject. Many of these books look like great additions to a home library, especially for homeschooling parents.
The Expand portion is research or project work that allows the student to write essays, make charts, and do critical thinking.
The Excel portion summarizes what we have learned and shows us how to apply it in our own lives.
So far, we have learned the difference between Lady Wisdom and Mistress Folly, read Proverbs 2,3,4,14, made a consequence chart, painted a picture of the two paths we can take and what is waiting at the end of each one, read Numbers 11:1-12 and made a Chart of their unwise decisions and consequences, read the book of Esther and understood her wise decisions,and wrote our own prayers asking for God's wisdom.
The program is geared for 7th thru 12th grade but my 6th grader is doing just fine. I just change things up a little to accommodate her. There is just so much listed in the book to do and you can pick and choose what works for you.
I am learning right along with the girls. We've been blessed to have other resources unknowingly support our learning, too. When we are traveling in the car, I always have Christian Radio on and last week Nancy Leigh De Moss had a few segments on the wise vs. foolish woman. Also, right after the girls wrote their prayers asking God for wisdom, my 6th grader was reading in her Red Rock Mysteries book, and Ashley in the book prayed to God for wisdom. There have been other connections, too. It's been amazing to see how God is building this information in layers in the hearts of my daughters.
I'm sad to see the summer go and the school year to start. I will miss our learning together, our projects, and our conversations. I will miss seeing my daughters hearts changing and growing right before my eyes. Learning is not just about gaining head knowledge but also about heart transformation. We will continue with the book but now we have to do it in between homework, school activities, youth group activities, etc.
I hear many moms say, "I can't wait for school to start, the kids are on my nerves and we just need time apart." I use to think the same thing this time of year, but not so this year. I really will miss the girls and our precious time together. I wish they didn't have to go back and we could continue to learn together.
Our next chapter, Worldly Wisdom. I can't wait.
Bible Study,
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Saturday, August 29, 2009
ObamaCare will put Planned Parenthood inside your child’s school
ObamaCare will put Planned Parenthood inside your child’s school
What will Christians do with this one?
What will Christians do with this one?
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Right To Life,
U.N. Recommends Mandatory Sex Education for Kindergarteners
U.N. Recommends Mandatory Sex Education for Kindergarteners
Things like this make me want to skip kindergarden (and 1-12) and homeschool instead.
Things like this make me want to skip kindergarden (and 1-12) and homeschool instead.
Cosmic Battle,
Every day life,
Friday, August 28, 2009
Vacation Weekend
We had the great fortune of being invited to a cabin on a lake in Northwestern Wisconsin this past weekend with my husband's family.
My husband got to jet ski which he thoroughly enjoyed!
My 11 yr. old learned how to Kayak and for the first time in her life was able to go tubing behind the ski boat and ride on a jet ski. Even our 1 year old went tubing!
It was a beautiful weekend with great hosts and great company!
We really feel blessed to have had the opportunity.

My husband got to jet ski which he thoroughly enjoyed!
My 11 yr. old learned how to Kayak and for the first time in her life was able to go tubing behind the ski boat and ride on a jet ski. Even our 1 year old went tubing!
It was a beautiful weekend with great hosts and great company!
We really feel blessed to have had the opportunity.
Red Rock Mysteries
My 11 yr. old daughter found a wonderful book series by accident at the library this past spring. She has spent the summer reading the series. As soon as she finishes a book, we have to get to the library right away to get the next book in the series because she can't wait to read what happens next.
Red Rock Mysteries is written by Jerry B. Jenkins (writer of the Left Behind Series) and Chris Fabry and is published by Tyndale Kids.
The series is about a boy named Bryce and his twin sister Ashley who live in Colorado. They are very investigative and are always trying to solve a mystery which keeps the young reader gripped and always wanting to read on. They are also Christians who share their faith with others and talk about their walk in Christ.
I have found this series to be such a blessing in reinforcing my daughters own faith. It's been amazing sometimes that in real life we'll be learning about an issue, such as wisdom, and then she reads in the book that the character of Ashley is praying for wisdom. She'll scream out in delight as if it's a connecting point for her. She'll have to stop reading and come over and show me what it says. She's so excited that Ashley is dealing with the same things she might be dealing with and she's gaining a deeper understanding of these issues and how to handle them in real life through a vehicle of entertainment - reading a book.
I like the books as much as she does and often read them out loud to her. We snuggle up on the couch and take turns reading. A great way to spend a raining day!
Red Rock Mysteries is written by Jerry B. Jenkins (writer of the Left Behind Series) and Chris Fabry and is published by Tyndale Kids.
The series is about a boy named Bryce and his twin sister Ashley who live in Colorado. They are very investigative and are always trying to solve a mystery which keeps the young reader gripped and always wanting to read on. They are also Christians who share their faith with others and talk about their walk in Christ.
I have found this series to be such a blessing in reinforcing my daughters own faith. It's been amazing sometimes that in real life we'll be learning about an issue, such as wisdom, and then she reads in the book that the character of Ashley is praying for wisdom. She'll scream out in delight as if it's a connecting point for her. She'll have to stop reading and come over and show me what it says. She's so excited that Ashley is dealing with the same things she might be dealing with and she's gaining a deeper understanding of these issues and how to handle them in real life through a vehicle of entertainment - reading a book.
I like the books as much as she does and often read them out loud to her. We snuggle up on the couch and take turns reading. A great way to spend a raining day!
Every day life,
Personal Lessons,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Romans 10:9-10

If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9-10
I looked up three key words in this passage in Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary (my favorite) so I could better understand this passage.
Confess: to own, publicly acknowledge, or avow
Believe: to be persuaded of the truth of another; to expect or hope with confidence
Justified: Pardoned or cleared from guilt; acquitted from punishment
Do you believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for you?
Have you made a personal decision to make him Lord and King of your life?
Do you understand that baptism does not save you and that it is a symbol of what has already happened in your heart?
Is it your intention now to publicly acknowledge him as your Lord?
Is it your intention now to publicly acknowledge him as your Lord?
These were the questions posed to us right before our water baptism this past weekend.
Our response: Yes, Yes, Yes, and Yes!!
Down with the old - up with the new!

On this rock I will build my church!

An act of obedience that we will never forget!
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