In the Name of Purpose - Overview:
"It used to be that faithfulness to God
turned the world upside down.
Now faithfulness to the world
is turning Christianity upside down."
The above link is just an overview of the book which is available free online to read. A link to the book is contain in the overview (toward the bottom).
Very interesting stuff.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Apologetics Press - Does This Sound Like America?
Apologetics Press - Does This Sound Like America?
I blogged about this prior to the Presidential election. This author does a much better job quoting scripture and making the case for humble repentance as a nation to avoid dire consequences.
From my human nature view, I am afraid of the 'things' happening within our nation and the direction it is taking us. However, from my Christian view, I am confident in God's saving grace and presence in all matters for those who call Him Lord.
Pray with me for our country!
I blogged about this prior to the Presidential election. This author does a much better job quoting scripture and making the case for humble repentance as a nation to avoid dire consequences.
From my human nature view, I am afraid of the 'things' happening within our nation and the direction it is taking us. However, from my Christian view, I am confident in God's saving grace and presence in all matters for those who call Him Lord.
Pray with me for our country!
Precious Time
Last night when I crawled into bed, my husband asked me this question. "Do you think we will know each other in heaven?"
I said, "I guess, we like to think that we will. People say things like, 'Mom has gone to be with Dad in heaven.' But I really don't know if we will."
Then he read me the passage in Matthew that had prompted his question. Matthew 22:30 For in the Resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.
My husband looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I thought I would know you in heaven, but now I'm not so sure I will." When I asked him why that made him sad, he replied, as big tear drops gently rolled from the corner of his eyes onto his cheeks, "Because I want to know you in heaven!"
Women, you know this is like a hallmark moment to us! To be loved so completely that your spouse wants to carry that love into eternity! What more could a woman ask for? Thank you God for that precious, precious gift!
Of course, that was the end of the conversation for him as he had already moved on. Yes, but I wanted to hold onto that moment, to savor it, to remember it forever! The process really led me to see how precious our time is here on earth. We only have a brief moment in time to live, to love, to reach the world.
We don't know for sure what heaven will be like and if we will know each other there, but it sounds like it will be different than life here. We won't enter into marriage. Children won't be born. People won't die. We won't have to evangelize. Those things are for this time, for this world! We will have other focuses in heaven.
Knowing this, I never want to spend another minute mad at my husband, or be upset with my children, or fail to witness to someone when the opportunity presents itself. These are the moments for this world! Don't waste them!
I said, "I guess, we like to think that we will. People say things like, 'Mom has gone to be with Dad in heaven.' But I really don't know if we will."
Then he read me the passage in Matthew that had prompted his question. Matthew 22:30 For in the Resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.
My husband looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I thought I would know you in heaven, but now I'm not so sure I will." When I asked him why that made him sad, he replied, as big tear drops gently rolled from the corner of his eyes onto his cheeks, "Because I want to know you in heaven!"
Women, you know this is like a hallmark moment to us! To be loved so completely that your spouse wants to carry that love into eternity! What more could a woman ask for? Thank you God for that precious, precious gift!
Of course, that was the end of the conversation for him as he had already moved on. Yes, but I wanted to hold onto that moment, to savor it, to remember it forever! The process really led me to see how precious our time is here on earth. We only have a brief moment in time to live, to love, to reach the world.
We don't know for sure what heaven will be like and if we will know each other there, but it sounds like it will be different than life here. We won't enter into marriage. Children won't be born. People won't die. We won't have to evangelize. Those things are for this time, for this world! We will have other focuses in heaven.
Knowing this, I never want to spend another minute mad at my husband, or be upset with my children, or fail to witness to someone when the opportunity presents itself. These are the moments for this world! Don't waste them!
All I'm Saying Is . .
My husband and I were debating the 'birth control' topic last night because he is not sure he agrees with me. But I told him I haven't exactly chosen a side so I don't think he can agree or disagree with me yet.
What I am trying to do is open up the dialogue to really consider our options and choices from a biblical standpoint. Far too often we just take accepted practices at face value and blindly follow the culture. Birth control, along with many other topics, are just things we take as 'okay' because everyone else thinks it is.
Doesn't God call us to live in the world but not of the world? If that's the case, then we should be challenging the status quo and investigating for ourselves what God would want us to do.
Nothing in and of itself is wrong. It's how we use it or our motivation behind something that makes it wrong. I know I've heard our Pastor say money isn't bad - it's how we use it, or think about it, or our motivation with it that's wrong. The same principle applies here.
The question then needs to be asked. If Christian women, in a Christian marriages, use birth control for any of the following reasons, are we living God's plan for our lives or are we living of this world?
1. To control our circumstances
2. To be in charge of our own destiny
3. To make way to pursue our own career
4. To free up funds to pursue our own desires
5. To avoid undo responsibility of another human being
I just really wonder. I don't want to judge or be closed minded, but I do want us to really think about these things from a heavenly standpoint. I can really see and understand all of the arguments in the 'secular world' for the use of birth control. But we are not the secular world. We are God's chosen people! As God's chosen, we should be seeking our Creator's input in these matters. That's all I'm saying.
What I am trying to do is open up the dialogue to really consider our options and choices from a biblical standpoint. Far too often we just take accepted practices at face value and blindly follow the culture. Birth control, along with many other topics, are just things we take as 'okay' because everyone else thinks it is.
Doesn't God call us to live in the world but not of the world? If that's the case, then we should be challenging the status quo and investigating for ourselves what God would want us to do.
Nothing in and of itself is wrong. It's how we use it or our motivation behind something that makes it wrong. I know I've heard our Pastor say money isn't bad - it's how we use it, or think about it, or our motivation with it that's wrong. The same principle applies here.
The question then needs to be asked. If Christian women, in a Christian marriages, use birth control for any of the following reasons, are we living God's plan for our lives or are we living of this world?
1. To control our circumstances
2. To be in charge of our own destiny
3. To make way to pursue our own career
4. To free up funds to pursue our own desires
5. To avoid undo responsibility of another human being
I just really wonder. I don't want to judge or be closed minded, but I do want us to really think about these things from a heavenly standpoint. I can really see and understand all of the arguments in the 'secular world' for the use of birth control. But we are not the secular world. We are God's chosen people! As God's chosen, we should be seeking our Creator's input in these matters. That's all I'm saying.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Life's Work
Our church has been involved in a church plant in Romania since 1999 (see attached link).
Pastor Ionut Corlan of Romania, brought his 85 year old mother on her first visit to the United States, and they worshiped with us in church yesterday.
Mrs. Corlan spoke to the congregation in her native language as she held her bible in her hand. She told us she was raised in the knowledge of God despite living behind the iron curtain of Communism and has been a Christian her entire life. She said, "God has blessed me for my faithfulness because all 15 of my children are also Christians!"
85 years brings lots of experiences, trials, and joys but her greatest joy, and the one she wanted to share with us, is that her children are all Christians. It sums up her life work! Yes, she raised 15 children into adulthood, but more importantly, she raised 15 children in the saving knowledge of the Savior, Lord Jesus Christ.
As a mom, I found those words to be so inspirational. Is there really anything more important in our duty as mothers to the next generation, than to teach our children about Jesus, and to help cultivate in them a loving relationship with Him?
I pray that at the end of my days, I can claim the same blessing, and that my life's work will have had eternal implications, too.
Our church has been involved in a church plant in Romania since 1999 (see attached link).
Pastor Ionut Corlan of Romania, brought his 85 year old mother on her first visit to the United States, and they worshiped with us in church yesterday.
Mrs. Corlan spoke to the congregation in her native language as she held her bible in her hand. She told us she was raised in the knowledge of God despite living behind the iron curtain of Communism and has been a Christian her entire life. She said, "God has blessed me for my faithfulness because all 15 of my children are also Christians!"
85 years brings lots of experiences, trials, and joys but her greatest joy, and the one she wanted to share with us, is that her children are all Christians. It sums up her life work! Yes, she raised 15 children into adulthood, but more importantly, she raised 15 children in the saving knowledge of the Savior, Lord Jesus Christ.
As a mom, I found those words to be so inspirational. Is there really anything more important in our duty as mothers to the next generation, than to teach our children about Jesus, and to help cultivate in them a loving relationship with Him?
I pray that at the end of my days, I can claim the same blessing, and that my life's work will have had eternal implications, too.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Case for Birth Control - Margaret Sanger
The Case for Birth Control - Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sanger is a nurse who promoted birth control as a means by which a woman could exercise control over her life and health. She is considered a birth control pioneer and a social reformer. She is affiliated with organizations such as Planned Parenthood and the Birth Control League.
I am certain that Margaret Sanger and I have very different viewpoints. She notes 9 reasons why and when birth control should be used and some of them are laughable. For instance, in her first reason she notes four 'inheritable' diseases, none of which I believe we consider inheritable today.
Can you see Satan's deceptiveness veiled behind her persuasiveness words? I can when she says, "When children are conceived in love and born into an atmosphere of happiness, then will parenthood be a glorious privilege, and the children will grow to resemble gods. This can only be obtained through the knowledge and practice of Birth Control."
If God created the ability to procreate and He intended it to be a blessing for us, then you can be certain that Satan will try to destroy the good in it any way he can. He's so slick with his words that come across as caring about us, that this is for our own good, that we can be in control. Isn't that the same lie he used with Eve in the garden? Why do we keep buying into that same old lie?
Another thing that strikes me is that proponents of birth control and abortion always talk about the freedom of women. In the 'case' Margaret Sanger lays out there seems to be a lot of rules listed. Where is the freedom in that?
Then there is her comments about who is 'fit' to have children and who isn't. Where is the freedom in that? This isn't freedom. It is one person's misguided perception of who is worthy based on health or economic conditions.
One final comment. Margaret Sanger comes from a large, poor family. Just think - if her mother would have heeded the advice Margaret later preached, she may never have been born. I wonder if she is glad she was able to live out a life in this world despite any hardships that may have presented themselves along the way. Food for thought!
Margaret Sanger is a nurse who promoted birth control as a means by which a woman could exercise control over her life and health. She is considered a birth control pioneer and a social reformer. She is affiliated with organizations such as Planned Parenthood and the Birth Control League.
I am certain that Margaret Sanger and I have very different viewpoints. She notes 9 reasons why and when birth control should be used and some of them are laughable. For instance, in her first reason she notes four 'inheritable' diseases, none of which I believe we consider inheritable today.
Can you see Satan's deceptiveness veiled behind her persuasiveness words? I can when she says, "When children are conceived in love and born into an atmosphere of happiness, then will parenthood be a glorious privilege, and the children will grow to resemble gods. This can only be obtained through the knowledge and practice of Birth Control."
If God created the ability to procreate and He intended it to be a blessing for us, then you can be certain that Satan will try to destroy the good in it any way he can. He's so slick with his words that come across as caring about us, that this is for our own good, that we can be in control. Isn't that the same lie he used with Eve in the garden? Why do we keep buying into that same old lie?
Another thing that strikes me is that proponents of birth control and abortion always talk about the freedom of women. In the 'case' Margaret Sanger lays out there seems to be a lot of rules listed. Where is the freedom in that?
Then there is her comments about who is 'fit' to have children and who isn't. Where is the freedom in that? This isn't freedom. It is one person's misguided perception of who is worthy based on health or economic conditions.
One final comment. Margaret Sanger comes from a large, poor family. Just think - if her mother would have heeded the advice Margaret later preached, she may never have been born. I wonder if she is glad she was able to live out a life in this world despite any hardships that may have presented themselves along the way. Food for thought!
Leah and Rachel
Jacob loved Rachel but was tricked into marrying her older sister, Leah, by their father. Jacob eventually married Rachel too, but there was always a rivalry between the two sisters over who had claim to Jacob's affection. This rivalry was especially seen played out between the two in the bearing of children by Jacob. They were in constant battle and prayer to God, each pleading their own case. You can read the story for yourself in Genesis 29 and 30.
Genesis 29:31 When the Lord saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb, but Rachel was barren.
Leah had bore four sons to Jacob and Rachel was envious.
Genesis 30:1-2 Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister and said to Jacob, "Give me children, or else I die!" And Jacob's anger was aroused against Rachel, and he said, "Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?"
The two sisters fight over mandrakes (an aphrodisiac)and Leah sells her mandrakes to Rachel in exchange for a night with Jacob.
Genesis 30:17 And God listened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son.
Genesis 30:19 Then Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth son.
Genesis 30:21 Afterward she bore a daughter, and called her name Dinah.
Genesis 30:22-23a Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb. And she conceived and bore a son.
Rachel was blessed with another son but died during childbirth.
Two things strike me as interesting in this story.
1. They had no form of birth control (if it was available it clearly is not being used here) and yet Rachel does not conceive until God deems it is time.
2. Jacob's words to Rachel clearly show he believes it is by God's own will that Leah has bore children and Rachel has not.
I can just hear the liberals thinking out loud that the people of the Old Testament were neanderthals and had no capacity to even conceive of birth control or that they didn't have the best of health conditions so that may have prevented them from being fertile. But I don't believe those responses are true because they knew what aphrodisiacs were and Jacob seemed to be very successful in his occupation.
So, what is the lesson in this story? Can we gleam anything from these words of recorded history that is useful to us today? I'm still in discovery, so I have no answers, only more questions.
Genesis 29:31 When the Lord saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb, but Rachel was barren.
Leah had bore four sons to Jacob and Rachel was envious.
Genesis 30:1-2 Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister and said to Jacob, "Give me children, or else I die!" And Jacob's anger was aroused against Rachel, and he said, "Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?"
The two sisters fight over mandrakes (an aphrodisiac)and Leah sells her mandrakes to Rachel in exchange for a night with Jacob.
Genesis 30:17 And God listened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son.
Genesis 30:19 Then Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth son.
Genesis 30:21 Afterward she bore a daughter, and called her name Dinah.
Genesis 30:22-23a Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb. And she conceived and bore a son.
Rachel was blessed with another son but died during childbirth.
Two things strike me as interesting in this story.
1. They had no form of birth control (if it was available it clearly is not being used here) and yet Rachel does not conceive until God deems it is time.
2. Jacob's words to Rachel clearly show he believes it is by God's own will that Leah has bore children and Rachel has not.
I can just hear the liberals thinking out loud that the people of the Old Testament were neanderthals and had no capacity to even conceive of birth control or that they didn't have the best of health conditions so that may have prevented them from being fertile. But I don't believe those responses are true because they knew what aphrodisiacs were and Jacob seemed to be very successful in his occupation.
So, what is the lesson in this story? Can we gleam anything from these words of recorded history that is useful to us today? I'm still in discovery, so I have no answers, only more questions.
Inquiring Minds Want To Know
Today, I am going to bring up a topic that will definitely be controversial in the secular world, and quite possibly in the Christian world as well. Here's some questions to ponder.
1. Would God approve of Christians using birth control?
2. How has the world demographics been affected by birth control?
3. How has the Christian faith been helped/hurt by the use of birth control?
4. Why was birth control invented in the first place?
5. What purpose does birth control serve to humanity?
6. Why doesn't the natural world (animals/plants) need to practice reproductive control?
These are only some of the questions I have pondered in recent months. I feel God has been prompting me to explore this for a while now but I have been resisting. It's so ingrained in our culture, especially the western culture, that it almost seems taboo to bring up.
I know when I research Right To Life issues, the practice of birth control is pushed as a way to reduce the incidences of abortion. When I research world poverty, birth control is pushed as a way to reduce poverty. When teen pregnancy is discussed, the conversation always turns to birth control availability to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Is this really the right answer to all of these problems?
We were created to reproduce. God gave us the command in Genesis (twice), 'be fruitful and multiply'. The bible also contains many references to God deciding when to 'open' the womb and when He purposefully 'shut' the womb. The bible also tells us children are a blessing from God. I often wonder then why we try to control the timing of a blessing from God, and what this says about who our dependence really rest upon.
Lord, I ask for your wisdom and guidance as I explore these issues and share with my readers. If these thoughts are truly from you, then I trust you have something for us to discover. Let your will be done. Amen
1. Would God approve of Christians using birth control?
2. How has the world demographics been affected by birth control?
3. How has the Christian faith been helped/hurt by the use of birth control?
4. Why was birth control invented in the first place?
5. What purpose does birth control serve to humanity?
6. Why doesn't the natural world (animals/plants) need to practice reproductive control?
These are only some of the questions I have pondered in recent months. I feel God has been prompting me to explore this for a while now but I have been resisting. It's so ingrained in our culture, especially the western culture, that it almost seems taboo to bring up.
I know when I research Right To Life issues, the practice of birth control is pushed as a way to reduce the incidences of abortion. When I research world poverty, birth control is pushed as a way to reduce poverty. When teen pregnancy is discussed, the conversation always turns to birth control availability to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Is this really the right answer to all of these problems?
We were created to reproduce. God gave us the command in Genesis (twice), 'be fruitful and multiply'. The bible also contains many references to God deciding when to 'open' the womb and when He purposefully 'shut' the womb. The bible also tells us children are a blessing from God. I often wonder then why we try to control the timing of a blessing from God, and what this says about who our dependence really rest upon.
Lord, I ask for your wisdom and guidance as I explore these issues and share with my readers. If these thoughts are truly from you, then I trust you have something for us to discover. Let your will be done. Amen
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Tragic and Increasing Trend: Disbelief in the Bible > The Good News : March/April 2000
A Tragic and Increasing Trend: Disbelief in the Bible > The Good News : March/April 2000
Those of you who know me, know I dedicate much of my blog to the discussion of false teaching and false teachers in the church, because I was confronted with this reality a few months ago in my own former church.
I would have liked to have considered it contained to just this one church or just this one pastor. However, this article dated in 2000 from The Good News Magazine shows it has been a trend in the making for some time now.
I am so thankful God opened the eyes of my husband and myself and led my family to safety. The beliefs and convictions of your church leadership and the christian family you choose to worship and grow with is so important for your own spiritual maturity. Hearing the Truth and surrounding yourself with others who will hold you accountable to the Truth compliments your own study of God's Word. It protects what you 'know' from being eroded away by the falsehoods and misrepresentations the worldly teachers would like to you to buy into as truth.
Lord, I am so thankful for my new Church family and for my new small group and the leadership in both.
Those of you who know me, know I dedicate much of my blog to the discussion of false teaching and false teachers in the church, because I was confronted with this reality a few months ago in my own former church.
I would have liked to have considered it contained to just this one church or just this one pastor. However, this article dated in 2000 from The Good News Magazine shows it has been a trend in the making for some time now.
I am so thankful God opened the eyes of my husband and myself and led my family to safety. The beliefs and convictions of your church leadership and the christian family you choose to worship and grow with is so important for your own spiritual maturity. Hearing the Truth and surrounding yourself with others who will hold you accountable to the Truth compliments your own study of God's Word. It protects what you 'know' from being eroded away by the falsehoods and misrepresentations the worldly teachers would like to you to buy into as truth.
Lord, I am so thankful for my new Church family and for my new small group and the leadership in both.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
This weekend our family attended the christmas musical at our church. The entire front rows of church were packed and although we had arrived 30 minutes early we didn't get one of those front seats.
On the way home, my husband commented on how people's priorities are all out of order. They will flock to the front of church for a performance but are content to sit in the back for a worship service. They will arrive early to get a good seat for a musical but walk in late on Sunday mornings.
If only we gave God the same kind of enthusiasm we given human performances!
On the way home, my husband commented on how people's priorities are all out of order. They will flock to the front of church for a performance but are content to sit in the back for a worship service. They will arrive early to get a good seat for a musical but walk in late on Sunday mornings.
If only we gave God the same kind of enthusiasm we given human performances!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Is There A Judas In Each Of Us?
Matthew 26:14-16 Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, "What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?" And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him.
I've known since my youth that Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus and turned him over to the chief priests which led to His death. However, in looking at these verses today, I see this story in a new light.
Judas was one of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus himself. He was the treasurer of the group so he must have been trustworthy and an integral, contributing member of the group. Just as all of the other disciples had done, Judas too, would have given up everything to follow Jesus. This would have included his family, his occupation, and his lifestyle. To do so would lead us to believe Judas thought highly of Jesus, someone worthy enough to give up all to follow Him.
During the time Judas spent as part of Jesus ministry team, he had to have seen the miracles Jesus performed, the compassion he showed the poor, witnessed the healing of the sick, and listened to Jesus teachings. They traveled together and ate and drank together. Jesus showed great love, dedication, and patience toward all but especially toward his disciples. He served them. Judas had to have had similar feelings toward Jesus.
And yet, in these few bible passages, we see a different outcome. Judas made a decision. A decision to deny Jesus. Not only did Judas decide to deny Jesus as Lord - his Lord, but he also sought to destroy Him. He sought to silence Jesus, to strip Jesus of His power, to humble Him, to remove Him from His place of authority, not only in his life but in the lives of others too.
Two extremes. One extreme of love and devotion, a willingness to lay down his life for the one he believes in. Another extreme of self-centeredness and betrayal, a willingness to receive a minor reward in exchange for the life of the one he no longer believes in. How does one go from one extreme to the next?
As I read these passages over, I could not help but feel the shame of guilt myself. It's so easy to point a finger at Judas in disbelief of his hearts' turn. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we too are guilty of these same sins against Jesus.
How often we choose another over Jesus whether it's money, fame, power, etc. How often we try to silence Jesus with our own interpretations of scripture. How often we try to strip Jesus of His power by making Him someone who should bend to our wants and desires. How often we remove Him from His place of authority in our life so we can do as we please. How often our actions contradict our beliefs and we confuse others about our loyalties and lead them away from the One that saves.
We all have a need to repent of the sinful actions our own Judas heart has led us into against our Lord and Savior. We crucified our Lord as much as Judas and those that put Him to the cross. We too carry that burden.
Forgive us Lord for our unbelief, our misplaced dependence, and our sins against you.
I've known since my youth that Judas was the one who betrayed Jesus and turned him over to the chief priests which led to His death. However, in looking at these verses today, I see this story in a new light.
Judas was one of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus himself. He was the treasurer of the group so he must have been trustworthy and an integral, contributing member of the group. Just as all of the other disciples had done, Judas too, would have given up everything to follow Jesus. This would have included his family, his occupation, and his lifestyle. To do so would lead us to believe Judas thought highly of Jesus, someone worthy enough to give up all to follow Him.
During the time Judas spent as part of Jesus ministry team, he had to have seen the miracles Jesus performed, the compassion he showed the poor, witnessed the healing of the sick, and listened to Jesus teachings. They traveled together and ate and drank together. Jesus showed great love, dedication, and patience toward all but especially toward his disciples. He served them. Judas had to have had similar feelings toward Jesus.
And yet, in these few bible passages, we see a different outcome. Judas made a decision. A decision to deny Jesus. Not only did Judas decide to deny Jesus as Lord - his Lord, but he also sought to destroy Him. He sought to silence Jesus, to strip Jesus of His power, to humble Him, to remove Him from His place of authority, not only in his life but in the lives of others too.
Two extremes. One extreme of love and devotion, a willingness to lay down his life for the one he believes in. Another extreme of self-centeredness and betrayal, a willingness to receive a minor reward in exchange for the life of the one he no longer believes in. How does one go from one extreme to the next?
As I read these passages over, I could not help but feel the shame of guilt myself. It's so easy to point a finger at Judas in disbelief of his hearts' turn. However, if we are honest with ourselves, we too are guilty of these same sins against Jesus.
How often we choose another over Jesus whether it's money, fame, power, etc. How often we try to silence Jesus with our own interpretations of scripture. How often we try to strip Jesus of His power by making Him someone who should bend to our wants and desires. How often we remove Him from His place of authority in our life so we can do as we please. How often our actions contradict our beliefs and we confuse others about our loyalties and lead them away from the One that saves.
We all have a need to repent of the sinful actions our own Judas heart has led us into against our Lord and Savior. We crucified our Lord as much as Judas and those that put Him to the cross. We too carry that burden.
Forgive us Lord for our unbelief, our misplaced dependence, and our sins against you.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Angry Before Bed
Last night my husband asked me a question and then cut me off in the middle of my answer. I naturally got mad and snapped back at him. Turning away from him, I added,"Don't ask me again if you're not going to let me speak!" (I'm sure you can just see how this played out.)
We both went back to what we were doing, reading in bed at the end of the day. He was reading the Bible and I was reading Billy Graham's book, Storm Warning.
As I looked at the words of my page, to angry to actually read them,I couldn't help but wonder how two people in the middle of gaining a deeper understanding of God could end up in an arguement!
I was content to go to bed mad and let the problem work itself out in the morning but God was tugging at my heart. I tried to read my book. However, the words of the pages were being crowded out by God's whispers in my head. I could feel my heart begin to soften. I felt the tears, hot on my cheeks from the shame of my own actions, and the anger toward my husband for his actions began to subside. God said to me, you can carry this into the night or you can release it now.
I first told God I was sorry and He helped break down my pride (which takes quite a while). Then, God helped me remember how much I love and cherish my husband and prodded me to not let a wedge get in between us.
After a long, long silence between us, I finally turned to my husband and said I was sorry for how I reacted and explained that I was hurt by his actions and I didn't handle that hurt constructively. He said he too was sorry for cutting me off and not allowing me to finish my thoughts. We embraced and restored our relationship.
Only through God's grace and spirit are we able to live peacefully among one another. Our relationships only have a fighting chance of surviving if the Lord Jesus Christ lives in us.
May you live in peace because of the work Jesus has done in your heart!
We both went back to what we were doing, reading in bed at the end of the day. He was reading the Bible and I was reading Billy Graham's book, Storm Warning.
As I looked at the words of my page, to angry to actually read them,I couldn't help but wonder how two people in the middle of gaining a deeper understanding of God could end up in an arguement!
I was content to go to bed mad and let the problem work itself out in the morning but God was tugging at my heart. I tried to read my book. However, the words of the pages were being crowded out by God's whispers in my head. I could feel my heart begin to soften. I felt the tears, hot on my cheeks from the shame of my own actions, and the anger toward my husband for his actions began to subside. God said to me, you can carry this into the night or you can release it now.
I first told God I was sorry and He helped break down my pride (which takes quite a while). Then, God helped me remember how much I love and cherish my husband and prodded me to not let a wedge get in between us.
After a long, long silence between us, I finally turned to my husband and said I was sorry for how I reacted and explained that I was hurt by his actions and I didn't handle that hurt constructively. He said he too was sorry for cutting me off and not allowing me to finish my thoughts. We embraced and restored our relationship.
Only through God's grace and spirit are we able to live peacefully among one another. Our relationships only have a fighting chance of surviving if the Lord Jesus Christ lives in us.
May you live in peace because of the work Jesus has done in your heart!
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
- Jim Elliot (missionary to the Aucas in Ecuador, deceased)
- Jim Elliot (missionary to the Aucas in Ecuador, deceased)
Public School Conversation
This morning I was giving my daughter a ride to school and she asked me a question.
“Mom, what are we? Are we Lutheran, Methodist, or what?”
(We just recently switched from a Methodist church to a non-denominational community church, so I understood her confusion.)
She shared with me a conversation she had in school recently that went like this.
Boy in Class: “Why did your family switch churches?”
My daughter: “Because of evolution.”
Another boy in class: “What’s evolution?”
My daughter: “That’s when you believe the world is millions of years old.”
Another girl in class: “It’s also where you think you came from a monkey.”
Boy in class: “That’s crazy, monkey’s came from us.”
My daughter: “No, I think God made monkeys.”
Just yesterday, I received another email poem talking about how ‘God’ has been taken out of the public school system. The school curriculum may be void of God inspired teaching, but this conversation showed me God has not been completely shut out.
Fifth graders do a lot of creative writing and journals for English classes. My daughter writes frequently of her faith and what she believes about God, and sometimes has to share her words with the class. Our family’s recent change in churches was a soul searching, prayerful decision that was discussed in our home openly. She writes about that journey, our step of faith, and our obedience to our follow God’s will for our lives because it has made an impact in her heart. She is living out her faith and she is witnessing to others in the process.
As long as God’s word is being taught and modeled in the home, God cannot be shut out of the public schools. So, instead of complaining about what we no longer have (God in public schools), maybe we should be thankful for what we do still have (freedom of religion in this country)! We still have the freedom to learn, teach, worship, and live out our faith in our homes, churches, and communities.
God commands us to teach our children about him! We live in a country where we are free to do so without persecution or restriction. If we exercise that freedom, God cannot be taken out of anything, for wherever we are, He is too! The one that lives in us works through us, to accomplish His will in all things to His glory!
Lord, we are thankful for the freedoms you have blessed us with in this country, especially the freedom to worship you! We also thank you for the wonderful ways you work through each of us to glorify your name! Amen
“Mom, what are we? Are we Lutheran, Methodist, or what?”
(We just recently switched from a Methodist church to a non-denominational community church, so I understood her confusion.)
She shared with me a conversation she had in school recently that went like this.
Boy in Class: “Why did your family switch churches?”
My daughter: “Because of evolution.”
Another boy in class: “What’s evolution?”
My daughter: “That’s when you believe the world is millions of years old.”
Another girl in class: “It’s also where you think you came from a monkey.”
Boy in class: “That’s crazy, monkey’s came from us.”
My daughter: “No, I think God made monkeys.”
Just yesterday, I received another email poem talking about how ‘God’ has been taken out of the public school system. The school curriculum may be void of God inspired teaching, but this conversation showed me God has not been completely shut out.
Fifth graders do a lot of creative writing and journals for English classes. My daughter writes frequently of her faith and what she believes about God, and sometimes has to share her words with the class. Our family’s recent change in churches was a soul searching, prayerful decision that was discussed in our home openly. She writes about that journey, our step of faith, and our obedience to our follow God’s will for our lives because it has made an impact in her heart. She is living out her faith and she is witnessing to others in the process.
As long as God’s word is being taught and modeled in the home, God cannot be shut out of the public schools. So, instead of complaining about what we no longer have (God in public schools), maybe we should be thankful for what we do still have (freedom of religion in this country)! We still have the freedom to learn, teach, worship, and live out our faith in our homes, churches, and communities.
God commands us to teach our children about him! We live in a country where we are free to do so without persecution or restriction. If we exercise that freedom, God cannot be taken out of anything, for wherever we are, He is too! The one that lives in us works through us, to accomplish His will in all things to His glory!
Lord, we are thankful for the freedoms you have blessed us with in this country, especially the freedom to worship you! We also thank you for the wonderful ways you work through each of us to glorify your name! Amen
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