Wednesday, February 23, 2011



Cal Thomas comments on what is happening politically in the state of Wisconsin right now.


The Seaman's said...

are you pro or against unions?

D.Richmond said...

That is a loaded question.

The Seaman's said...

Watching what's going on from down South, we believe Unions are useless and need to go. Does it effect your husband?

I'm against Unions and have been all of my life.

D.Richmond said...

It does not affect my husband. His company is a non-union facility.

My father was a lifetime union guy. However, his company first shipped a ton of jobs down south to escape the union's demand for high wages, and, eventually, they filed bankruptcy and closed the doors. He was out of a job at 63. Too young to retire but too old to really want to start over somewhere else.

I believe there was time for unions but that time has sinced passed. There is so much government regulation that protects the worker today, there is no need for a union anymore.

I believe the unions initially balanced out the playing field between employers and employees, but somewhere along the way, the unions tipped the scale the other way. I believe they are now a hinderance to prosperity, and tie the hands of employers to do what is necessary to keep their businesses afloat and/or protect the jobs from going overseas. Companies need to be able to flex with the economic conditions and unions tend to be inflexible.

We voted for Governor Walker. We are for a balanced budget. We are for tax breaks for businesses. We are for NOT raising our property taxes.

The private sector has already adjusted to the times, and we didn't adjust kicking and screaming like the unions. I think that, in and of itself, screams volumes about the mentality of the unions. ME, ME, Me!

The most important thing is that we as a government, and we as a family, learn to live within our means - no matter what those means are.

So glad you asked! Hope I don't get hate mail now from anyone.

The Seaman's said...

knock, knock. are you not writing anymore!?
