"This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!"
A couple of things stood out for me when I read these verses.
1. God came down to earth and made his presence known to the men.
God seems to be just beyond our human senses. We know he's there, but we can't see him, touch him, hear him, etc. But, occasionally God will break through one of those areas and let man experience a piece of him. In the bible, there are examples of people being given a glimpse of heaven (Isaiah and John) or of hearing God's voice spoke directly to them (Moses). What a privilege it must have been for these men, and with that privilege, a responsibility to share with others.
I am comforted reading these examples of God making himself known to the people in concrete ways. It reinforces our belief that God is real. It also reinforces the relational side of God. He comes to communicate directly with us. I am reminded of my own experience.
A few years ago, I felt the physical presence of Jesus in a room with me. I had been crying hysterically, distraught over a situation I had no control over, and desperate for these feelings to end. I was alone, not just physically alone, but I also felt I had no where left to place my trust anymore. The people or things I had used as security were breaking down all around me. I was seeing for the first time just how I was staying afloat for most of my life. Hurts had piled up, people had left or abandoned me, and bad decisions were made. When one area failed, a wall went up. I'd try again, put my trust in the wrong thing or person, things would fall apart again, and another wall went up. I was so exhausted from years of holding up my walls up and from trying to control every single situation. And, here I was again. Things were spiraling out of my control, the hurt was going to come again, and panic was setting in.
I stood crying and sobbing, and then. . .I felt a presence behind me, off to the right. I just knew without a doubt that it was Jesus. He came toward me, staying behind me and to the right, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. In my mind, his words came to me, "You can trust me! I am trustworthy. I will not abandon you." I instantly felt peace flow down over me. I calmed down. The fear subsided. I softened. I crumbled. I had lost my need to control everything because someone with much more ability than I had it all under control. I also felt like even if this current situation didn't turn out the way I thought I needed it to, and even if I experienced hurt again, I would be okay this time because I would never be alone again. I knew without a doubt that Jesus was the ultimate source of trust.
This is the moment in my life when I completely surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Prior to that, I knew who Jesus was, but I had never placed my faith, hope, and trust in him. It became very apparent to me where I was placing those things over the years, none of which were rightly placed in him. I am awed and eternally grateful for his pursuit of me and the great lengths he went to in trying to gain my attention. Once I really saw who he was, and who I was to him, there was no turning back. He had captured my heart forever. God's Son had come down to earth to communicate with me!
I long to experience that kind of intimacy with God again. In my prayer time, I know he's there listening and communicating with me, but not like on that day! That day was special and it may not come again this side of heaven. It sustains me though, reminding me he is always near and in control.
2. God's words, first acknowledged Jesus as God's Son, and he communicates his great love for him. I think God also is bringing to attention his pleasure in the work Jesus is doing, according to God's will.
3. God tells the disciples to listen to him! Not only were the disciples to listen to him, but I think those words are for us today as well. Jesus was sent to lead and to teach and then to become our sacrifice for sin. The words and actions of Jesus are our road map on how to live a life pleasing to God. Who he talks with, who he touches, who he heals, who he is servant to, and whom he is under authority to, are all examples to us. His commands and principles should become ingrained in our own behaviors and demonstrated daily. His attitudes and attributes speak volumes to us about how we should conduct ourselves. We are to obey and model ourselves to be more like him, especially in our hearts.
May we all have a desire to know Jesus and to be like him so that when he comes back, he will say to us, and to the Father, that he knew us, and we knew him, and eternal life will be our reward!
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