Wednesday, November 24, 2010


There was a time when
marriage was out of a
necessity to survive.

There was a time when
if a spouse died, the other, would
remarry within days or weeks.

There was time when
men depended on their wives
for their inner strength.

There was a time when
women depended on their husbands
for their outer strength.

There was a time when
the two really became one,
greater than the individuals.

There was a time when
children were a blessing
and a heritage from God.

There was a time when
a child was welcomed
despite the extreme hardships.

There was a time when
the children were expected
to pitch in and contribute.

There was a time when
hard work ruled the day,
not mindless entertainment and fun.

There was a time when
great risks were taken
to secure a better future.

There was a time when
people trusted God for
all of their daily provisions.

There was a time when
families raised children
to depend on and trust in God.

There was a time when
people understood they were
just passing through this life.

There was a time when
the cycle of life was
accepted and not feared.

There was a time when it wasn't always like this!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Menasha woman calls for help for Saharawi people facing violence in Sahara | | Appleton Post Crescent

Menasha woman calls for help for Saharawi people facing violence in Sahara | | Appleton Post Crescent

The Menasha woman referred to in this local article is the wife of our Pastor. She is currently in the Western Sahara refugee camps located in Algeria along with a team from our church. They are being the hands and feet of Jesus to a Muslim people oppressed for years and forgotten by the world. She has spoken on behalf of this people group to the United Nations on several occasions. (cut and paste in your browser to read her urgent plea to us back home.) tells their story.

What if something like this was going on in your town? Who would stand up for you? Who would be your voice or the voice of your child? Who would help you? Who would be willing to step in and intervene on your behalf?

God sees the evil that is being thrust upon these people. He loves this people group and he wants us to love them, too! Can we have compassion for their situation and see them through God's eyes and be moved to be an advocate for them.

Please pray for them. Please pray for our church leaders. Pray they have wisdom, courage, love, and comfort for these people. Pray that God comes down from heaven to avenge them and to rescue them so that they may know for sure who is the living God of the universe and so that they may worship and praise him all the days of their lives.

The gospel message is being shared in their circumstances and a miracle on their behalf may solidify a belief in the one true God. A entire people group may come to know Jesus as their personal Savior because he heard their cry and came to them in their time of need. Pray that this is so. Pray that justice is served and God is praised!

Please take the time to read the article from our local newspaper. If anyone who reads this has ties to important people that may be able to help get the word out about what is happening in Western Sahara this week, please forward to them.
