Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Godly Wisdom versus Worldly Wisdom

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8

As the earthly guardians of our children, it is our charge to mold the hearts, minds, and souls of our children. We are to teach them about God and His ways, we are to instruct them on God's wisdom, and we are to be an example to them on how to live and serve under God, our King.

In today's culture, parents have many outside influences competing for our children's attention. TV, radio, movies, video games, print media, etc. all want to influence and mold our children into thinking/believing worldly lies that lead to destruction. How to dress, how to wear make-up, how to treat others, how to treat authority, when to have sex, how to grab power, how to have it all. The list of lies trying to grab our children is growing every day. However, we have the option of what, and if, our children get to view any of these outlets. We control what they view and listen to on a daily basis.

Well, now there is another industry vying for our children's attention. The government! An institution created by God for the good of the people - IF - the authorities acknowledge a Sovereign God.

An authority system that does not acknowledge a Sovereign God will create laws and agendas based on human reasoning and logic, and identify it as wisdom and evolutionary enlightenment. They will most definitely cross the established line of authority for this system and venture into areas that they have no business being in.

Our Federal Government is an institution created by God and one we should respect as a God given authority system. However, I believe you can respect the offices of the institution while at the same time disagree wholeheartedly with the persons who hold those offices. The current agendas of this government are humanistic and deadly lies and they will destroy us if they get their way.

As adults, we need to carefully weigh everything coming out of Washington these days and filter it through God's Word. Where necessary, speak up when plans are made outside the realm of the authority given to them by God. Remind them of their boundaries.

It's difficult not to get sucked into the lies unless we are staying in God's Word so that we are not deceived. Now, imagine how hard it is for our children to distinguish right from wrong when it comes to government intentions and interest.

The President wants to talk to our children next week.

He wants to force them to listen to him by making it part of the school day and curriculum. He wants to control the curriculum and discussion points.

He wants to talk to our children while they are away from their protective parents. It's like the sleazy guy who tries to lure away your child while you are not looking. The thought of that makes your skin crawl because you know the sleazy guy has nothing good in mind for your child. This President, talking to your children next week, should make your skin crawl, too.

If this President has something to say to my children, he should say it through me. I do not appreciate someone trumping MY God given responsibility to mold and protect my children. I show his office respect by not trying to topple the government, I think he should show my position in the home the same respect by not trying to influence in an area he was not granted authority to do so by God.

The values and morals, the instilled wisdom and motivations, and the sense of right and wrong will come from us, as parents, not from the government.

If, as parents, we are not vigilant in protecting and exercising these rights, we leave our children open and vulnerable to an outside interest coming in to influence our children according to their own agenda. There are many people counting on you falling down on your responsibility so they can have a shot at influencing your child for themselves.

No one cares about you child they way you do. No one else could possibly have their best interest at heart the way you do. No one else would put your child above anything else especially their own selfish ambitions.

For these reasons, my husband and I object to the Presidents request to have our children's full attention next week. We have already contacted the Superintendent for our district and voiced our concern. If the school chooses to participate, our children will not be in school that day.

Yes, we could allow our kids to participate and discuss it with them later, and counter anything he has to say by pointing out our views and why we disagree, etc. However, this is not the only point.

We believe the President has overstepped his bounds and is venturing into territory that he does not have the God given authority to operate in. If we do not take a stand here and now, he will not understand he overstepped, and he will continue to invade our realm of responsibility until he has taken complete control of it.

I hope the public school system takes offense at his forwardness as well. And I hope both institutions remember they exist to serve the needs of the people - not to control them.

1 comment:

The Seaman's said...

I'm proud of you for standing up for your right as a parent and free citizen of this fine country. I just pray that more parents do the same thing that day. GOD BLESS AMERICA! -Sandra Seaman
