Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Tonight there are many in the world who are hurting. All kinds of hurt, unimaginable pain, hardships and struggles, heavy hearts.

Tonight there are those who cry out to you for relief, for comfort, for rescue from their circumstances.

Tonight there are many who wish for sleep.

Tonight there are many who are alone, so alone, Lord. Many who just want to know that someone knows they exist.

Tonight there are many who went through their day numb and don't know want to wake up tomorrow to face another day with no meaning.

Tonight there are many who are anxious about money. Many who are just staying above water but are quickly going under.

Tonight there are many with hot tears of shame tracing down their faces because of what has happened to them. Innocence stolen.

Tonight there are many who search for you but so many more who don't know where to look. So many Lord who will run to other things and not to you.

Tonight there are many who work for you on earth as your hands and feet who are desperately trying to help others meet you by showing sacrificing love that is only learned from you.

Lord, tonight so many voices going up. Some intentionally to you, some just drifting into space with no destination. Lord, please hear them all. Meet their desperate needs whether big or small. Show your power and compassion to all who seek your peace and truth. Keep pursuing those who haven't looked to you yet.

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