Thursday, July 30, 2009

Remove abortion from health care legislation

Current proposed Health Care Reform legislation will result in the biggest expansion of abortion since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision in 1973. There is no explicit exclusion for abortion; instead it opens the door to allow, or even force, abortion to be included as health care coverage.

Abortion is not a health care benefit but an elective, and it should never be included in health care legislation. If abortion is not specifically excluded, it will automatically become a mandate or required benefit, leaving the American taxpayer with no choice.

I am not in favor of subsidizing abortion, and I do not believe the government should be forcing its citizens to pay for abortion.

I am urging you to contact your representatives and senators and ask them to see that abortion is excluded from health care legislation. Also ask them to vote “no” on any health care bill that does not include language that specifically excludes abortion. The next step is to look into all of the other flaws in the Health Care Reform legislation.

July 29, 2009
BY BARBARA J. FERRARO, Concerned Women for America, Hilo

I have emailed both my Senators and State Representative today asking them to do just what this lady has said. (Copy of my letter is below). Please do the Same!

I am a Wisconsin resident, a mom of five, and a Christian.

I am pro-life and against legalized abortion because I believe it to be against the ethical standard set by God. An ethical standard we are not at liberty to change or alter and one that holds spiritual consequences.

I would like to make my voice heard by relaying to you that I would NOT support a health plan that would cause taxpayer money to pay for abortions or include 'end of life' discussions with taxpayers as a way to cut costs.

I agree the current health care system needs to be re hauled but NOT at the expense of my convictions as a Christian. I urge you to vote NO to President Obama's current health care plan.

A health care system that encourages and supports murder and suicide is not good for any American, Christian or otherwise.

I am praying for wisdom and courage for you as you undertake this very important decision for Americans and for the moral and ethical landscape of our future.

Please vote NO!

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